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    沈艳杰 程日辉 于振锋 夏志威 张振

    沈艳杰, 程日辉, 于振锋, 夏志威, 张振, 2014. 松辽盆地白垩系营城组再搬运火山碎屑与相模式. 地球科学, 39(2): 187-198. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.018
    引用本文: 沈艳杰, 程日辉, 于振锋, 夏志威, 张振, 2014. 松辽盆地白垩系营城组再搬运火山碎屑与相模式. 地球科学, 39(2): 187-198. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.018
    Shen Yanjie, Cheng Rihui, Yu Zhenfeng, Xia Zhiwei, Zhang Zhen, 2014. Reworked Pyroclastics Deposits and Facies Model of Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin, NE China. Earth Science, 39(2): 187-198. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.018
    Citation: Shen Yanjie, Cheng Rihui, Yu Zhenfeng, Xia Zhiwei, Zhang Zhen, 2014. Reworked Pyroclastics Deposits and Facies Model of Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin, NE China. Earth Science, 39(2): 187-198. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.018


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.018

    国家自然科学基金项目"松辽盆地断陷火山碎屑的沉积作用及扇堆积几何学" 40972074


      沈艳杰(1981-), 女, 讲师, 博士, 主要从事沉积学和石油天然气地质学研究.E-mail: shenyj@jlu.edu.cn


      程日辉, E-mail: Chengrh@jlu.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P512.2;P588.2

    Reworked Pyroclastics Deposits and Facies Model of Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin, NE China

    • 摘要: 以松辽盆地东南缘营城组二段两类火山碎屑岩(沉凝灰岩、凝灰质砂岩)为研究对象, 进行了火山碎屑粒度特征、碎屑组成和火山碎屑岩相研究.结果显示, 火山碎屑搬运除受火山作用激发控制外, 还受牵引流、重力流以及牵引流和重力流的双重机制影响.火山碎屑微观特征、成因分析和岩相分析认为, 本区火山碎屑堆积主体为热基浪堆积和热碎屑流堆积, 部分为空落堆积.火山碎屑组成特征为晶屑含量多, 玻屑和岩屑含量少, 且岩屑仅在较粗粒级颗粒组成中存在.研究认为, 本区发育的火山碎屑为沉积环境中的再搬运火山碎屑, 共识别出4种火山碎屑岩相, 河流故道上的热基浪, 河流故道上的热碎屑流, 冲积平原上的热基浪和空落相.建立了松辽盆地东南缘露头区营城组二段河流-冲积平原沉积环境的再搬运火山碎屑岩相模式.


    • 图  1  松辽盆地东南缘六台石场村营城组二段出露位置及柱状剖面(据侯景涛等,2007)

      Fig.  1.  Location and columnar section of the member Ⅱ of Yingcheng Formation in Shichang village, Liutai in the southeast margin of Songliao basin

      图  2  营城组二段剖面3的S旋回

      a.剖面2的23-③层炭化木;b.剖面3的71层凝灰质砂岩透镜体;c.剖面2的23-④层顶部冲刷面;d.浮岩屑,Y1D1井82.95 m;e.浮岩屑,Y1D1井82.95 m;f.凝灰质砂岩中玻屑(+10),剖面3样品PSC-3;g.凝灰质砂岩中玻屑(-10),剖面3样品PSC-3;h.沉凝灰岩中浮岩屑(-10),剖面3样品④-9;i.玻屑,Y1D1井82.95 m

      Fig.  2.  S cycle of the third profile of the upper section of the member Ⅱ Yingcheng Formation

      图  3  营城组二段剖面2的G旋回(a)和剖面3的S旋回(b)

      Fig.  3.  G cycle of the second profile (a) and S cycle of the third profile (b) of the member Ⅱ of Yingcheng Formation

      图  4  营城组二段火山碎屑偏度-标准偏差

      Fig.  4.  Diagram of skewness-standard deviation of the member Ⅱ of Yingcheng Formation

      图  5  剖面2、剖面3样品累积频率和概率累积曲线

      Fig.  5.  The accumulated frequency curve and cumulative grain size characteristics of samples of the second and the third profiles

      图  6  剖面2和剖面3火山碎屑成分、含量及其粒度特征

      Fig.  6.  Pyroclastic composition, contents and its cumulative grain size characteristics of samples in the second profile and the third profile

      图  7  营城组二段火山碎屑成因类型(底图据Walker,1983)

      Fig.  7.  Pyroclastic genetic type of the member Ⅱ of the Yingcheng Formation

      图  8  岩石样品的阴极发光特征


      Fig.  8.  Rock sample characteristics under the cathodoluminescence microscope

      图  9  营城组二段沉积作用区综合相模式

      Fig.  9.  Comprehensive facies model in the deposition zone of the member Ⅱ of Yingcheng Formation

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