Evolution of Neoproterozoic-Mesozoic Sedimentary Basins in Gangdese Area, Tibetan Plateau
摘要: 青藏高原冈底斯地处印度河-雅鲁藏布江结合带和班公湖-双湖-怒江对接带之间, 其经历了复杂的沉积-岩浆演化史.将青藏高原冈底斯地层区划分为8个构造-地层分区, 并分时段对各个分区的沉积特征进行归纳, 总结了冈底斯从新元古代到中生代沉积盆地的发展与演化历史: 冈底斯震旦纪由陆缘裂谷开始演化; 晚古生代, 前期以稳定宽阔的碳酸盐岩沉积为主, 发育碳酸盐岩台地与台盆, 从石炭纪起, 开始转化为伸展性质的裂陷大陆边缘, 盆地类型主要为陆缘裂谷; 中生代, 班公湖-怒江特提斯洋向南与雅鲁藏布新特提斯洋向北双向俯冲, 大部分区域早期处于隆升状态, 中生代末期发育大型的岩浆弧带, 盆地类型以弧间盆地和弧前盆地为主.Abstract: The Gangdese area is located in the middle of the Tibetan Plateau. Its southern boundary is the Indus River-Brahmaputra suture zone, and northern boundary is the Bangonghu-Shuanghu-Nujiang suture zone. It is a huge tectonic-magmatic belt, nearly east-west directed. The Gangdese is divided into eight tectonic-stratigraphic subregions in this paper. The sedimentary features of eight stratigraphic subregions in different periods are generalized from Neoproterozoic to Mesozoic, and the development and evolution of the sedimentary basins in Gangdese, Tibet plateau is explored. The following three stages of evolution are revealed: (1) the Gangdese started the evolution of continental-margin rift from Sinian; (2) it mainly developed carbonate sedimentary basins in the Late Paleozoic, featuring stable and broad development of carbonate platform and interplatform basins in this period. Gangdese started the development of rifted continental margin of stretch properties from Carboniferous, and the main sedimentary basins became continental-margin rift; (3) it was denuded in most areas from Early Mesozoic due to continental uplift. As Bangonghu-Nujiang Tethys's subduction towards north and Brahmaputra's subduction towards south, the Gangdese developed large magmatic arc belt at last in Late Mesozoic, and the main sedimentary basins changed to retroarc basin, interarc basin and forearc basin.
Key words:
- Gangdese /
- Neoproterozoic-Mesozoic /
- sedimentology /
- tectonics /
- basin evolution
图 1 青藏高原冈底斯地层分区分布示意
1.分区界线;2.省级市;3.地级市;4.逆冲断层;5.大型断层;6.推测(或隐伏)断层;7.分区及代号;8.蛇绿岩.蛇绿岩年龄参考文献(未公开发表):1.西藏自治区地质调查院,中华人民共和国1∶25万斯诺乌山幅、狮泉河幅区域地质调查报告,2004;2.江西省地质调查院,中华人民共和国1∶25万邦多区幅区域地质调查报告,2003;3.地质力学研究所,中华人民共和国1∶25万当雄县幅区域地质调查报告,2003;4.吉林省地质调查院, 中华人民共和国1∶25万多巴区幅区域地质调查报告,2003; 5.西藏自治区地矿局,中华人民共和国1∶20万波密县幅区域地质调查报告,1995;据潘桂棠等(2002, 2009, 2013)修改
Fig. 1. The location of stratigraphic subregion map of Gangdese, the Tibetan Plateau
图 3 青藏高原冈底斯构造-地层区岩石地层时空格架与盆地类型划分
1.灰岩;2.白云岩;3.泥岩;4.页岩;5.粉砂岩;6.砂岩;7.硅质岩;8.砾岩层;9.凝灰岩;10.火山角砾岩;11.玄武岩;12.安山岩;13.英安岩;14.流纹岩;15.蛇绿岩;16.火山碎屑岩;17.弧间盆地;18.岩浆弧;19.碳酸盐岩台地;20.前陆盆地;21.台盆;22.陆缘裂谷;23.弧前盆地;24.边缘海.岩石地层单位:K2j.竟柱山组;K2l.拉江山组;K2p.帕达那组;K2q.曲贝亚组;K2q.去申拉组;K2s.设兴组;K2w.温区组;K2zg.宗给组;KR.日喀则群;K1-2a.昂仁组;K1c.楚木龙组;K1cd.冲堆组;K1d.多尼组;K1jg.捷嘎组;K1l.朗山组;K1t.塔克那组;K1w.卧荣沟组;J3K1l.林布宗组;J3K1m.麻木下组;J3K1r.日拉组;J3K1Z.则弄群;J2-3J.接奴群;J2-3l.拉贡塘组;J2-3r.仁多组;JKmlgN.纳木错蛇绿混杂岩带;JKmlgS.狮泉河蛇绿混杂带;J2m.马里组;J2s.桑卡拉佣组;J1-2y.叶巴组;T3db.多布日组;T3Kmlg.闯巴蛇绿混杂岩;T3m.麦隆岗组;T3xb.谢巴组;T3gx.古竹同组;T3pl.普拉曲组;T3mb.目本组;T3gl.古拉组; T2-3g.嘎加组;T2-3Q.确哈拉群;T1-2ch.查曲浦组;T1-2t.勒淌那组;P3db.敌布错组;P3j.坚扎弄组;P3l.列龙沟组;P3m.蒙拉组;P3m.木纠错组;P3n.纳错组;P2d.大东厂组;P2l.洛巴堆组;P2x.下拉组;P2xn.雄恩错组;P1a.昂杰组;P1k.空树河组;C2P1l.拉嘎组;C2P1lg.来姑组;CPS.松多岩群;C1nc.诺错组;C1y.永珠组;D2-3cg.查果罗玛组;D2-3S.松宗群;DCM.勐洪群;D1d.达尔东组;D1g.关上组;S2-4z.扎弄俄玛组;S1d.德悟卡下组;S1s.申扎组;O3g.刚木桑组;O2k.柯尔多组;Pt3B.波密岩群;据潘桂棠等(2013)修改
Fig. 3. Tectonic-stratigraphic framework and basin classification of Gangdese region, the Tibetan Plateau
图 4 青藏高原冈底斯地区新元古代-中生代构造-沉积演化示意
主要参考文献:刘朝基, 1995;潘桂棠等, 2001b, 2006;罗建宁等, 2002;陈明和杨恒书, 2003;朱弟成等, 2008, 2012
Fig. 4. Northeastern sketch map of Neoproterozoic-Mesozoic tectonic-sedimentary evolution in Gangdese region, the Tibetan Plateau
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