Control Factors of Enrichment and Producibility of Shale Oil: A Case Study of Biyang Depression
摘要: 页岩油能否有效聚集并具可采性主要受控于6个方面因素, 即生烃基础、存储空间、保存条件、储层改造条件、原油物性和开发方式.目前已取得页岩油突破的安深1井、泌页1井开发层段有机质丰度高、有机质类型好, 页理、纹理及构造裂缝发育, 脆性矿物含量较高等有利条件, 但其泥页岩有机质成熟度较低, 在影响泥页岩含油率的同时, 对原油的物性也有较大影响, 且保存条件不佳, 地层无超压, 能量较低, 不利于页岩油的产出.今后, 泥页岩埋深较大的东南部地区可能是下步页岩油勘探开发的有利区.另外, 考虑到原油溶解气量对其物性的影响以及低渗储层的应力敏感性, 生产方面应尽量延缓储层压力的降低.Abstract: This paper discusses the key control factors of shale oil enrichment and producibility. It is found that whether shale oil can effectively accumulate and has producibility is mainly controlled by six factors, namely, hydrocarbon generation amount, porosity, preservation condition, reservoir reconstruction condition, crude oil property and development scheme. A break-through of shale oil development has been made in Anshen-1 Well and Biye-1 Well due to their advantages for shale oil enrichment and producibility, including high organic matter abundance, excellent organic matter type and high brittle mineral content, good development of lamellation, structural fracture. But there are also disadvantages. Firstly, maturity of organic matter is low, which influences oil content of shale and physical property of crude oil. Secondly, there is no overpressure in Biyang depression, indicating the preservation condition of shale oil is not good and the stratum energy is low. So the southeast area where the shale has higher depth can be the favorable area for shale oil exploration and exploitation. It is concluded that the decrease of reservoir pressure shall be delayed during production due to the influence of dissolved gas amount on physical property of crude oil and the stress sensitivity of low permeability reservoir.
Key words:
- shale oil /
- enrichment /
- producibility /
- control factor /
- Biyang depression /
- petroleum geology
表 1 不同丰度、类型和成熟度有机质理论生烃量
Table 1. Hydrocarbon generation in the theory of organic matter with different abundance, type, and maturity
TOC(%) 生烃潜力(mg/g·TOC) 生烃转化率(%) 生油量(%) 生气量(m3/t岩石) 1 300 30 0.05 1.22 1 300 60 0.09 2.37 1 500 30 0.13 2.04 1 500 60 0.25 3.95 2 300 30 0.09 2.44 2 300 60 0.18 4.74 2 500 30 0.25 4.07 2 500 60 0.50 7.90 -
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