Microfacies of Late Ordovician Lianglitage Formation and Their Control on Favorable Reservoir in Tazhong Area
摘要: 良里塔格组作为塔里木盆地塔中地区重要的含油气层段引起广泛关注, 但沉积微相分析及其对有利储层控制研究尚且薄弱.研究利用大量岩心、薄片和测井资料, 开展了精细的微相分析、高精度的层序对比及其对有利储层的控制等研究.在良里塔格组碳酸盐岩台地内识别出9种沉积微相(Mf1-Mf9), 概括出台缘礁-滩型(MA1)、台缘-台内滩型(MA2)和台内环潮坪型(MA3)等3种微相组合, 在三级层序内以次级海泛面限定的四级层序中可发育一个或多个微相组合.在高精度层序与沉积微相对比的基础上建立了主要储层段即良里塔格组SQ2高位域的沉积微相模式, 重点揭示了台地边缘各微相发育分布的差异.高能微相是良里塔格组有利储层的物质基础, 易受准同生大气淡水溶蚀且更易产生裂缝从而形成优质储渗体, 低能微相在构造裂缝、埋藏岩溶和(或)表生岩溶叠加改造后也能成为有利储层.Abstract: The Lianglitage Formation has been of great scientific interest for being the main reservoir for oil and gas in Tazhong area, Tarim basin. However, researches on depositional microfacies and their controls on reservoir quality are inadequate. Based on cores, thin-sections and well-logging data, detailed microfacies analysis, high-resolution sequences and controlling factors on favorable reservoir are studied in this paper. 9 microfacies (Mf1-Mf9) are recognized in carbonate platform and 3 microfacies associations(MA1-MA3) are established, which are interpreted as platform margin reef and sand bank, platform margin-interior sand bank, and platform interior peri-tidal types respectively. One or more microfacies associations can be developed within a fourth order sequence which is constrained by subordinated flood surface. Depositional model for HST of SQ2 is constructed, based on high-resolution sequences and microfacies analysis and their correlation between wells. The high energy microfacies are the primitive material for favorable reservoir, because they might have been more probably to be dissolved by meteoric water during penecontemporaneous diagenetic progress, and also more easily to be fractured. The reservoir quality of low energy microfacies could have been improved if tectonic fractures, burial dissolution and/or karstification developed.
图 3 塔中地区良里塔格组主要岩石类型
a.鲕粒灰岩,发育孔隙充填沥青(箭头1),塔中30井,5102m;b.核形石生屑泥粒灰岩,颗粒主要为椭球状核形石和海百合碎屑(箭头1),发育裂缝(箭头2),塔中82井,5372m;c.红藻格架灰岩,生物含量>60%,部分格架被方解石充填(箭头1),发育裂缝(箭头2),塔中24井,4499.2m;d.珊瑚障积灰岩,原地珊瑚含量约30%,珊瑚体腔为亮晶方解石,生物间为灰泥,发育缝合线(箭头1),塔中30井,5049m,薄片见图 4d;e.粉屑粒泥灰岩,发育成岩收缩缝(箭头1)和缝合线(箭头2),塔中82井,5467m;f.泥晶灰岩,发育顺层状鸟眼孔(箭头1)和缝合线(箭头2),塔中162井,4595m
Fig. 3. Photographs of cores showing the main types of carbonate rocks of Lianglitage Formation
图 4 塔中地区良里塔格组主要沉积微相
a.Mf1,鲕粒砂屑颗粒灰岩,塔中30井,5061m;b.Mf2,内碎屑生屑颗粒灰岩,塔中26井,4284.4m;c.Mf3,棘屑颗粒灰岩,塔中62井,4751m;d.Mf5,珊瑚障积岩,珊瑚横切面,生物间为泥晶,同图 3d;e.Mf4,红藻格架岩,红藻生物个体,含砂屑,颗粒间为亮晶,塔中30井,5035m;f.同4e,发育裂缝,颗粒表面有生物钻孔;g.Mf6,粉-砂屑生屑泥粒灰岩,塔中82井,5436.2m;h.Mf7,生屑粒泥灰岩,藻类生物,塔中82井,5428.2m;i.Mf9,藻粘结灰岩,发育鸟眼孔,塔中12井,4881.5m
Fig. 4. Photographs of thin-sections showing microfacies of Lianglitage Formation
图 9 塔中地区良里塔格组高能沉积微相组构选择型储集空间
a.鲕粒灰岩(Mf1),密集发育针状溶蚀孔.塔中30井,5102.2m(同图 2a);b.鲕粒灰岩(Mf1)发育粒内孔(箭头3)和铸模孔(箭头2),部分被充填(箭头1),位置同上;c.鲕粒砂屑颗粒灰岩,残余大量粒间孔,塔中83井,5042.8m;d.生物灰岩(Mf4),生物体腔孔发育,部分未完全充填,塔中30井,5091.6m;e.生物格架岩(Mf4),体腔孔发育,塔中82井.薄片均为红(橙)色铸体,单偏光.图c和e来自中石油塔里木油田勘探开发研究院
Fig. 9. Photographs of fabric-selective pores in high energy microfacies of Lianglitage Formation, Tazhong area
图 8 塔中地区良里塔格组储层孔隙类型与沉积微相对应关系(孔隙分类方案参考Choquette and Pray, 1970)
Fig. 8. Relationship between vary pore types and microfacies of the Lianglitage Formation in Tazhong area
表 1 塔中地区良里塔格组发育的主要沉积微相描述与环境解释
Table 1. Microfacies description and sedimentary interpretation of Lianglitage Formation, Tazhong area
微相代码 微相描述 沉积环境解释 微相组合 Mf1 砂屑鲕粒颗粒灰岩,鲕粒为主,其次为砂级内碎屑,分选好,含少量棘皮和藻类化石(图 3a、4a、9a和9b) 台地边缘、潮下高能带 MA1 Mf2 生屑内碎屑颗粒灰岩,颗粒为内碎屑、生屑,分选中等-较好,含棘皮、藻类、软体和苔藓虫等生物化石(图 4b和9c) 台地边缘、潮下中等-高能带 MA2 Mf3 棘屑颗粒灰岩,颗粒主要为棘皮生物碎屑,分选较好,多发育共轴增生型亮晶方解石胶结物,含少量苔藓虫或藻类生屑(图 4c) 台地边缘、潮下带高能带 MA1-2 Mf4 红藻格架岩,红藻类可达50%,含苔藓虫、软体和介形虫等生物,生物间主要为亮晶胶结物(图 3c、4e和4f) 台地边缘,潮下浪基面附近中等-高能带 MA1 Mf5 珊瑚障积岩,珊瑚含量约30%,此外含苔藓虫、腹足、藻类、介形和三叶虫等生物,生物间为泥晶基质(图 3d和4d) 潮下中-低能带 MA1 Mf6 内碎屑生屑核形石泥粒灰岩,颗粒包括粉砂、砂屑、生屑和核形石,分选中-较差,含珊瑚、藻类、苔藓虫和软体生物(图 4g) 潮下中-低能带 MA1-3 Mf7 生屑粒泥灰岩,常发育泥质条纹,含粉砂级内碎屑,以及少量介形虫、苔藓虫、藻、腕足和珊瑚等生物(图 3e和4h) 潮下低能带 MA1-3 Mf8 泥晶灰岩,泥质泥晶灰岩,常发育泥质条纹,仅含少量介形、腹足等生物(图 11b) 台内洼地、潮下低能带 MA2-3 Mf9 藻粘结粒泥灰岩、纹层状泥晶灰岩,不含颗粒或仅含少量粉砂级内碎屑,粘结结构,发育鸟眼孔,含藻和介形虫等(图 4i和11a) 台内潮间-潮上低能带、局限潟湖 MA3 表 2 塔中地区良里塔格组储层基质孔渗统计表(基础数据来源据赵宗举等,2007)
Table 2. Porosity and permeability statistics of Lianglitage Formation, Tazhong area
微相 亚相类型 孔隙度(%) 渗透率(10-3μm2) 样品数 范围 平均值 样品数 范围 平均值 Mf1, 2, 3, 6 粒屑滩 563 0.06~12.74 2.68 303 0.003~348 4.544 Mf4, 5 生物礁 171 0.56~7.15 1.44 90 0.008~318 6.592 Mf7, 8, 9 灰泥丘、滩间海 723 0.10~7.71 1.03 596 0.002~279 1.602 -
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