Characteristics and Genetic Significance of High Temperature Granulite Xenoliths in Cenozoic Volcanic Rocks, Tengchong, Western Yunnan Province, China
摘要: 腾冲地块芒棒乡新生代新近纪芒棒组火山岩的研究,发现粗面安山岩中含有较多麻粒岩包体,主要类型为长英质麻粒岩和二辉麻粒岩,直径一般为3~5 cm,略具定向排列构造,粒状变晶结构特征.长英质麻粒岩包体平衡温度和压力为:869~969 ℃,0.94~1.00 GPa,二辉麻粒岩包体平衡温度为:841~972 ℃,均显示为高温麻粒岩相变质;寄主岩粗面安山岩中斑晶结晶估算的温度和压力为:1 008~1 059 ℃,1.26~1.33 GPa,表明它们形成和起源于下地壳到上地幔顶部之间.二辉麻粒岩包体电子背散射衍射(EBSD)显微组构分析表明,斜方辉石(紫苏辉石)和单斜辉石(普通辉石)均具有明显晶格优选方位(LPO),斜方辉石和单斜辉石主滑移系分别为:(010)[001]和(100)[001]、(010)[001],变形机制为位错蠕变,说明麻粒岩包体经历了高温塑性变形变质作用.新生代新近纪火山岩中高温麻粒岩的发现和研究表明,腾冲新生代岩浆活动可能与印度板块和腾冲地块俯冲-碰撞造山后的伸展垮塌-拆沉和板片断离,以及随后的上地幔物质上涌减压熔融产生玄武质岩浆底侵,导致的下地壳发生高温变质及火山岩浆作用有密切关系.Abstract: Researches on the Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Mangbang Formation in the Mangbang area of the Tengchong block, South China, reveals many granulite xenoliths of felsic granulite and two-pyroxene granulite in trachyandesite. The granulite xenoliths range 3-5 cm in diameters, featured with aligned formation and blastic texture. Equilibrium temperature and pressure estimates for the felsic granulite xenoliths and two-pyroxene granulite xenoliths are 869-969 ℃, 0.94-1.00 GPa and 841-972 ℃ respectively, indicating that they are high temperature granulites. The crystallization temperature and pressure of trachyandesite phenocryst is 1 008-1 059 ℃, 1.26-1.33 GPa, indicating that they were formed in and originated from the lower crust to the top of the upper mantle. Electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD) analyses of two-pyroxene granulite xenoliths show that orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene have obvious lattice preferred orientation (LPO), and the main slip systems are: (010) [001] and (100) [001], (010) [001] respectively. The deformation mechanism is dislocation creep, which indicates that granulite xenoliths experienced a strong plastic deformation and metamorphism. The discovery of high temperature granulite in Cenozoic volcanic rocks suggests that Tengchong Cenozoic magmatic activity may be related with volcanic magamatism and high temperature metamorphism in the lower crustal caused by post-collisional extensional collapse, delamination and slab break-off after subduction and collision of the Indian Plate and the Tengchong block.
表 1 腾冲芒棒新生代粗面安山岩主量元素(%)分析结果
Table 1. Major elements of Cenozoic trachyandensites in Mangbang, Tengchong
样品号 采样位置 岩石类型 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO* MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O+ CO2 总计 TC-25-2 芒棒 粗面安山岩 56.80 1.18 16.40 3.39 3.53 0.09 4.16 6.26 3.50 2.99 0.37 0.95 0.06 99.68 MB-3 芒棒 粗面安山岩 56.90 1.18 16.60 3.18 3.72 0.09 4.04 6.26 3.52 3.03 0.37 0.82 0.04 99.75 表 2 腾冲芒棒新生代粗面安山岩微量元素分析结果(10-6)
Table 2. Trace element of Cenozoic trachyandensites in Mangbang, Tengchong
样品号 采样位置 岩石类型 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Ba Rb Sr Y TC-25-2 芒棒 粗面安山岩 61.4 115 12.3 44.6 7.66 1.68 6.35 0.89 4.89 0.92 2.64 0.36 2.36 0.34 755 82.4 536 26.5 MB-3 芒棒 粗面安山岩 63.4 119 12.6 46.5 7.74 1.8 6.46 0.91 5.02 0.93 2.72 0.38 2.33 0.35 787 86.1 5 556 27.2 样品号 采样位置 岩石类型 Zr Nb Th Pb Ga Zn Cu Ni V Cr Hf Cs Sc Ta Co Li Be U TC-25-2 芒棒 粗面安山岩 256 24.4 17 23 18.9 78.4 20.4 28.1 118 67.2 6.13 0.42 16 1.31 26.7 10.4 2.07 1.86 MB-3 芒棒 粗面安山岩 269 24.7 17.7 19.8 19.6 78.7 17.4 28 121 63.5 6.38 0.5 16.3 1.34 25.4 11.1 1.97 1.92 表 3 腾冲芒棒新生代粗面安山岩及麻粒岩包体矿物电子探针成分分析(%)结果
Table 3. EMPA results of minerals of trachyandensites and granulite xenoliths in Mangbang, Tengchong
样品号 岩石类型 矿物名称 Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 CaO P2O5 K2O TiO2 NiO FeO* MnO Cr2O3 Total Mg# Wo/An En/Ab Es/Or TC-MB-1 长英质麻粒岩包体 紫苏辉石 0.02 21.05 1.01 53.66 0.95 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.03 22.27 0.43 0.06 99.65 62.73 2.00 61.48 36.52 普通辉石 0.12 14.28 0.93 53.66 20.91 0.38 0.03 0.39 0.04 8.95 0.21 0.14 100.03 73.99 43.77 41.61 14.63 拉长石 5.27 0.09 26.84 56.95 9.69 0.23 0.53 0.06 0.01 0.18 0.00 0.01 99.85 49.60 48.78 1.62 拉长石 5.18 0.04 26.86 57.78 9.90 0.07 0.70 0.04 0.00 0.13 0.02 0.06 100.78 50.25 47.63 2.11 MB-DS-1 长英质麻粒岩包体 紫苏辉石 0.00 21.15 1.57 52.13 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 22.90 0.51 0.00 99.23 61.80 1.61 60.80 37.59 紫苏辉石 0.00 21.18 1.40 52.29 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 22.99 0.54 0.02 99.11 61.69 1.34 60.86 37.79 紫苏辉石 0.00 20.47 1.19 52.17 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 24.24 0.54 0.00 99.44 59.77 1.47 58.89 39.64 拉长石 5.42 0.03 26.98 55.11 9.91 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.04 98.32 49.28 48.77 1.95 拉长石 5.34 0.02 26.96 55.63 9.76 0.00 1.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 98.91 48.61 48.13 3.26 拉长石 4.95 0.02 27.99 53.71 10.84 0.00 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 98.17 53.93 44.56 1.51 拉长石 4.24 0.03 29.23 52.25 12.01 0.00 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 98.37 60.32 38.57 1.11 MB-DS-11 二辉麻粒岩包体 紫苏辉石 0.01 19.87 1.81 52.34 0.74 0.01 0.00 0.10 0.00 24.05 0.67 0.07 99.66 58.04 1.54 57.15 41.31 紫苏辉石 0.02 20.12 1.24 52.37 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 24.64 0.67 0.03 99.84 58.66 1.35 57.87 40.78 紫苏辉石 0.02 20.30 1.18 53.30 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 23.67 0.63 0.09 99.90 58.22 1.43 57.39 41.19 普通辉石 0.48 13.01 2.15 52.97 20.01 0.45 0.00 0.11 0.00 10.45 0.33 0.00 99.93 64.11 41.48 37.52 21.00 普通辉石 0.38 12.54 2.13 52.57 20.88 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 10.15 0.27 0.13 99.16 65.41 43.92 36.68 19.39 TC-25-2 粗面安山岩 古铜辉石 0.02 26.08 2.80 53.36 1.63 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.01 15.27 0.33 0.01 99.97 75.37 3.28 72.90 23.82 普通辉石 0.41 15.82 3.82 51.78 19.11 0.21 0.00 0.83 0.00 7.10 0.18 0.26 99.53 77.25 40.15 46.23 13.62 拉长石 3.84 0.10 29.57 53.36 12.55 0.17 0.36 0.10 0.04 0.40 0.00 0.00 100.49 63.66 35.25 1.08 MB-3 粗面安山岩 古铜辉石 0.04 26.37 1.87 53.99 1.60 0.02 0.00 0.05 0.00 13.53 0.32 0.04 97.82 75.69 3.19 73.27 23.54 普通辉石 0.47 14.07 3.72 50.22 18.88 0.01 0.00 0.67 0.00 9.49 0.22 0.04 97.79 73.63 41.53 43.05 15.42 拉长石 4.14 0.08 27.45 53.29 11.69 0.35 0.43 0.03 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 97.95 60.13 38.55 1.32 TC-24 粗面安山岩 贵橄榄石 0.02 43.72 0.02 39.91 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.18 14.76 0.23 0.04 99.07 82.82 贵橄榄石 0.00 43.49 0.01 39.94 0.16 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.18 14.80 0.21 0.00 98.82 82.34 普通辉石 0.46 11.68 5.06 47.77 21.40 0.31 0.00 2.70 0.00 8.98 0.15 0.04 98.55 68.30 47.35 35.96 16.69 表 4 粗面安山岩及麻粒岩包体二辉石地质温度计平衡温度(℃)
Table 4. Two pyroxene geothermometer equilibrium temperature of trachyandensites and granulite xenoliths
样品号 岩石类型 Wood and Banno(1973) Brey and Kohler(1990) Taylor(1998) TC-MB-1 长英质麻粒岩包体 947 869 969 MB-DS-11 二辉麻粒岩包体 890~919 841~887 916~972 MB-3 粗面安山岩 1 015 1 042 1 008 TC-25-2 粗面安山岩 1 059 1 052 1 055 表 5 粗面安山岩及麻粒岩包体单斜辉石-斜长石地质压力计平衡压力及形成深度
Table 5. Cpx-Pl geobarometer equilibrium pressure and formation depth of trachyandensites and granulite xenoliths
样品号 岩石类型 压力(GPa) 深度(km) TC-MB-1 长英质麻粒岩包体 0.94~1.00 27.65~29.41 MB-3 粗面安山岩 1.26 37.06 TC-25-2 粗面安山岩 1.33 39.12 注:压力数据来源于Ellis,1980. -
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