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    高演化海相烃源岩元素地球化学评价: 以四川南江杨坝地区下寒武统为例

    曹婷婷 徐思煌 周炼 王约

    曹婷婷, 徐思煌, 周炼, 王约, 2014. 高演化海相烃源岩元素地球化学评价: 以四川南江杨坝地区下寒武统为例. 地球科学, 39(2): 199-209. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.019
    引用本文: 曹婷婷, 徐思煌, 周炼, 王约, 2014. 高演化海相烃源岩元素地球化学评价: 以四川南江杨坝地区下寒武统为例. 地球科学, 39(2): 199-209. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.019
    Cao Tingting, Xu Sihuang, Zhou Lian, Wang Yue, 2014. Element Geochemistry Evaluation of Marine Source Rock with High Maturity: A Case Study of Lower Cambrian in Yangba Section of Nanjiang County, Sichuan. Earth Science, 39(2): 199-209. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.019
    Citation: Cao Tingting, Xu Sihuang, Zhou Lian, Wang Yue, 2014. Element Geochemistry Evaluation of Marine Source Rock with High Maturity: A Case Study of Lower Cambrian in Yangba Section of Nanjiang County, Sichuan. Earth Science, 39(2): 199-209. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.019

    高演化海相烃源岩元素地球化学评价: 以四川南江杨坝地区下寒武统为例

    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.019

    中国石化股份有限公司海相油气勘探前瞻性研究项目 G0800-06-ZS-319


      曹婷婷(1986-), 女, 助理工程师, 主要从事油气成藏方面的研究.E-mail: caotingqi@sina.com


      徐思煌, E-mail: xusih@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P595

    Element Geochemistry Evaluation of Marine Source Rock with High Maturity: A Case Study of Lower Cambrian in Yangba Section of Nanjiang County, Sichuan

    • 摘要: 评价高演化海相烃源岩已成为国内油气勘探的难点.尝试以四川南江杨坝地区下寒武统烃源岩为例, 利用元素地球化学参数建立高演化海相烃源岩评价的新方法.在计算得到与海洋自生有机质相关的自生元素含量基础上, 通过聚类分析将成因作用相同的自生元素聚为一类, 并建立指示有机质沉积环境及基本属性的参数与自生元素含量之间的线性关系, 从而优选出与有机质富集密切相关的自生元素, 并利用因子分析得到4个反映有机质从形成、沉积到埋藏过程中环境变化的主因子, 最终得到能够反映烃源岩的形成条件优劣的公式.依此对南江杨坝下寒武统烃源岩的品质进行划分.实践证明, 该方法可为高演化海相烃源岩的评价提供一些新思路.


    • 图  1  四川南江杨坝地区地理位置及下寒武统地层柱状图

      Fig.  1.  Location and the stratigraphic column of the Lower Cambrian in Yangba area of the Nanjiang County, Sichuan basin

      图  2  各元素含量聚类分析结果

      Fig.  2.  Clustering analysis of element contents

      图  3  杨坝剖面因子分析综合得分及与TOC对照

      Fig.  3.  General factor scores and total organic carbon (TOC) from Yangba section

      表  1  四川盆地南江杨坝地区下寒武统微量元素分析(单位:10-6)

      Table  1.   Element contents of the Lower Cambrian in Yangba area of the Nanjiang County, Sichuan basin

      样品 Al Ba Ca Fe Mg Mn Mo P Sr V Cr Co Ni Ti Cu Zn Pb U
      74-1 18 311.92 718.93 2 310.99 2 6337.88 7 600.06 67.07 24.54 810.15 39.93 2 093.24 173.63 14.84 173.64 3 336.32 87.85 176.20 34.22 11.34
      74-2 57 122.81 912.64 2 885.38 8 952.95 6 614.88 20.81 55.04 257.81 58.30 382.15 82.20 2.17 24.47 3 378.74 27.46 95.85 37.36 24.91
      74-3 40 994.65 858.01 1 708.78 10 410.32 5 812.95 25.49 54.95 323.18 47.48 287.89 122.76 3.66 32.60 3 340.13 28.49 101.81 34.08 25.07
      74-4 56 324.46 918.46 769.07 24 581.74 5 899.68 33.32 53.58 593.60 69.11 349.32 134.54 12.26 72.84 3 368.13 56.46 103.76 32.62 24.72
      74-5 55 272.38 876.66 3 238.46 7 232.46 5 153.79 20.09 24.14 282.99 80.38 732.58 128.38 1.68 32.12 3 596.13 22.73 80.05 33.33 16.05
      75-1 57 414.19 836.68 4 509.22 9 739.08 5 388.70 39.77 27.45 374.95 92.69 607.14 68.99 3.06 39.19 3 299.95 39.50 48.61 29.61 15.63
      75-2 64 456.40 964.24 2 991.06 17 996.97 9 256.53 78.80 19.54 729.36 96.99 319.98 94.05 5.71 27.19 4 065.38 29.63 54.63 35.96 9.85
      75-3 70 171.97 970.45 2 575.92 2 2487.61 7 794.50 77.09 23.08 217.15 104.21 272.93 4 183.46
      76-1 52 129.31 766.52 50 628.92 17 371.01 11 233.02 361.08 2.14 882.92 278.85 202.86 40.74 9.05 32.56 2 598.25 28.89 77.47 23.66 3.26
      76-2 57 501.44 854.39 56 378.93 19 797.91 14 061.61 484.43 4.59 360.14 278.97 176.94 3 161.22
      76-3 59 160.01 657.89 54 135.56 24 533.53 13 087.24 432.77 1.66 297.37 290.89 208.77 3 201.74
      76-4 56 450.49 605.54 58 549.42 22 645.55 13 143.51 401.87 9.73 716.80 331.69 285.13 99.11 12.09 47.25 2 521.45 44.42 98.62 29.32 2.72
      78-1 62 218.59 792.86 58 357.98 24 787.53 15 566.32 464.96 2.11 352.65 309.00 200.66 3 689.52
      78-2 66 023.00 1 251.82 38 017.48 24 466.55 14 560.26 363.74 2.82 448.83 177.20 204.21 86.85 11.33 35.00 4 013.27 23.82 119.83 15.03 2.60
      78-3 55 241.60 768.26 44 170.99 23 978.29 15 677.99 373.26 0.92 818.40 237.53 242.76 123.11 11.95 40.75 3 726.03 32.21 91.92 30.98 2.83
      78-4 55 592.27 1 233.01 30 112.52 24 552.79 15 471.64 322.47 1.11 1 107.54 153.10 245.90 57.12 11.78 45.26 3 858.59 35.29 109.61 34.82 2.93
      79-1 54 717.39 1 032.75 65 307.42 20 005.02 12 458.63 384.04 1.19 1 013.45 285.03 187.46 104.72 9.81 33.63 3 249.72 25.66 76.67 30.42 2.80
      79-2 53 799.53 971.63 46 584.41 19 523.29 14 101.06 331.05 0.38 695.01 201.13 213.33 91.13 9.67 36.46 3 283.30 525.61 80.84 21.24 2.45
      80-1 236.01 4.95 176 037.75 375.13 69 497.90 170.05 0.24 20.69 53.32 2.09 8.34
      80-2 59 323.20 1 010.61 67 342.15 23 347.54 15 211.03 459.92 0.64 326.89 276.28 208.18 94.89 12.75 37.59 3 632.86 22.11 81.31 10.37 2.33
      80-3 63 773.86 954.82 40 135.84 19 992.66 15 197.50 256.16 0.00 800.75 191.22 169.09 88.52 10.35 37.83 3 109.09 26.46 56.13 29.69 3.76
      81-1 56 681.63 711.98 71 083.53 20 987.49 14 962.35 406.16 0.19 744.74 299.72 172.61 93.52 10.10 37.71 2 842.89 28.90 57.78 23.89 2.86
      81-2 56 935.43 856.51 61 284.29 18 872.45 13 084.17 433.95 1.49 370.85 252.75 184.37 3 338.60
      82-1 63 208.65 725.78 33 088.18 24 119.31 15 125.80 398.48 0.85 359.10 171.80 216.80 101.12 12.77 33.48 3 407.09 21.57 119.96 10.80 2.60
      83-1 58 112.68 942.40 9 792.60 9 754.76 4 392.54 31.67 19.03 227.69 90.82 209.79 96.02 2.92 26.88 3 021.73 9.69 71.58 16.96 10.11
      84-1 43 109.77 507.06 4 844.37 26 116.84 8 029.09 1 131.80 1.33 468.94 57.91 171.96 84.92 8.49 36.96 1 765.39 10.40 57.32 6.73 2.64
      85-1 43 927.96 346.49 6 069.88 58 916.35 10 838.91 2 083.94 0.32 980.03 52.01 188.22 67.76 14.33 45.61 1 781.74 13.89 64.68 4.35 2.66
      87-1 61 972.26 592.21 30 982.40 22 305.71 11 883.75 578.07 1.30 418.44 141.23 237.30 80.65 10.08 42.13 2 735.22 24.07 80.42 10.76 2.84
      89-1 76 409.51 651.29 31 199.57 30 816.78 15 021.97 534.94 0.51 431.05 116.67 341.22 130.17 15.23 55.28 3 826.44 41.47 144.24 13.82 3.84
      90-1 66 184.84 804.65 63 227.76 29 257.54 17 091.67 903.76 0.95 411.60 279.63 292.72 114.36 18.78 52.54 3 344.50 31.93 130.53 13.36 3.70
      91-1 58 859.62 737.08 45 105.99 27 189.14 17 881.54 664.57 0.00 979.94 218.98 265.50 89.17 16.88 60.80 3 282.37 46.94 154.52 30.09 3.83
      91-2 72 102.61 620.98 40 704.63 28 151.32 19 596.14 643.86 1.77 418.80 170.92 294.89 125.50 14.17 52.61 3 714.92 41.06 167.37 11.08 3.81
      92-1 71 358.78 614.19 49 854.76 26 277.86 18 132.10 734.60 1.70 387.02 207.70 264.69 120.51 14.90 50.21 3 705.36 32.22 131.18 24.13 3.56
      93-1 53 663.14 549.16 40 388.09 26 986.94 16 760.33 523.36 0.01 1 073.50 162.62 257.71 127.70 15.63 58.28 3 131.69 46.65 101.23 27.39 3.81
      93-2 65 486.26 721.13 39 125.69 27 645.99 14 407.53 499.68 0.91 394.43 171.99 273.45 3 085.42
      94-1 71 812.32 563.59 55 264.39 28 612.82 18 089.83 665.67 0.99 395.21 227.45 288.40 113.53 15.28 51.09 3 425.48 37.65 97.76 85.83 3.62
      95-1 54 634.36 825.56 50 174.07 21 201.51 13 215.59 574.42 1.17 357.66 209.82 213.65 110.85 11.10 35.24 2 796.97 22.24 71.79 9.22 3.04
      96-1 50 843.49 352.92 106 001.54 20 858.46 16 063.63 1 108.38 1.72 919.19 281.34 209.86 87.68 12.56 46.34 2 402.16 28.57 83.13 24.71 5.44
      96-2 53 027.61 356.63 101 835.29 21 138.99 14 219.87 1 036.84 1.20 307.07 276.54 205.96 2 180.76
      97-1 55 159.30 449.73 46 581.49 26 387.24 21 725.80 610.46 0.00 1 024.85 113.40 276.40 115.17 15.80 58.46 3 227.12 60.54 112.34 31.09 4.24
      97-2 39 241.06 442.48 43 178.59 34 751.69 13 209.74 736.98 1.39 488.34 171.64 156.48 1 451.44
      97-3 48 345.59 515.02 38 648.38 42 816.58 14 764.29 705.96 0.51 514.73 123.24 200.25 92.95 37.18 53.08 2 446.57 11.82 71.47 8.12 3.10
      98-1 57 090.22 387.04 58 014.87 21 600.16 16 982.66 692.24 1.03 329.27 151.40 230.51 86.30 11.39 36.24 2 752.53 22.31 78.38 9.04 2.94
      99-1 32 030.56 339.83 119 146.12 11 276.28 10 077.69 709.39 0.10 506.44 252.20 105.14 47.98 5.68 24.40 1 204.77 24.04 93.22 26.81 1.64
      99-2 27 184.69 315.72 121 900.16 9 338.35 8 259.89 750.82 0.69 148.21 234.98 83.60 931.79
      100-1 6 770.10 50.50 308 308.71 6 195.89 5 935.22 2 090.84 0.81 703.17 398.92 28.82 30.26 4.65 10.83 291.82 6.63 23.64 30.84 4.18
      101-1 35 760.31 355.01 79 418.72 11 095.55 11 350.52 417.54 0.75 799.25 151.65 126.44 119.38 7.99 33.97 1 375.54 24.62 60.67 26.46 1.93
      101-2 39 538.18 363.42 81 123.16 13 592.57 9 098.73 449.26 1.63 323.01 154.31 148.96 1 753.42
      102-1 2 813.22 26.92 268 198.64 4 232.58 27 313.19 636.10 0.67 37.56 237.83 9.40 22.26 1.32 5.01 70.97 10.36 49.08 4.34 0.43
      103-1 4 317.48 28.21 324 713.05 3 535.66 21 507.85 471.90 1.00 81.55 298.35 17.07 136.46
      103-2 8 480.69 56.68 278 286.33 4 858.26 20 035.16 458.63 0.41 240.82 358.28 36.05 31.08 2.56 14.54 371.02 36.29 58.40 26.43 1.16
      103-3 2 019.33 31.14 285 574.76 5 339.96 21 895.77 723.55 0.20 59.87 240.47 12.80 96.54
      104-1 16 232.08 1 498.97 195 059.00 6 329.54 9 878.70 381.84 1.04 112.94 254.62 48.61 44.81 2.37 10.37 562.77 26.70 50.43 12.22 0.90
      105-1 20 589.66 126.09 229 374.88 8 252.18 27 529.26 448.51 0.00 276.25 286.48 74.71 46.14 3.53 20.25 869.76 14.95 44.83 26.30 1.04
      106-1 22 341.54 147.36 202 388.72 9 907.26 28 216.31 556.89 0.51 121.17 200.05 77.58 39.66 7.08 21.03 876.74 10.37 25.93 12.76 1.14
      107-1 10 446.32 53.12 195 484.01 4 520.13 16 504.13 338.00 2.45 324.66 272.84 31.88 15.94 2.09 16.61 432.04 17.11 150.28 26.73 1.50
      107-2 12 346.11 61.00 275 538.43 5 010.06 7 542.89 421.81 0.48 134.65 279.98 45.75 37.07 3.02 11.93 503.26 50.70 45.83 7.82 0.84
      108-1 7 837.58 42.39 254 612.25 5 345.90 24 445.81 597.38 1.92 189.96 230.11 27.53 38.78 2.15 20.10 251.23 50.05 104.89 27.71 1.10
      108-2 3 128.77 26.33 262 448.11 4 285.21 36 369.38 1 080.59 0.68 41.48 356.88 12.99 101.74
      111-1 34 765.87 1 537.80 35 589.84 13 485.53 16 873.74 1 696.68 1.29 192.38 119.42 106.63 118.30 5.24 16.90 1 419.81 10.06 42.27 11.45 1.39
      112-1 28 304.77 1 896.47 46 260.31 8 167.04 10 039.90 1 022.13 0.73 235.99 123.94 78.38 63.37 3.30 9.14 1 068.04 16.51 24.14 16.62 1.95
      112-2 71 835.42 573.95 3 419.12 31 134.68 14 302.92 299.70 0.74 340.65 56.92 306.61 3 286.43
      113-1 88 320.71 745.62 4 536.81 33 174.44 17 440.93 344.40 0.48 387.21 40.09 397.24 151.61 13.83 60.28 4 039.31 80.11 136.43 9.69 3.72
      114-1 25 208.55 5 349.92 26 578.95 12 887.44 4 148.49 831.10 1.18 187.22 207.32 87.53 107.20 2.45 11.29 1 305.08 368.25 32.98 8.80 1.03
      115-1 49 948.08 1 943.83 17 998.89 28 777.93 13 249.77 948.27 1.55 313.32 133.34 196.27 73.91 7.53 30.30 2 220.69 34.79 71.20 13.51 2.39
      115-2 51 882.26 1 767.57 4 346.38 13 929.31 7 601.42 291.67 0.97 188.81 93.31 140.60 1 812.62
      116-1 77 523.56 585.46 5 954.79 38 612.82 15 613.05 373.91 0.83 359.77 73.92 334.07 3 918.09
      116-2 36 122.88 1 596.41 9 121.35 14 869.47 4 421.69 582.90 0.87 159.73 106.30 94.06 124.62 11.48 49.26 1 225.81 20.97 115.07 9.90 3.45
      117-1 27 547.03 407.46 1 614.50 3 153.48 1 127.51 74.73 0.78 89.27 41.53 55.59 148.62 1.37 4.89 638.22 7.77 22.45 8.41 0.69
      118-1 42 342.84 487.03 5 821.14 15 163.87 6 609.89 366.78 1.20 242.52 64.40 127.32 52.43 5.68 20.96 1 478.58 99.76 63.13 8.85 1.52
      119-1 36 438.26 410.26 4 190.80 11 316.75 4 528.78 109.23 1.42 481.58 68.61 109.18 106.16 5.59 17.60 1 268.68 25.18 43.51 9.27 1.46
      120-1 27 758.09 386.67 1 985.32 11 443.64 3 581.33 97.15 1.82 169.61 35.31 82.50 157.03 4.22 15.60 1 183.75 7.60 39.53 6.45 1.13
      121-1 45 764.40 588.71 2 941.32 17 258.12 6 555.05 149.79 1.16 225.14 44.83 153.92 54.66 6.99 26.55 2 035.03 6.43 46.61 7.57 2.07
      122-1 48 025.33 601.85 1 858.54 18 505.90 5 438.69 126.88 0.80 169.70 47.27 138.23 1 795.92
      123-1 33 049.74 427.62 13 955.57 14 767.47 9 733.51 258.52 0.91 173.19 55.18 128.93 44.80 5.91 18.48 1 676.33 25.76 37.87 6.85 1.85
      124-1 13 568.25 297.00 1 422.04 10 979.86 2 319.56 213.74 1.41 132.48 22.68 53.92 31.89 2.82 8.92 746.24 10.67 30.27 8.86 0.92
      125-1 35 045.75 1 557.52 10 024.23 17 363.48 4 988.92 128.26 2.24 1 546.34 73.14 98.45 36.23 6.70 19.91 1 198.62 136.93 49.92 7.19 3.20
      125-2 21 951.10 675.46 2 819.16 12 823.45 3 522.35 101.66 0.88 254.69 38.43 72.10 778.41
      125-3 82 439.46 896.26 5 478.86 27 212.28 12 605.86 217.55 1.34 261.53 69.87 261.41 4 083.40
      127-1 43 917.99 532.75 2 515.54 14 944.49 5 763.83 236.63 1.28 211.19 52.45 124.44 116.05 6.73 23.29 1 884.09 8.77 42.68 7.38 1.54
      129-1 95 380.96 730.91 2 839.81 36 304.27 15 174.80 347.09 0.89 215.56 67.93 353.48 123.29 18.28 56.96 4 073.50 49.96 109.06 7.68 3.75
      130-1 6 945.30 350.99 3 036.85 37 474.79 1 158.21 53.62 2.38 508.78 32.89 85.33 33.85 1.64 5.73 411.69 13.61 17.13 4.03 2.19
      130-2 73 839.20 724.93 2 920.21 31 475.62 14 472.81 257.93 0.67 268.17 50.50 269.23 3 907.33
      130-3 8 236.40 797.05 7 591.92 32 250.42 3 659.25 182.15 4.34 1 224.50 74.69 136.78 475.43
      131-1 45 463.72 800.76 1 782.68 23 279.61 11 597.82 176.44 1.07 493.96 36.83 177.42 60.28 10.73 42.47 2 820.29 36.76 73.87 25.99 2.27
      132-1 18 573.41 260.40 62 876.95 5 332.66 31 982.94 259.94 0.33 112.74 51.86 47.50 25.49 1.19 4.13 750.30 6.17 14.12 36.54 1.14
      133-1 19 994.86 266.12 60 471.77 4 607.20 35 124.70 236.76 0.35 270.60 46.14 44.79 96.94 1.52 13.38 1 001.10 15.68 26.66 24.19 1.08
      133-2 5 934.51 59.34 172 391.19 5 923.37 65 845.86 564.51 1.09 22.94 71.66 20.65 31.86 1.66 6.12 168.92 6.14 55.55 14.14 1.42
      134-1 4 477.52 54.12 163 086.18 3 480.67 76 899.24 422.71 0.00 50.51 51.82 10.25 20.11 0.84 11.19 178.08 11.00 24.54 28.36 0.34
      135-1 9 650.35 868.12 168 924.77 6 155.98 67 028.75 520.92 0.40 43.65 69.11 26.90 65.85 1.54 5.78 407.94 7.84 17.23 14.90 0.48
      136-1 5 464.71 47.19 108 038.66 3 099.90 49 593.50 330.46 0.30 28.46 43.57 22.60 37.35 1.40 3.34 207.13 5.72 15.36 7.58 0.98
      137-1 12 612.59 312.16 154 657.10 7 152.78 63 113.29 533.89 0.17 70.25 59.25 48.77 21.34 2.50 9.49 502.82 8.60 22.44 13.79 1.41
      139-1 18 429.21 3 769.75 100 174.55 4 931.22 49 204.81 355.11 1.01 105.03 96.83 43.03 37.28 1.37 4.64 825.44 5.20 35.09 7.84 1.34
      140-1 23 201.78 282.20 47 794.39 5 860.66 28 089.45 190.13 0.79 144.17 34.20 73.19 68.19 2.89 7.17 1 546.64 10.03 20.28 15.70 1.58
      141-1 2 148.20 41.50 185 523.00 3 719.97 70 734.62 447.00 1.23 29.15 66.30 14.08 14.60 0.91 4.08 85.09 5.07 26.12 10.40 1.10
      下载: 导出CSV

      表  2  旋转后的因子载荷矩阵

      Table  2.   Rotated component matrix

      1 2 3 4
      Moxs 0.863 0.212 -0.183 0.168
      Uxs 0.855 0.229 -0.169 0.159
      Fexs -0.809 0.171 -0.023 0.183
      Mnxs -0.597 -0.002 0.482 0.338
      Nixs -0.081 0.957 -0.098 -0.027
      Vxs 0.277 0.810 -0.309 0.019
      Znxs 0.074 0.725 0.357 -0.230
      Srxs -0.181 -0.077 0.921 -0.010
      Baxs 0.032 -0.121 0.013 0.886
      下载: 导出CSV

      表  3  因子得分系数矩阵

      Table  3.   Component score coefficient matrix

      1 2 3 4
      Baxs 0.032 0.011 0.019 0.855
      Fexs -0.399 0.148 -0.222 0.187
      Mnxs -0.156 0.086 0.272 0.328
      Moxs 0.348 0.047 0.072 0.184
      Vxs -0.004 0.350 -0.167 0.082
      Nixs -0.128 0.449 -0.067 0.048
      Znxs 0.078 0.333 0.365 -0.166
      Uxs 0.346 0.056 0.083 0.177
      Srxs 0.159 0.014 0.763 -0.013
      下载: 导出CSV
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