Base Level Cyclic Controls on the Fluvial Reservoir Physical Properties and Sonic Logging Response
摘要: 为揭示基准面旋回对不同旋回阶段河流相储层物性差异及声波时差测井响应的影响,运用基准面旋回沉积动力学原理,对岩心分析化验数据等实测资料进行分析,对孤岛油田中一区馆陶组上段3砂层组河流相储层物性差异主控因素进行分析,明确了基准面旋回对河道微相在不同旋回阶段储层物性差异和声波测井响应的控制机理,并确定了不同级次基准面旋回内河道储层物性分布特征和声波测井响应差异.结果表明:不同级次基准面升降引起可容纳空间与物源供给条件的改变,导致不同旋回阶段河道储层沉积环境出现差异,使短期基准面旋回内部单河道内部储层物性正韵律分布、声波测井响应差异不大;中期基准面旋回中组成复合河道的多期单河道间储层物性自下向上呈总体变好趋势、声波测井响应有异;长期基准面旋回中多期复合河道间储层物性呈无规则分布、声波测井响应差异明显.Abstract: To identify the influence of base level cycle on the differences of the fluvial reservoir physical properties and logging response among the same type of microfacies in different stages of base level cycle, the main controlling factors on the fluvial reservoir physical properties of the channel in the upper member of Guantao Formation of Gudao oilfield are analyzed based on the sediment dynamic analysis of the high resolution stratigraphic sequence and the quantitative analysis of the core testing, statistical data. The control mechanism of base level cycle on the differences of the reservoir differences and logging response among the channel in different stages of base level cycle is identified. The pattern of the reservoir differences and logging response among the channel in different stages of base level cycle is confirmed. The results show that the diversity of sedimentary environment of channel in different stages of base level cycle causes the variation of accommodate space and sediment supply due to the changes of the base level in different scales, the reservoir quality of the upper part of the single channel in short-term base level cycle is lower than that of the basal part, and the logging response of single channel is similar. The reservoir quality of the upper part of the compound channel(formed by different single channels)in middle-term base level cycle is lower than that of the basal part, and the logging response of different single channel is distinct. The reservoir property and logging response among compound channel in the different stages of long-term base level cycle is distributed irregularly.
Key words:
- base level cycle /
- logging response /
- Gudao oilfield /
- channel /
- sediments /
- reservoir physical property
表 1 高分辨率层序地层格架特征和识别手段
Table 1. High resolution sequence stratigraphic framework features and recognition method
级次 长期旋回 中期旋回 短期旋回 成因 盆地升降、湖平面变化等因素 气候、湖平面变化等因素 水动力条件变化等因素 旋回特征 岩心 砂泥比整体自下而上减小 砂、泥岩互层,砂岩粒度总体正韵律、局部粗细交替 砂岩粒度呈正韵律,泥质含量向上逐渐增加 测井 测井曲线都呈向上振荡减弱特征,总体为箱形和钟形 测井曲线都呈向上增强、局部回返特征,总体为钟形 测井曲线呈钟形 旋回界面 岩心 顶部为含螺化石层的泥岩标志层,底部为厚层、稳定泛滥平原标志层 顶、底界面都为较薄的泛滥平原泥岩标志层 顶底界面都为岩相、岩性的突变面 测井 顶部微电极、微电位曲线呈针状,底部微电极、微电位曲线基线分布 自然电位、自然伽马和感应电导率大幅回返,微电极、微电位幅度和幅度差剧减 自然电位、自然伽马和感应电导率小幅回返,微电极、微电位幅度和幅度差较小 表 2 高分辨率层序地层划分与岩石地层对比关系
Table 2. The comparison between the high resolution sequence stratigraphic division and the lithostratigraphy
地层系统 系组段 古近系 馆 陶
上 段基准面旋回 长期 LSC1(Ng3砂层组) 中期 MSC1(Ng 31~Ng33小层) MSC2(Ng34小层) MSC2(Ng35小层) 短期 SSC1 SSC2 SSC3 SSC4 SSC5 SSC6 (单层) Ng31~Ng32 Ng33 Ng341 Ng342 Ng351 Ng352 表 3 不同相类型特征
Table 3. Different types of facies characteristics
相类型 河道(主体) 河道边缘 泛滥平原 废弃河道 天然堤 决口扇 河漫滩地 河漫洼地 岩心特征 岩性 长石中细砂岩,夹薄层粉砂岩 薄层细砂岩、粉砂岩、粉砂质泥岩 灰色、灰绿色粉砂岩、粉砂质泥岩及杂色泥岩 粉细砂岩、泥质粉砂岩、泥岩 构造 槽状、楔状交错层理,平行层理,砂岩底部见底冲刷 小型槽状交错层理、波状层理、爬升交错层理等,见虫孔及生物扰动构造 低角度斜层理、波状层理及水平波状层理,砂质条带 槽状、楔状交错层理及平行层理 生物化石 仅见少量植物碎片 炭化植物碎片 淡水螺、植物碎屑 少 电测曲线 曲线呈箱形、齿化箱形、箱形叠加、齿化箱形叠加、钟形、箱形-钟形叠加 曲线呈钟形、指形或锯齿状等,幅度中低 曲线低幅平直,偶有微小低幅指形出现 钟形、齿化钟形、指形等,幅度中低 -
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