Sedimentary Environmental Partitioning of Holocene Strata and Assessment of Carbon Burial Rate of Various Paleo-Environments in the Yellow River Delta
摘要: 为了研究黄河三角洲全新世不同古环境中的碳埋藏速率,于2007年在研究区布设了一口30.3 m浅钻,以对其进行了沉积学观测以及含水量、有机碳、总碳和营养成分测试分析.通过地层分析,将其全新世地层划分为8种沉积环境.运用历史地理学和沉积地质学综合分析方法对现代黄河三角洲沉积环境中部分层位进行了精确的年代划分,其他层位也进行了年代推测.同时利用确定的年代计算了不同沉积环境碳的埋藏速率.结果表明:总碳和有机碳与各营养元素都呈很好的线性相关;沉积物的沉积速率是有机碳和总碳埋藏速率的主控因素;虽然沉积物Corg浓度相对较低,但由于其高沉积速率,Corg的平均埋藏速率达到1 331 g/(m2·a),远高于世界其他高Corg浓度的湿地,因此是很好的碳汇地质体.Abstract: In order to study the carbon burial rate of various paleo-environments of Holocene strata in the Yellow River delta (YRD), one 30.3-meter-sediment core, obtained from YRD in 2007, is analyzed for sedimentary characteristics, water content, organic carbon, total carbon and nutritional components in this paper. By analyzing the strata sequence, the Holocene strata are divided into eight kinds of sedimentary environments. Comprehensive analysis method of historical geography and sedimentary geology is used to determine the precise depositional age of the modern Yellow River delta (MYRD) while pre-MYRD age is deduced. The carbon burial rates of various sedimentary environments are calculated based on the certain depositional age. The results show that the nutrient elements are well related to total carbon and organic carbon, and sediment rate is the main controlling factor of the accretion rate of organic carbon and total carbon. Although the carbon concentration is remarkably lower in the sediments, the average carbon accretion rate reaches 1 331 g/(m2·a) because of high sedimentation rate, which is significantly higher than that of the wetlands with high carbon concentration. It is concluded that the MYRD is likely the major sink of carbon.
图 1 钻孔位置及现代黄河三角洲分流河道历史变迁
Fig. 1. Location of the core and modern Yellow River channel variance history
表 1 黄河三角洲沉积物元素特征
Table 1. Element characteristics of the sediments in Yellow River delta
Cu(mg/kg) Mn(mg/kg) TN(mg/kg) P(mg/kg) S(mg/kg) Zn(mg/kg) Al(mg/g) 平均值 17.86 485.16 256.11 564.00 421.65 51.98 59.16 STDEV 7.094 152.808 153.473 60.812 278.550 15.668 5.854 Fe(mg/g) Mg(mg/g) Ca(mg/g) K(mg/g) TC(mg/g) Corg(mg/g) pH 平均值 25.41 13.15 43.60 18.27 13.08 2.68 8.66 STDEV 6.551 2.335 8.482 1.642 4.236 2.013 0.119 注:STDEV.标准偏差. 表 2 沉积物碳、Al及营养元素浓度的相关性分析
Table 2. Correlations between carbons, Al and nutrients of the sediments
Cu Mn TN P S Zn Al Fe Mg Ca K TC Corg Cu 1 0.961(**) 0.883(**) 0.493(**) 0.300(*) 0.971(**) 0.910(**) 0.960(**) 0.931(**) 0.815(**) 0.860(**) 0.899(**) 0.506(**) Mn 1 0.887(**) 0.443(**) 0.280 0.978(**) 0.925(**) 0.977(**) 0.952(**) 0.884(**) 0.873(**) 0.935(**) 0.495(**) TN 1 0.580(**) 0.384(**) 0.914(**) 0.843(**) 0.919(**) 0.899(**) 0.763(**) 0.782(**) 0.903(**) 0.575(**) P 1 0.201 0.555(**) 0.403(**) 0.548(**) 0.471(**) 0.238 0.317(*) 0.447(**) 0.279 S 1 0.376(*) 0.497(**) 0.390(**) 0.499(**) 0.132 0.552(**) 0.349(*) 0.622(**) Zn 1 0.946(**) 0.995(**) 0.970(**) 0.821(**) 0.893(**) 0.926(**) 0.550(**) Al 1 0.946(**) 0.956(**) 0.721(**) 0.972(**) 0.856(**) 0.590(**) Fe 1 0.974(**) 0.837(**) 0.891(**) 0.938(**) 0.558(**) Mg 1 0.834(**) 0.903(**) 0.932(**) 0.639(**) Ca 1 0.640(**) 0.914(**) 0.439(**) K 1 0.791(**) 0.566(**) TC 1 0.576(**) Corg 1 注:**为在0.01水平(双侧)上显著相关;*为在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关. 表 3 黄河三角洲不同沉积环境垂向沉积速率与C的埋藏速率计算
Table 3. Vertical sediment rate and accretion rate of carbon of different sediment environments in Yellow River delta
环境U8 3.76 22.00 17.09 1.48 10.64 1.75 2 691.34 442.65 三角洲平原 U7 4.26 10.00 42.60 1.59 11.45 2.57 7 755.54 1 740.76 三角洲前缘 U6 1.27 4.00 31.75 1.23 18.10 3.77 7 068.50 1 472.28 三角洲侧缘 U5 6.21 10.00 62.10 1.59 12.71 2.10 12 549.73 2 073.52 三角洲前缘 U4 2.94 17.00 17.29 1.25 21.54 4.28 4 656.44 925.24 前三角洲 U3 3.09 8 787.00 0.03 1.50 13.80 2.39 6.87 1.19 陆架 U2 1.07 200.00 0.54 1.64 16.05 8.89 140.82 78.00 潮坪 -
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