Sedimentary and Tectonic Evolution of Nanhuan-Permian in South China
摘要: 通过对华南扬子陆块和华夏增生体两大构造单元南华纪-二叠纪7条综合性剖面岩性、岩相、地层厚度、沉积环境、变形与变质作用的对比研究, 以及对扬子陆块南缘以及华夏增生体具有指相意义(与洋壳相关)的岩石组合的系统总结与分析, 以地层区和分区为单位对盆地原型进行了初步划分, 在此基础上讨论了华南地区南华纪-二叠纪盆地和构造演化的基本规律, 总结出构造演化的发展阶段, 揭示了扬子陆块与华夏增生体沿江绍-郴州-钦防北东段碰撞对接的时间发生在早古生代末, 西南段碰撞对接的时间相对较晚, 可能发生在二叠纪末.Abstract: This paper firstly analyzes the lithological features, the thickness of sequence, metamorphical features and the sedimentary environment of seven Nanhuan-Permian combined sections from South China, then analyzes the petrological assemblages including ophiolites, basalts, island arc igneous and the TTG-GG suites (granites) from the area of south margin of Yangtze continental block and the area of Cathay accreting block and lastly analyzes the basin features based on the lithology of each unit (formation) from South China. Based on the above-mentioned analyses, four stages of tectonic evolution of South China are identified and it is concluded that the collision between the Yangtze continental block and Cathay accreting block occurred at the end of the Early Paleozoic along the northeastern part and the collision along the southwestern part occurred at the end of the Permian.
Key words:
- Nanhuan-Permian /
- Yangtze continental block /
- Cathay accreting block /
- sedimentology /
- tectonics
图 1 华南南华纪-古生代构造-地层分区(据潘桂棠等(2009)修改)与综合剖面(参考文献见图 2和图 3)和重要地质体(蛇绿岩、TTG、GG等)分布
XII.扬子大区;XII-1.上扬子区;XII-1-1.汉南分区;XII-1-2.龙门山-米仓山-大巴山分区;XII-1-3.川中分区;XII-1-4.神农架-黄陵分区;XII-1-5.曲靖-遵义-宜昌分区;XII-1-6.江汉-洞庭分区;XII-1-7.河池-都匀-怀化-吉首分区;XII-1-8.雪峰山分区;XII-1-9.元宝山-安化-桃江分区;XII-1-10.南宁-桂林-永州-湘潭分区;XII-1-11.康滇(攀西) 分区;XII-1-12.盐源-丽江分区;XII-1-13.楚雄分区;XII-1-14.哀牢山分区;XII-1-15.金平分区;XII-1-16.南盘江-右江分区;XII-1-17.富宁-那坡分区;XII-1-18.都龙分区;XII-1-19.十万大山分区.XII-2.下扬子区;XII-2-1.咸宁-九江-安庆-南京-盐城分区;XII-2-2.九华山-无锡-南通分区;XII-2-3.都昌-东至分区;XII-2-4.长沙-南昌-景德镇分区;XII-2-5.婺源-黄山分区;XII-2-6.怀玉山-天目山分区;XIV.武夷-云开大区;XIV-1.武夷-云开区;XIV-1-1.罗霄分区;XIV-1-2.新干-永丰分区;XIV-1-3.六万大山-大容山分区;XIV-1-4.武夷分区;XIV-1-5.信宜-贵子坑分区;XIV-1-6.云开分区;XIV-2.丽水-政和-大浦区;XIV-2-1.龙泉-政和分区;XIV-3.东南沿海区;XIV-3-1.东南沿海分区;XIV-3-2.粤南分区;XIV-4.台湾区;XIV-4-1.台西分区;XIV-4-2.台湾分区;XIV-4-3.大南澳分区;XIV-5.海南区;XIV-5-1.雷琼分区;XIV-5-2.江边-邦溪分区;XIV-5-3.五指山分区;XIV-5-4.南海分区;XIII.江邵-郴州-钦防大区;XIII-1.江邵-郴州-钦防区;XIII-1-1.绍兴-金华分区;XIII-1-2.陈蔡分区;XIII-1-3.新余-东乡分区;XIII-1-4.钦防分区.闽西南综合剖面:1a.福建永安,1b.福建长汀,1c.福建龙岩;粤西南综合剖面:2a.广东云浮,2b.广东信宜;桂东综合剖面:3a.广西贺县、平乐,3b.广西玉林、北流;桂北综合剖面:4a.广西兴安,4b.广西桂林、灵川,4c.广西罗城;上扬子综合剖面:5a.湖北秭归,5b.湖南桃源;下扬子综合剖面:6a.南京孔山,6b.安徽滁州;7.浙江江山、玉山.地质体(1)至(9)的详细信息见表 1
Fig. 1. Division of Nanhuan-Paleozoic tectonic-stratum realms in South China and localities of combined sections and geological bodies
图 2 华南南华系-寒武系代表性剖面综合地层柱状图
闽西南剖面(福建省地质矿产局, 1997): ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$2d.东坑口组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$1l.林田组;Z2h.黄连组;Z1n.南岩组;Z1d.丁屋岭组;Nh2l.楼子坝组;Nh1t.桃溪(岩)组;粤西南剖面(广东省地质矿产局, 1997): ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$3s.水石组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$2g.高滩组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$1n.牛角河组;Z2lh.老虎塘组;Z2b.坝里组;Z1h.活道组;Z1d.大绀山组;NhY.云开群;桂东剖面(广西壮族自治区地质矿产局, 1997;汪啸风和陈孝红, 2005): ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$3h.黄洞口组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$1-2x.小内冲组;Z2p.培地组;Z1x.下龙组;Z1l.黎家坡组;NhY.鹰阳关群;桂北剖面(南华系据王剑等(2005);震旦系据陈懋弘等(2006);寒武系据汪啸风和陈孝红(2005)): ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$2-3b.边溪组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$1q.清溪组;Z2l.老堡组;Z1d.陡山沱组;Nhsl.泗里口组;Nhf.富禄组;Nhc.长安组;Nhg.拱洞组;Nhsm.三门街组;上扬子剖面(南华系据彭学军等(2004);震旦系据汪啸风等(2002)): ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$3s.三游洞组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$2q.覃家庙组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$1sl.石龙洞组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$1t.天河板组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$1sp.石牌组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$1sj.水井沱组;Z2d.灯影组;Z1d.陡山沱组;Nh2n.南沱组;Nh1l.莲沱组;下扬子剖面(南华系和震旦系据汪啸风和陈孝红(2005)、寒武系据吴跃东(2001)和汪啸风和陈孝红(2005)): ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$3l.琅琊山组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$2y.杨柳岗组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$1h.黄栗树组;Z2d.灯影组;Z1d.陡山沱组;Nhs.苏家湾组;Nhz.周岗组;下扬子南缘剖面(汪啸风和陈孝红;2005): ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$3x.西阳山组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$3h.华严寺组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$2y.杨柳岗组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$1d.大陈岭组; ${\rm{\rlap{-} C}}$1h.荷塘组;Z2d.灯影组;Z1d.陡山沱组;Nh2l.雷公坞组;Nh2d.大塘坡组;Nh2g.古城组;Nh1x.休宁组.桂北剖面、上扬子剖面、下扬子剖面以及下扬子南缘剖面柱状图的比例尺与桂东剖面柱状图的比例尺相同
Fig. 2. Nanhuan-Cambrian lithostratigraphical column of combined sections in South China and types of sedimentary basins
图 3 华南奥陶系-二叠系代表性剖面岩石地层地层柱状图与沉积盆地类型(岩性图例同图 2)
Fig. 3. Ordovician-Permian lithostratigraphical column of combined sections in South China and types of sedimentary basins
图 4 广东信宜贵子地区南华纪-震旦纪蛇绿构造混杂岩
a.蛇纹石化橄榄岩;b.蛇纹石化橄榄岩中具鲍玛序列的硅质岩岩块;c.混杂岩系中的变玄武岩岩块,基质为强劈理化硅泥质千枚岩;d.硅泥质千枚岩中的弱应变域残留的鲍玛层理(图 4d中:a.正粒序层理;b.平行层理)
Fig. 4. Nanhua-Sinian tectonic mélange rocks (parts of ophiolites) in Xinyi and Guizi, Guangdong Province, China
表 1 华南南华纪-二叠纪洋壳岩石组合、年龄(时代)及其依据
Table 1. Nanhuan-Permian rocks from ocean crust, and their age in South China
地质体编号 地点 岩石类型 年龄(时代)及其测年方法或年代依据 文献 (1) 云南河口 洋中脊玄武岩 263.7±3.9 Ma(二叠纪P);K-Ar法 邹日等,1997 (2) 云南麻栗坡八布 蛇绿岩、镁铁质岩、玄武岩 328.7 Ma(石炭纪C);Sm-Nd法二叠纪P;放射虫 钟大赉等,1998; 冯庆来和刘本培,2002 (3) 广东信宜贵子 蛇绿岩 667±43 Ma(南华纪Nh);Sm-Nd法.663±17 Ma(南华纪Nh);Rb-Sr法 彭松柏等,2006 (4) 广西岑溪 火山弧玄武岩、细碧岩 254.82±5.1 Ma(二叠纪P);40Ar-39Ar法 马力等,2004 (5) 江西戈阳周潭乡 增生杂岩(原岩为岛弧拉斑玄武岩) 斜长角闪岩的锆石年龄443 Ma(志留纪) 本文作者之一邢光福提供 (6) 江西新余县城南 基性岩(辉长岩)→斜长角闪岩→斜长花岗岩 477~447 Ma(奥陶纪O);辉长岩锆石SHRIMP年龄.478~446 Ma(奥陶纪O);斜长花岗岩锆石SHRIMP年龄 本文作者之一潘桂棠提供 (7) 江西横峰 岛弧火山岩 584±77 Ma(南华纪);Sm-Nd法 廖群安等,1998 (8) 江西安远 洋底拉斑玄武岩 644±34 Ma(南华纪);Sm-Nd法 任胜利等,1995 (9) 福建政和城西 增生杂岩(拉斑玄武岩) 600 Ma(南华纪);Sm-Nd法 任胜利等,1995 注:表中编号(1),…,(9)与图 1中的编号(1),…,(9)一一对应. -
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