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    平宏伟 陈红汉 RégisThiéry 张晖 李培军 吴楠

    平宏伟, 陈红汉, RégisThiéry, 张晖, 李培军, 吴楠, 2014. 原油裂解对油包裹体均一温度和捕获压力的影响及其地质意义. 地球科学, 39(5): 587-600. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.056
    引用本文: 平宏伟, 陈红汉, RégisThiéry, 张晖, 李培军, 吴楠, 2014. 原油裂解对油包裹体均一温度和捕获压力的影响及其地质意义. 地球科学, 39(5): 587-600. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.056
    Ping Hongwei, Chen Honghan, Régis Thiéry, Zhang Hui, Li Peijun, Wu Nan, 2014. Effects of Oil Cracking on Homogenization Temperature and Trapping Pressure of Oil Inclusion and Its Geological Significance. Earth Science, 39(5): 587-600. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.056
    Citation: Ping Hongwei, Chen Honghan, Régis Thiéry, Zhang Hui, Li Peijun, Wu Nan, 2014. Effects of Oil Cracking on Homogenization Temperature and Trapping Pressure of Oil Inclusion and Its Geological Significance. Earth Science, 39(5): 587-600. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.056


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.056

    国家重点基础研究发展计划 2012CB214804

    国家自然科学基金资助项目 41202088

    湖北省教育厅优秀中青年人才科研项目 Q20121201


      平宏伟(1982-),男,博士,主要从事含烃流体地质研究.E-mail: howping@qq.com

    • 中图分类号: TE122.1

    Effects of Oil Cracking on Homogenization Temperature and Trapping Pressure of Oil Inclusion and Its Geological Significance

    • 摘要: 通过原油裂解动力学和石油包裹体热动力学模拟方法系统阐述了地质条件下原油裂解过程对油包裹体均一温度及捕获压力的影响.结果表明:初始裂解阶段(TR<13%,T<160 ℃),油包裹体均一温度随原油裂解呈增大趋势,捕获压力呈减小趋势;随着裂解程度增大(TR<24%,T<190 ℃),油包裹体均一温度随原油裂解呈减小趋势,捕获压力呈增大趋势,但此阶段油包裹体均一温度仍高于初始捕获时均一温度,捕获压力仍小于初始捕获压力;此后,随着原油裂解程度不断增大,油包裹体均一温度持续减小甚至到负值,捕获压力则持续增大甚至超过静岩压力.封闭条件下低程度的原油裂解(T<160 ℃,TR<13%)只会形成常压或者低压;而较高程度的原油裂解(TR>40%)才会形成超压,甚至超过上覆静岩压力(TR>70%).深部原油裂解气勘探中要特别注意地层温度位于160~190 ℃范围内的常压到低压油气藏,而地层温度高于190 ℃原油裂解气勘探应以找超压-超高压油气藏为主.


    • 图  1  典型的石油流体P-T

      注:气/液不混溶线由泡点线和露点线组成,临界点位于泡点线和露点线的交点.油包裹体P-T路径通过等容线来表示,其中3个比较重要的点是油包裹体捕获点(Pt, Tt)、均一化点(Ph, Th))和室温下测定的气泡充填度P-T位置点(Pv, Tv)

      Fig.  1.  Typical P-T phase diagram of a petroleum fluid

      图  2  东营凹陷地层温度和埋藏深度随时间演化史

      注:现今埋深为4 500 m(丰深1井)和5 755 m(丰深2井)

      Fig.  2.  The evolutionary history of formation temperature with burial depth in Dongying depression

      图  3  原油裂解过程油包裹体组分随时间变化

      注:a和b代表今埋深为4 500 m深度热演化史条件下油包裹体组分演变;c和d代表今埋深为5 755 m深度热演化史下油包裹体组分演变;a和c原油裂解初始组分为油包裹体A;b和d原油裂解初始组分为油包裹体B

      Fig.  3.  The composition variations of oil inclusion with the time during cracking

      图  4  不同捕获压力和不同焦沥青密度条件下油包裹体A(表 2)均一温度及内压随地层温度变化(油包裹体捕获后加热历史为今埋深4 500 m热演化史,捕获温度、深度及时间等见表 4)

      Fig.  4.  The homogenization temperature and interior pressure variations of oil inclusion A (Table 2) with increasing of formation temperature under different trapping pressure and different coke density

      图  5  不同捕获压力和不同焦沥青密度条件下油包裹体B(表 2)均一温度及内压随地层温度变化(油包裹体捕获后加热历史为今埋深4 500 m热演化史,捕获温度、深度及时间等见表 4)

      Fig.  5.  The homogenization temperature and interior pressure variations of oil inclusion B (Table 2) with increasing of the formation temperature under different trapping pressure and different coke density

      图  6  不同捕获压力条件下油包裹体A(表 2)均一温度、内压、气泡充填度以及固体焦沥青体积比随地层温度变化(油包裹体捕获后加热历史为今埋深4 500 m热演化史,捕获温度、深度及时间等见表 4)

      Fig.  6.  Variation of oil inclusion A (Table 2) homogenization temperature, interior pressure, bubble filling degree and volume percent of solid coke with increasing of formation temperature under different trapping pressures

      图  7  不同捕获压力条件下油包裹体B(表 2)均一温度、内压、气泡充填度以及固体焦沥青体积比随地层温度变化(油包裹体捕获后加热历史为今埋深4 500 m热演化史,捕获温度、深度及时间等见表 4)

      Fig.  7.  Variation of oil inclusion B (Table 2) homogenization temperature, interior pressure, bubble filling degree and volume percent of solid coke with increasing of formation temperature under different trapping pressures

      图  8  不同捕获压力条件下油包裹体A(表 2)均一温度、内压、气泡充填度以及固体焦沥青体积比随地层温度变化(油包裹体捕获后加热历史为今埋深5 755 m热演化史,捕获温度、深度及时间等见表 4)

      Fig.  8.  Variation of oil inclusion A (Table 2) homogenization temperature, interior pressure, bubble filling degree and volume percent of solid coke with increasing of formation temperature under different trapping pressure

      图  9  不同捕获压力条件下油包裹体B(表 2)均一温度、内压、气泡充填度以及固体焦沥青体积比随地层温度变化(油包裹体捕获后加热历史为今埋深5 755 m热演化史,捕获温度、深度及时间等见表 4)

      Fig.  9.  Variation of oil inclusion B (Table 2) homogenization temperature, interior pressure, bubble filling degree and volume percent of solid coke with increasing of formation temperature under different trapping pressure

      图  10  原油裂解转化率(TR)与油包裹体均一温度变化(△Th)关系


      Fig.  10.  Relationship between transformation rate (TR)of oil cracking andhomogenization temperature variation of oil inclusion(△Th)

      图  11  原油裂解转化率(TR)与固体焦沥青体积比(Fv-焦沥青)关系


      Fig.  11.  Relationship between transformation rate(TR) of oil cracking and volume percent of solid coke (Fv-coke)

      表  1  用于原油裂解过程模拟的初始油包裹体组分数据

      Table  1.   The initial composition contents of oil inclusions used for oil cracking process modeling

      组分 分子量
      油包裹体A 油包裹体B
      C1 16.00 34.732 3 5.247 47.900 2 9.638 1
      C2 30.07 6.502 4 1.846 7.943 4 3.003 8
      C3 44.10 6.128 2 2.552 6.031 8 3.345 2
      iC4 58.12 1.370 2 0.752 1.232 2 0.900 6
      nC4 58.12 3.069 0 1.684 2.760 0 2.017 3
      iC5 72.15 2.079 7 1.417 1.724 7 1.564 9
      nC5 72.15 3.338 5 2.274 2.768 5 2.512 0
      C6 84.00 3.609 1 2.862 2.612 5 2.759 7
      C7 96.00 3.889 8 3.526 2.815 7 3.399 3
      C8 107.00 3.579 2 3.616 2.543 3 3.422 2
      C9 121.00 3.308 1 3.779 2.313 1 3.519 8
      C10 134.00 3.066 4 3.879 2.114 0 3.562 4
      C11 147.00 2.026 2 2.812 1.379 3 2.549 7
      C12 161.00 1.864 1 2.834 1.268 9 2.569 2
      C13 175.00 1.714 9 2.834 1.167 4 2.569 2
      C14+ 311.95 19.721 9 58.087 13.425 1 52.666 7
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      表  2  表 1中油包裹体组分组合后各组分含量

      Table  2.   Composition contents of grouped compositions of oil inclusion in Table 1

      组分 油包裹体A 油包裹体B
      CO2 0 44.000 0 0 0 44.000 0 0
      C1 34.732 3 16.000 0 5.246 8 47.900 2 16.000 0 9.638 1
      C2 6.502 4 30.070 0 1.846 1 7.943 4 30.070 0 3.003 8
      C3-5 15.985 6 57.500 0 8.678 5 14.517 2 56.637 2 10.339 9
      C6-13 SAT 16.344 8 121.000 0 18.672 8 11.430 9 121.000 0 17.394 0
      C6-13 ARO 6.713 0 117.845 3 7.469 1 4.783 3 115.664 3 6.957 6
      C14+ SAT 11.230 6 299.180 0 31.723 4 7.644 9 299.180 0 28.763 3
      C14+ ARO C 0 - 0 0 - 0
      C14+ ARO U 4.492 3 299.180 0 12.689 4 3.058 0 299.180 0 11.505 3
      C14+ NSO 3.999 0 362.157 9 13.673 9 2.722 2 362.157 9 12.398 0
      Precoke 0 - 0 0 - 0
      Coke 0 - 0 0 - 0
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      表  3  油包裹体P-T计算需要的各组分临界参数

      Table  3.   Critical parameters of compositions in Table 2 for oil inclusion P-T calculation

      组分 临界温度Tc(K) 临界压力Pc(MPa) 偏心因子ω
      CO2 304.19 7.382 0.227 6
      C1 190.56 4.599 0.011 5
      C2 305.32 4.872 0.099 5
      C3-5 430.72 3.599 0.200 8
      C6-13 SAT 587.96 2.518 0.400 3
      C6-13 ARO 618.13 3.703 0.307 7
      C14+ SAT 813.82 1.442 0.779 7
      C14+ ARO 813.82 1.442 0.779 7
      C14+ NSO 810.40 1.009 1.019 0
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      表  4  假设的不同埋深地层分别捕获油包裹体A和油包裹体B两种油包裹体的初始捕获温度及压力

      Table  4.   Assumed initial trapping temperature and pressure of oil inclusion A and B trapped at different depths

      Pt1(MPa) Pt2(MPa) Pt3(MPa)
      4 500 m 120.0 40.0 2 600.0 26.78 33.48 40.17
      5 755 m 117.7 43.7 2 867.0 29.53 36.91 -
      注:捕获时间和捕获深度是据今埋藏深度和图 2中热演化史确定;Pt1Pt2Pt3为捕获压力.
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