The Origin and Evolution of the Houshihushan Alkaline Ring Complex in the Yanshan Orogenic Belt
摘要: 后石湖山杂岩体是与垮塌破火山口有关的碱性环状杂岩体, 主要由呈环形分布的碱性火山岩、环状岩墙(斑状石英正长岩)、嵌套的中心复式岩株(晶洞碱长花岗岩和斑状碱长花岗岩)和锥状岩席(石英正长斑岩和花岗斑岩)组成.LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb年代学分析表明, 斑状石英正长岩环状岩墙、石英正长斑岩和花岗斑岩锥状岩席的侵位年龄分别为119±3Ma、121±2Ma和121±2Ma.该环状杂岩体火山岩与侵入岩的形成年龄相近, 体现了它作为火山-侵入杂岩体的特征.斑状石英正长岩富碱(Na2O+K2O=10.0%~10.5%), K2O含量较高(5.21%~5.42%), 具正的Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=1.05~1.40).碱长花岗岩和斑岩均具有富碱、高FeOtot/MgO、Ga/Al、Zr、Nb和REE值(Eu除外), 以及低Al2O3、CaO、MgO、Ba、Sr和Eu含量的特征, 都属于A型花岗岩质岩石.其中斑岩为铝质A型花岗岩, 具有高的初始岩浆温度(880~901℃).所有A型花岗质岩石均具有较富集的Nd同位素组成, εNd(t)值变化于-13.9~-12.2之间.斑状石英正长岩是下地壳中-基性麻粒岩和片麻岩部分熔融产生的熔体与幔源玄武质岩浆混合, 后又发生单斜辉石分离结晶的产物; 碱长花岗岩源于上地壳长英质岩石部分熔融产生的熔体与幔源玄武质岩浆混合, 随后经历长石的分离结晶作用而成; 斑岩是受幔源岩浆底侵加热的上地壳长英质岩石的部分熔融产生的熔体, 并经历了长石的分离结晶作用而产生.该环状杂岩体的形成过程可以概括为: (1)火山爆炸性喷发形成大量的碱性火山熔岩和火山碎屑岩; (2)地下岩浆房空虚导致压力下降, 其顶板围岩失稳而沿火山口周围近直立的环状断裂垮塌, 形成塌陷的破火山口.与此同时, 下覆岩浆房的岩浆被动挤入环状断裂而形成斑状石英正长岩环状岩墙; (3)浅部地壳的长英质岩浆房过压, 促使其高温过碱质A型花岗质岩浆上升侵位形成了中心的斑状碱长花岗岩岩株, 这些岩浆的上涌导致上覆围岩产生倾角中-陡的、内倾的锥状裂隙, 为石英正长斑岩锥状岩席侵位提供了空间; (4)浅部岩浆房复活, 高温过碱质A型花岗质岩浆再度上升侵位形成被嵌套的晶洞碱长花岗岩岩株.同样, 这种岩浆的再度上侵导致上覆围岩产生了倾角较陡而内倾的锥状裂隙, 为花岗斑岩锥状岩席提供了侵位空间.后石湖山碱性环状杂岩体的形成是华北东部早白垩世与克拉通破坏相关的伸展构造体制下的产物, 这种构造体制可能与古太平洋板块的俯冲作用有关.Abstract: The Houshihushan complex is an alkaline ring complex associated with a collapsed caldera, consisting of a circular screen of alkaline volcanic rocks and post-collapse resurgent intrusions including a ring dyke of porphyritic quartz syenite, a central composite hypabyssal intrusion of nested stocks of drusy alkali-feldspar granite and porphyritic alkali-feldspar granite, and cone sheets of quartz syenite porphyry and granite porphyry. Zircon LA-ICPMS U-Pb analyses yields mean 206Pb/238U ages of 119±3Ma for porphyritic quartz syenite, 121±2Ma for quartz syenite and 121±2Ma for granite porphyry, respectively. Volcanic rocks of the Houshihushan Ring Complex (HRC) have similar ages to those of the intrusive rocks, confirming it as a volcanic-intrusive complex. Porphyritic quartz syenites have high contents of Na2O+K2O (10.0%-10.5%) and K2O (5.21%-5.42%) with positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*=1.05-1.40). Alkali-feldspar granites and porphyries are characterized by enriched Na2O+K2O, FeOtot/MgO, Ga/Al, Zr, Nb and REE (except for Eu) and low abundance of Al2O3, CaO, MgO, Ba, Sr and Eu, indicative of A-type granitic rocks. The porphyries can be classified as aluminous A-type granites, and show high zircon saturation temperatures (880-901℃). All the A-type granites of the HRC posses negative εNd(t) values from -13.9 to -12.2. Porphyritic quartz syenite magmas were derived from partial melting of intermediate to mafic granulites and gneisses in the lower crust that mixed with enriched mantle-derived basaltic magma, with subsequent differentiation of clinopyroxene. Alkali-feldspar granite magmas were produced by mixing of mantle-derived basaltic magmas with upper crustal felsic melts, with fractionation of feldspars. The petrogenetic processes of porphyritic magmas involved partial melting of quartzfeldspathic rocks at shallow crust depths coupled with differentiation of feldspars. We suggest that development of the HRC involved the following four-stage sequence: (1) massive alkaline laves and pyroclastics erupted explosively; (2) the subsided caldera formed because of loss of magma from an underlying magma chamber which reduced magma pressure and facilitated collapse of the roof of the magma chamber along near-vertical ring faults. Magma intruded passively up the opening ring-faults to form the ring dyke of porphyritic quartz syenite during caldera collapse; (3) the high-level magma chamer became overpressured, and hot peralkline A-type granite magma was emplaced as the central stock of porphyritic alkali-feldspar granite. The overlying crust was fractured to generate cone fractures that provided space for the ascent of felsic melts to form cone sheets of quartz syenite porphyry; (4) the chamber resurged and a cogenetic pluton was emplaced as the nested stock of drusy alkali-feldspar granite. Build-up of magma overpressure within the central source chamber imparted upward force to fracture the host rock and form new conical fractures. These fractures were filled with magma to form cone sheets of granite porphyry. The Houshihushan alkaline ring complex formed over a brief time period in an extensional setting related to destruction of the eastern North China Craton during Early Cretaceous, possibly associated with subduction of paleo-Pacific plate.
Key words:
- ring complex /
- geology /
- zircon U-Pb geochronology /
- geochemistry /
- evolution /
- Yanshan orogenic belt
图 1 (a) 中国东部主要构造单元的地质简图.后石湖山环状杂岩体(HRC)位于燕山造山带最东端;(b)后石湖山环状杂岩体地质图(据河北省地质局第二区域地质调查队1∶20万山海关幅(1974)、河北省地矿局区域地质调查大队1∶5万山海关幅(1988);中国地质大学(北京)地质调查研究院1∶25万青龙县幅(2002)修改)
Fig. 1. (a) Simplified geological map showing major tectonic units in eastern China. The Houshihushan ring complex is located in the eastern part of the Yanshan orogenic belt; (b) Geological map of the Houshihushan ring complex (HRC)
图 2 后石湖山环状杂岩体的野外地质
a.火山岩(K1)与围岩秦皇岛花岗岩(γ1)的断层接触关系,K1为含球粒流纹岩,白色虚线示断层线位置,小陈庄;b.斑状石英正长岩(πξο53)产状陡立,呈岩墙状侵入于K1的粗面岩中,九门口;c.宽约10m的晶洞碱长花岗岩岩枝侵入于斑状碱长花岗岩之中,三道关停车场;d.侵入到斑状碱长花岗岩(左,浅色)之中的晶洞碱长花岗岩(右上角,暗色)岩枝边部发育有宽1 ~ 2m冷凝边(中,灰色),三道关停车场;e.石英正长斑岩(暗色)侵入于斑状石英正长岩(浅色)之中,岩墙产状20°∠60°,燕塞湖停车场;f.三条近平行的花岗斑岩岩墙群(暗色)侵入到中心的碱长花岗岩岩株,接触面较陡(62°),向N(杂岩体中心方向)倾斜,五佛公园
Fig. 2. Field geology of the Houshihushan ring complex
图 3 后石湖山环状杂岩体岩石的典型显微照片
a.流纹质晶屑熔结凝灰岩,塑性岩屑呈火焰状、枝杈状,遇石英(Q)晶屑呈弯曲嵌入现象,显示假流纹构造;b.斑状石英正长岩,具环边的正长石斑晶(Or)边缘呈熔蚀港湾状,内部出现不规则空隙,其中充填重结晶的基质;c.斑状碱长花岗岩,见正长石斑晶(Or)的熔蚀圆化边缘,含少量钠铁闪石(Arf);d.晶洞碱长花岗岩,视域中可见钾长石-石英交生颗粒(G)、条纹正长石(Pr)和深蓝色钠铁闪石(Arf);e.石英正长斑岩,正长石斑晶(Or,浅色),有熔蚀边缘,定向分布显示流动构造; f.花岗斑岩,石英(Q)、正长石(Or)斑晶熔蚀结构发育,有的Q斑晶周围与Or组成显微文象结构(G).a,c,d.单偏光; b,e,f.正交偏光
Fig. 3. Photomicrographs showing typical textures of rocks from the HRC
图 6 后石湖山岩石的地球化学分类
a.在全碱-硅(TAS)图(Na2O+K2O)(%)-SiO2(%)中岩石的命名(Middlemost, 1994),图中碱性与亚碱性系的分界线(虚线)据Miyashiro(1978).b.K2O(%)-SiO2(%)图,分界线据Peccerillo and Taylor(1976).c.A/NK-A/CNK图(Maniar and Piccoli, 1989),反映铝饱和程度.A=Al2O3,N=Na2O,K=K2O,C=CaO(摩尔数).数据来源:碱长花岗岩、碱流岩、石英正长岩和粗面岩据Yang et al.(2008);钠铁闪石花岗岩据刘红涛等(2002)
Fig. 6. Geochemical classification diagrams of rocks from the HRC
图 7 (a) FeOtot/(FeOtot+MgO)-SiO2(%);(b)Na2O+K2O-CaO(%)-SiO2(%)分类图解(据Frost et al., 2001)
图中样品代号同图 6;全世界486个典型A型花岗岩成分点圈定的范围用阴影区表示
Fig. 7. (a) and (b)-Fe* (FeOtot/(FeOtot+MgO)) and modified alkali-lime index (MALI=Na2O+K2O-CaO (%)) of rocks from the HRC plotted against % SiO2
图 8 后石湖山岩石的稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分图和微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图
a, b.斑状石英正长岩;c, d.晶洞碱长花岗岩和斑状碱长花岗岩;e, f.石英正长斑岩和花岗斑岩.a,b中阴影区代表的石英正长岩和粗面岩,c~f中阴影区代表碱长花岗岩和碱流岩的成分.球粒陨石和原始地幔标准化值据Sun and McDonough(1989),样品代号同图 6,数据来源据Yang et al.(2008)
Fig. 8. Chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns and primitive mantle-normalized spidergarams
图 10 (a) V-Cr;(b)Ba-Eu/Eu*;(c)Rb/Sr-Sr以及(d)Ba-Sr的变异图,表明了矿物的分离结晶趋势
图中样品代号同图 6.矿物缩写为:橄榄石(Ol)、斜方辉石(Opx)、单斜辉石(Cpx)、角闪石(Am)、黑云母(Bi)、斜长石(Pl)和钾长石(Kf)
Fig. 10. (a) V vs. Cr, (b) Ba vs. Eu/Eu*, (c) Rb/Sr-Sr and (d) Ba vs. Sr diagrams showing crystal fractionation trends of the rocks from the HRC
图 11 后石湖山环状杂岩体岩石的(87Sr/86Sr)i-εNd(t)投图,并与燕山造山带其他A型花岗岩对比
数据来源:后石湖山、响山及千层背碱长花岗岩和碱流岩据Yang et al.(2008);后石湖山正长岩和粗面岩据Yang et al.(2008);黑熊山碱长花岗岩据王焰和张旗(2001);邓扎子A型花岗岩据Niu et al.(2011);甲山A型花岗岩体据Yang et al.(2007);华北克拉通北缘赤峰-开源断裂以南的南区具有明显EMI型特征的玄武岩据周新华等(2001);主要来源于EMI型地幔的晚侏罗世高镁安山岩据Zhang et al.(2003).亏损地幔据Zindler et al.(1984);上地壳(UCC)、下地壳(LCC)据Jahn et al.(1999).εNd(t)值均由t=120Ma推算而得.除图中已标注样品代号外,其他的均同图 6
Fig. 11. εNd(t) vs.(87Sr/86Sr)i diagram for rocks from the HRC and other alkaline rocks including A-type granites from Yanshan orogenic belt
表 1 后石湖山斑状石英正长岩(YS-1)、石英正长斑岩(09YSH01-3)与花岗斑岩(09YSH47-2)样品的LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年分析结果
Table 1. LA-ICPMS U-Pb data for zircons of porphyritic quartz syenite, quartz syenite porphyry and granite porphyry samples from the HRC
点号 全Pb(10-6) 238U(10-6) 232Th(10-6) 232Th/238U 同位素比值 同位素年龄(Ma) 207Pb/206Pb ±1σ 207Pb/235U ±1σ 206Pb/238U ±1σ 206Pb/238U ±1σ 207Pb/235U ±1σ 斑状石英正长岩(YS-1) 01 4.2 207 156 0.76 0.0505 0.0042 0.119 0.0094 0.0175 0.0005 112 3 115 9 02 5.0 232 198 0.85 0.0484 0.0051 0.123 0.0123 0.0186 0.0005 119 3 118 11 03 15.0 579 891 1.54 0.0519 0.0027 0.139 0.0075 0.0193 0.0004 123 2 132 7 04 17.1 621 1334 2.15 0.0474 0.0046 0.119 0.0113 0.0181 0.0004 116 2 114 10 05 7.0 327 320 0.98 0.0495 0.0041 0.123 0.0107 0.0179 0.0004 114 3 118 10 06 11.7 509 534 1.05 0.0505 0.0033 0.130 0.0084 0.0187 0.0004 119 3 124 8 07 6.7 285 296 1.04 0.0499 0.0052 0.129 0.0137 0.0185 0.0004 118 3 123 12 08 22.2 749 1446 1.93 0.0485 0.0028 0.132 0.0074 0.0196 0.0003 125 2 126 7 09 90.8 2965 6689 2.26 0.0470 0.0011 0.124 0.0035 0.0190 0.0003 121 2 119 3 10 4.1 184 141 0.77 0.0496 0.0079 0.127 0.0198 0.0187 0.0005 119 3 121 18 11 14.6 557 856 1.54 0.0492 0.0026 0.121 0.0065 0.0180 0.0003 115 2 116 6 12 4.3 183 133 0.73 0.0503 0.0055 0.133 0.0142 0.0192 0.0007 123 5 127 13 石英正长斑岩(09YSH01-3) 01 42.7 338 550 1.63 0.0573 0.0014 0.639 0.0150 0.0806 0.0006 500 4 502 9 02 13.5 489 650 1.33 0.0491 0.0051 0.124 0.0115 0.0187 0.0005 120 3 118 10 03 6.9 274 217 0.79 0.0481 0.0051 0.124 0.0122 0.0187 0.0005 120 3 119 11 04 3.5 153 67 0.44 0.0491 0.0062 0.128 0.0163 0.0191 0.0005 122 3 122 15 05 3.4 147 60 0.41 0.0498 0.0089 0.133 0.0224 0.0196 0.0007 125 4 127 20 06 81.7 444 71 0.16 0.0723 0.0013 1.658 0.0320 0.1658 0.0013 989 7 993 12 07 4.3 181 87 0.48 0.0484 0.0081 0.136 0.0234 0.0201 0.0007 128 4 130 21 08 3.1 129 111 0.87 0.0502 0.0116 0.120 0.0275 0.0179 0.0009 114 6 115 25 09 3.3 152 74 0.49 0.0484 0.0061 0.122 0.0160 0.0182 0.0007 116 4 117 15 10 4.3 192 100 0.52 0.0544 0.0095 0.132 0.0198 0.0189 0.0008 121 5 125 18 11 5.8 231 211 0.91 0.0493 0.0042 0.129 0.0111 0.0190 0.0004 121 2 123 10 12 6.3 251 246 0.98 0.0489 0.0033 0.126 0.0084 0.0188 0.0003 120 2 120 8 花岗斑岩(09YSH47-2) 01 6.6 267 178 0.67 0.0520 0.0072 0.139 0.0191 0.0195 0.0005 124 3 132 17 02 5.3 225 127 0.56 0.0506 0.0040 0.134 0.0096 0.0195 0.0004 124 2 128 9 03 4.4 191 95 0.50 0.0512 0.0061 0.129 0.0133 0.0193 0.0005 123 3 123 12 04 5.5 226 127 0.56 0.0480 0.0043 0.129 0.0113 0.0195 0.0003 125 2 123 10 05 5.4 232 129 0.56 0.0500 0.0034 0.130 0.0086 0.0190 0.0003 121 2 124 8 06 4.5 190 98 0.51 0.0494 0.0044 0.131 0.0107 0.0195 0.0004 124 2 125 10 07 5.2 216 115 0.53 0.0524 0.0050 0.136 0.0120 0.0195 0.0004 124 3 130 11 08 5.5 236 142 0.60 0.0492 0.0032 0.127 0.0079 0.0189 0.0003 121 2 122 7 09 5.2 220 125 0.57 0.0479 0.0037 0.127 0.0099 0.0193 0.0003 123 2 121 9 10 4.6 197 111 0.56 0.0499 0.0055 0.127 0.0129 0.0191 0.0005 122 3 121 12 11 6.5 281 183 0.65 0.0489 0.0023 0.123 0.0056 0.0184 0.0002 118 1 118 5 12 5.0 208 117 0.56 0.0474 0.0045 0.130 0.0125 0.0195 0.0004 125 3 124 11 13 5.7 249 138 0.56 0.0473 0.0045 0.123 0.0125 0.0185 0.0003 118 2 118 11 14 4.6 204 108 0.53 0.0481 0.0043 0.124 0.0115 0.0188 0.0003 120 2 119 10 15 5.7 254 161 0.64 0.0486 0.0038 0.124 0.0097 0.0183 0.0003 117 2 118 9 16 5.1 229 121 0.53 0.0494 0.0030 0.121 0.0072 0.0180 0.0003 115 2 116 7 表 2 后石湖山代表性样品的元素地球化学成分
Table 2. Element compositions of representative samples from the HRC
样号 09YSH01-3 10YSH45-1 10YSH67-2 10YSH40-3 10YSH67-5 09YSH47-2 09YSH35-2 09YSH11-1 主量元素(%) SiO2 75.37 73.49 75.64 74.52 75.41 75.85 76.09 76.59 TiO2 0.17 0.18 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.18 0.14 Al2O3 12.47 13.72 12.14 12.3 12.53 11.58 12.52 12.29 Fe2O3 1.36 2.02 1.86 1.91 1.96 2.18 - - TFe2O3 2.19 2.44 2.49 2.33 2.80 2.55 2.35 2.1 FeO 0.75 0.38 0.57 0.38 0.76 0.33 - - MnO 0.11 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.02 0.08 MgO 0.11 0.11 0.08 0.11 0.12 0.1 0.09 0.08 CaO 0.38 0.04 0.15 0.14 0.29 0.35 0.12 0.16 Na2O 4.58 5.44 4.5 3.53 4.49 2.81 4.03 4.26 K2O 4.16 3.75 3.85 5.57 4.31 6.12 4.65 4.62 P2O5 0.01 0.024 0.012 0.03 0.019 0.01 0.02 0.01 Lost 0.34 0.43 0.3 0.57 0.4 0.24 0.32 0.31 Total 99.81 99.59 99.25 99.24 100.5 99.78 100.39 100.64 A/CNK 0.98 1.05 1.03 1.02 1 0.97 1.05 1.00 微量元素(10-6) V 1.95 3.09 3.48 1.19 1.66 2.44 1.84 0.69 Cr 1.84 1.13 0.21 0.73 1.15 2.69 0.35 0.23 Co 0.44 48.4 24.3 57.1 73.9 0.63 57.5 68.2 Ni 1.05 1.44 0.49 1.36 1.6 1.48 1.03 1.08 Zn 68.6 23.5 25.6 64.1 97.5 107 59.7 90.6 Ga 24.7 22.9 23.4 22.4 23.9 24.5 24.7 26.0 Rb 139 97 148 180 170 252 139 188 Sr 11.1 52.6 29.3 8.45 14.5 15.1 15.4 5.50 Y 62.9 41.7 64.9 57.8 61.4 85 58.9 66.1 Zr 510 429 464 451 426 537 527 544 Nb 71 42.1 57.4 57.6 61.5 76.1 53.1 57.6 Cs 1.62 0.58 0.59 0.97 0.85 2.82 0.62 0.98 Ba 66.4 105 42.1 59.9 34.1 24.9 90.7 8.71 La 109 66.3 80.5 68.6 82.4 83.3 77.4 8.67 Ce 189 113 152 137 148 157 147 87.4 Pr 21.9 14.2 17.9 15.2 16.9 17.8 17.2 180 Nd 78.1 49.2 63.6 54.1 59.2 63.3 59.7 19.8 Sm 13.7 8.72 11.9 10.3 11.3 12.8 11.6 68.2 Eu 0.074 0.22 0.045 0.098 0.11 0.094 0.12 13.0 Gd 10.9 7.12 10.7 9.08 9.51 11.9 9.04 0.060 Tb 1.74 1.2 1.76 1.59 1.61 2.12 1.57 11.1 Dy 10.1 7.23 10.6 9.71 9.5 13.1 9.86 1.81 Ho 1.98 1.41 2.06 1.93 1.91 2.7 2.06 10.8 Er 6.08 4.46 6.26 5.78 5.67 8.06 6.07 2.20 Tm 0.93 0.67 0.95 0.88 0.88 1.28 0.93 6.40 Yb 6.12 4.36 6.08 5.85 6.01 8.44 5.99 0.98 Lu 0.9 0.67 0.91 0.83 0.84 1.17 0.96 6.39 Hf 14.4 11.8 13.7 13.6 12.8 17.2 14.2 1.01 Ta 3.75 2.84 3.48 3.59 3.51 4.69 3.37 15.2 Pb 199 11.3 11.1 9.44 48.3 327 10.5 3.71 Th 17.6 14.2 16.7 16.5 16.8 25.7 16.0 17.7 U 4.65 3.71 4.82 3.9 4.27 6.48 3.59 4.27 (La/Yb)N 12.76 10.92 9.51 8.41 9.83 7.08 9.27 9.81 Eu/Eu* 0.02 0.08 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.01 样号 09YSH39-1 09YSH52-1 09YSH12-1 09YSH38-1 09YSH44-1 YS-1 09YSH24-1 10YSH40-1 主量元素(%) SiO2 76.68 76.61 76.35 76.81 75.18 65.29 63.47 62.83 TiO2 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.73 0.92 0.87 Al2O3 12.39 12.3 12.03 11.81 12.29 16.05 16.52 16.41 Fe2O3 - - - - 1.04 - - - TFe2O3 1.78 1.87 2.23 2.00 2.21 4.18 4.71 5.73 FeO - - - - 1.05 - - - MnO 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.17 MgO 0.06 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.88 1.07 0.92 CaO 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.25 0.37 1.75 2.01 2.04 Na2O 4.07 4.09 4.42 4.26 4.53 4.62 5.29 5.11 K2O 4.59 4.7 4.44 4.47 4.75 5.42 5.21 5.31 P2O5 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.21 0.3 0.25 Lost 0.4 0.31 0.35 0.47 0.28 1.17 0.39 0.5 Total 100.47 100.45 100.41 100.35 99.79 100.39 99.96 100.14 A/CNK 1.02 1.00 0.96 0.96 0.93 0.96 0.92 0.92 微量元素(10-6) V 1.22 0.96 0.52 1.44 1.48 25.8 31.7 25.7 Cr 0.35 0.35 0.19 0.44 1.87 1.43 1.26 1.08 Co 68.3 62.4 60.7 146 0.38 25.3 30.1 25.4 Ni 1.14 0.96 0.75 1.86 0.92 1.31 1.18 1.34 Zn 64.2 79.5 96.5 102 84.3 67.7 40.3 90.0 Ga 25.3 24.8 25.7 25.0 26.1 20.9 20.8 22.8 Rb 181 199 188 203 184 101 96.9 66.9 Sr 10.1 8.07 3.63 7.34 5.75 202 212 191 Y 65.2 55.7 67.8 53.6 79.4 28.8 28.3 28.1 Zr 484 371 561 423 723 240 224 215 Nb 60.4 56.2 63.0 43.0 80.1 20.9 17.6 18.8 Cs 0.77 0.90 1.57 1.84 1.38 1.34 0.64 0.96 Ba 27.8 22.7 3.45 2.73 30.1 1483 1699 1021 La 27.9 22.8 83.9 77.1 92.1 1482 1716 1023 Ce 68.9 76.8 175 153 189 46.1 43.6 39.6 Pr 144 157 19.7 17.5 18.8 93.8 88.8 83.0 Nd 16.0 17.3 69.7 60.8 64.8 10.6 10.4 9.93 Sm 55.6 59.7 13.7 11.5 11.7 40.1 41.6 38.9 Eu 11.3 11.7 0.049 0.034 0.098 7.42 7.73 7.57 Gd 0.10 0.098 11.9 9.14 10 2.40 3.31 2.72 Tb 9.63 9.86 1.91 1.48 1.82 6.25 6.39 6.27 Dy 1.69 1.62 11.8 8.54 11.8 0.91 0.92 0.92 Ho 10.4 9.51 2.49 1.70 2.52 5.14 5.23 5.17 Er 2.13 1.90 7.23 5.01 7.94 0.99 0.99 0.98 Tm 6.24 5.35 1.14 0.79 1.24 2.77 2.62 2.65 Yb 0.97 0.79 7.46 5.25 8.56 0.40 0.38 0.38 Lu 6.19 5.23 1.19 0.84 1.24 2.53 2.39 2.34 Hf 0.94 0.78 14.8 11.6 20.9 0.38 0.36 0.38 Ta 14.4 11.3 3.84 2.08 4.42 5.88 5.24 5.00 Pb 3.78 3.67 36.3 20.0 75.3 1.33 1.08 1.10 Th 17.3 15.9 20.2 14.7 23.3 7.71 5.55 4.18 U 4.66 3.78 4.52 3.62 5.59 2.33 1.34 1.28 (La/Yb)N 7.99 10.52 8.07 7.72 10.53 13.05 13.11 12.14 Eu/Eu* 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.01 1.05 1.40 1.17 注:Eu/Eu*=2EuN/(SmN+GdN);(La/Yb)N=球粒陨石标准化的La/Yb值. 表 3 后石湖山的石英正长斑岩、花岗斑岩及斑状碱长花岗岩Sr-Nd同位素成分
Table 3. Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of quartz syenite porphyry, granite porphyry and porphyritic alkaline granite from the HRC
样号 09YSH01-3 10YSH45-1 10YSH67-2 10YSH40-3 10YSH67-5 09YSH47-2 09YSH44-1 岩石类型 石英正长斑岩 石英正长斑岩 石英正长斑岩 花岗斑岩 花岗斑岩 花岗斑岩 斑状碱长花岗岩 Rb(10-6) 139 97 148 180 170 252 184 Sr(10-6) 11.1 52.6 29.3 8.45 14.5 15.1 5.75 87Rb/86Sr 36.435913 5.341855 14.69661 62.117136 34.164308 48.624295 93.751904 87Sr/86Sr 0.762033 0.724184 0.758597 0.796899 0.794169 0.773361 0.839609 2σ(10-6) 4 6 8 10 19 4 10 Sm(10-6) 13.7 8.72 11.9 10.3 11.3 12.8 11.7 Nd(10-6) 78.1 49.2 63.6 54.1 59.2 63.3 64.8 147Sm/144Nd 0.1064326 0.1072965 0.113206 0.1151581 0.1154472 0.1223666 0.1092797 143Nd/144Nd 0.511901 0.511856 0.511915 0.511948 0.511926 0.511946 0.511928 2σ 6 5 4 2 3 5 5 (87Sr/86Sr)i 0.6999 0.7151 0.7335 0.6910 0.7359 0.6904 0.6797 εNd(t) -13 -13.9 -12.8 -12.2 -12.7 -12.4 -12.5 TDM2(Ga) 1972 2044 1958 1909 1944 1921 1933 f(Sm/Nd) -0.46 -0.45 -0.42 -0.41 -0.41 -0.38 -0.44 注:\[\begin{array}{l} {\varepsilon _{{\rm{Nd}}}} = \left[ {{{\left({^{143}{\rm{Nd}}{/^{144}}{\rm{Nd}}} \right)}_{\rm{s}}}\left(t \right)/{{\left({^{143}{\rm{Nd}}{/^{144}}{\rm{Nd}}} \right)}_{{\rm{CHUR}}}}\left(t \right) - 1} \right] \times 10\; 000;{\left({^{143}{\rm{Nd}}{/^{144}}{\rm{Nd}}} \right)_{{\rm{CHUR}}}}\left(t \right) = {\left({^{143}{\rm{Nd}}{/^{144}}{\rm{Nd}}} \right)_{{\rm{CHUR}}}} - {\left({^{147}{\rm{Sm}}{/^{144}}{\rm{Nd}}} \right)_{{\rm{CHUR}}}}\\ \left({{{\rm{e}}^{\mathit{\lambda t}}} - 1} \right); {T_{{\rm{DM2}}}} = \frac{1}{\lambda }\ln \left\{ {1 + \frac{{{{\left({^{143}{\rm{Nd}}{/^{144}}{\rm{Nd}}} \right)}_{\rm{s}}} - {{\left({^{143}{\rm{Nd}}{/^{144}}{\rm{Nd}}} \right)}_{{\rm{DM}}}} - \left[ {{{\left({^{147}{\rm{Sm}}{/^{144}}{\rm{Nd}}} \right)}_{\rm{s}}} - {{\left({^{147}{\rm{Sm}}{/^{144}}{\rm{Nd}}} \right)}_{\rm{c}}}} \right]\left({{{\rm{e}}^{\mathit{\lambda t}}} - 1} \right)}}{{{{\left({^{147}{\rm{Sm}}{/^{144}}{\rm{Nd}}} \right)}_{\rm{c}}} - {{\left({^{147}{\rm{Sm}}{/^{144}}{\rm{Nd}}} \right)}_{{\rm{DM}}}}}}} \right\} \end{array}\],式中:下标s、c和DM分别代表现今测定值、大陆壳平均值和亏损地幔值;(143Nd/144Nd)CHUR=0.512638,(147Sm/144Nd)CHUR=0.1967,(143Nd/144Nd)DM=0.51315,(147Sm/144Nd)DM=0.2137,(147Sm/144Nd)c=0.118;λ =6.54×10-12a-1;t代表样品结晶年龄,均取120Ma;所有样品的(87Sr/86Sr)i和εNd值均由t=120Ma推算而得. 表 4 锥状岩席与环状岩墙的对比
Table 4. Comparison between cone sheets and ring dyke
侵入体类型 几何形态 成因 成分 倾角 走向 宽度 数目 锥状岩席 内倾、缓-陡的 主要为环形或椭圆形 可变,多为厘米-米级,少见超过几十米的 数目多,往往组成席状岩墙群 过压岩浆房引起、主动侵入的岩墙侵入体 可为基性、中性或长英质的各种类型,通常表现淬冷结构 环状岩墙 外倾、垂直-陡的 环形、椭圆形、多边形或拱形 可变,为米-公里级 往往为单个侵入体 也可能被动地侵入环状断层 一般为长英质的,不表现典型的淬冷结构 -
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