Landscape Characteristics and Causes Process of Danxia Landforms in Baishishan of Guiping City, Guangxi Province
摘要: 中国是世界上研究丹霞地貌最早的国家, 随着2010年"中国丹霞"世界自然遗产的成功申报, 丹霞地貌作为一个地貌类型的名称已走出国门被世界所承认.在介绍广西桂平白石山丹霞地貌空间分布和景观特色基础上, 对其形成条件和过程进行分析探讨, 指出: (1)白石山丹霞地貌典型集中、类型齐全、景观独特, 具有典型的"顶平、身陡、麓缓"的丹霞地貌特征; (2)白石山丹霞地貌是古近纪山间盆地沉积的红色碎屑岩, 由构造运动盆地隆起、侵蚀、溶蚀作用、流水切割以及重力崩塌等内、外动力作用塑造形成; (3)白石山丹霞地貌具有地层沉积时代新、形态宏伟的特色, 在各丹霞地貌中较为罕见, 具有很高的科学价值.Abstract: China is the earliest country to study Danxia landforms in the world. "China Danxia", as a geomorphic term, has been recognized by the world with the successful declaration of "China Danxia" world natural heritage. This paper analyzes and discusses the formation conditions and process of Danxia landforms in Baishishan of Guiping, Guangxi on the basis of studying of its spatial distribution and landscape features. The study comes to the following conclusion: (1) Danxia geomorphology is typical and centralized, with its types complete and landscapes unique, having representative Danxia landforms characteristics of "flat tops, steep bodies, slow foothills"; (2) Danxia landforms is sedimentary red clastic rock deposited in intermountain basin in Neogene, which was formed through the inner and outer dynamic action of tectonic movement, such as basin uplift, erosion, dissolution, water cut and gravitational collapse; (3) Danxia geomorphology with the characteristics of new era of strata sedimentation and magnificent shape is rare among all the Danxia landforms in the world, which has high scientific value.
表 1 白石山丹霞地貌类型及特征
Table 1. The types and characteristics of Danxia landform in Baishishan
类型 划分依据 特征 实例 正地貌类 丹霞石柱 孤立石柱,高度大于直径 方形或圆形孤立石柱,低矮者可称石墩 面壁僧、阳元石、鹅颈峰 丹霞孤峰 有大面积裸露岩石,锥状的陡坡山峰 四面陡坡,局部有陡崖,但山顶面不发育,呈锥状山峰 独秀峰、阴元石等 丹霞残丘 局部有陡崖,山顶浑圆化的低缓丘陵 无连续陡崖坡,总体上呈圆化丘陵状 白石山周边砂岩残丘等 丹霞崖壁 坡度>60°,高度>10 m的陡崖坡 多直立陡崖,可因岩性差异呈层状组合,壁上多顺层凹凸和竖向流水侵蚀槽 五姥岩画、巨灵壁等 丹霞方山(石堡) 近平顶,四面陡坡,长∶宽<2∶1 岩层近水平,山顶平缓,四壁陡立,呈城堡状、宫殿式丹霞地貌 莲蕊峰等 负地貌类 线谷 谷深>10 m,谷宽<1.0~1.5 m的深谷 俗称“一线天”,两侧谷壁(崖壁)垂直或同斜,紧而逼,谷底起伏、高低不平 清风洞一线天、苍玉峡 丹霞洞穴 深度大于外口(高或宽)最小尺度 崖壁上顺软岩层或流水侧蚀部位延伸的圆形、椭圆形、不规则状洞穴,深度不等 神鹰眼、阴元石洞穴、仙桃石洞穴群 丹霞凹槽 长形崖槽,深度小于外口最小高度 崖壁上顺软岩层或垂直崖壁延伸较长(宽)的崖槽,深度不等 葫芦状凹槽、三清观和会仙岩所在额状岩槽 -
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