Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Cycle of Miocene Carbonate Buildups in Zengmu Basin, the Southern South China Sea
摘要: 利用钻井和二维地震资料, 对曾母盆地南康台地以及L构造中新统碳酸盐建造的三级层序发育特征进行解剖, 归纳总结研究区碳酸盐岩层序发育模式, 认为曾母盆地在中中新世-晚中新世(5.3~16 Ma)期间发育3期较大规模的碳酸盐岩沉积旋回, 在地层上可将其划分为3个三级层序, 即SQ1、SQ2和SQ3层序.其中SQ1与SQ3应该属于经典Ⅰ型碳酸盐岩层序, 在其岩性上由低位域的致密藻灰岩沉积、水进域的泥质灰岩和高位域的珊瑚灰岩组合构成, 代表了从开阔海沉积环境过渡至礁滩相沉积环境的发育过程;而SQ2应属于淹没不整合型碳酸盐岩层序, 以泥质灰岩凝缩层+高位域的珊瑚灰岩或碎屑灰岩序列组合为特征, 其发育基本处于水体环境持续变浅的沉积环境中.Abstract: In this study, the Miocene carbonate sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary cycle of Nankang platform and L-structure in Zengmu basin are analyzed by using drilling, seismic and some palaeontologic data, and the sequence pattern of Miocene carbonate in the study area is established. The results show that three large-scale carbonate sedimentary cycles occurred during Mid to Late Miocene (5.3-16 Ma) in Zengmu basin, so the strata can be subdivided into three Tertiary sequences (SQ1, SQ2 and SQ3 sequences). SQ1 and SQ3 sequences are defined as the classical type I carbonate sequences, which are composed of dense algal limestone in low-stand system tracts (LST), argillaceous limestone in transgressive system tracts (TST) and coral limestone in high-stand system tracts (HST). And their properties indicate that the carbonate buildups have experienced a process from open marine platform facies to reef flat facies. Being different form SQ1 and SQ3 sequences, SQ2 sequences belong to the drowned unconformity type of carbonate sequences. This kind of carbonate sequences is marked by the successions consisted of argillaceous limestone of condensed sequence (CS) and coral limestone (or clastic limestone) of HST. And its development generally occurred during the phase of continuous decrease of sea level.
Key words:
- sequence pattern /
- carbonate buildup /
- Miocene /
- Zengmu basin /
- sedimentology /
- stratigraphy
图 1 曾母盆地构造单元划分及碳酸盐岩建造展布(碳酸盐岩分布来自于Epting, 1980; May and Eyles, 1985)
Fig. 1. Tectonic subdivision and distribution of the major carbonate platforms in Zengmu basin
图 2 南海南部新生界主要地震反射界面及区域构造背景(姚永坚等, 2013)
Fig. 2. The Cenozoic seismic reflection interfaces and regional tectonic in the Southern SCS
图 3 曾母盆地南康台地F23-1井中新统碳酸盐岩层序特征分析(钻井位置见图 1, 岩性资料来自Ali and Abolins, 1999)
Fig. 3. Depositional and sequence stratigraphic property as observed in the F23-1 well of Nankang platform
图 4 曾母盆地南康台地中新统碳酸盐岩地层地震反射特征及解释结果(测线位置见图 1)
Fig. 4. Seismic reflection characteristics and interpretation results of Miocene carbonate in Nankang platform
图 5 曾母盆地L构造中新统碳酸盐岩地层地震反射特征及解释结果(测线位置见图 1)
Fig. 5. Seismic reflection characteristics and interpretation results of Miocene carbonate in L-structure
图 6 曾母盆地中新统碳酸盐岩层序地层及沉积模式(据May and Eyles(1985)中剖面修改)
Fig. 6. The sequence pattern of Miocene carbonate in Zengmu basin
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