Late-Quaternary Activity Characteristics of the Ganhezi Segment of the Fukang Fault Belt, in Xinjiang
摘要: 为了解阜康断裂晚第四纪以来的活动特征, 准确评价该断裂的大震危险性, 在野外地震地质调查的基础上, 对变形的微地貌进行了测量, 开挖了2个大型古地震探槽, 并采集了系列释光年龄样品, 对阜康断裂甘河子段进行了细致研究.甘河子断裂段是一条全新世活动断裂, 全长约33 km, 构成博格达北麓与山前冲洪积扇的界线.该断裂晚第四纪期间活动性较强, 运动方式以向盆地方向的逆冲为主, 形成了一系列地质地貌现象.晚第四纪晚期以来, 断裂的平均垂直滑动速率在0.34~0.43 mm/a.全新世中期以来, 断裂有过2次古地震事件, 断裂大震(特征地震)的复发周期为2 100~3 750 a, 最新一次古地震事件造成的地表垂直位移量为1.5 m左右, 对应的古地震震级在7.2~7.4之间, 该次古地震事件离逝时间已达4.11 ka, 目前该断裂已经累积了较高能量.Abstract: In order to understand the activity characteristics of the Fukang fault in Late-Quaternary, and accurately estimate the seismic hazard of the fault, a geological survey has been conducted along the Fukang fault. By surveying the deformation micro-topography, excavating two large paleoearthquake trenches, and dating a series of samples of thermoluminescence, the quantity activity characteristics of the Ganhezi fault segment of the Fukang fault belt are revealed. The Ganhezi fault segment is a Holocene active fault, with a total length about 33 km. The fault activity is obvious, generating a series of apparent geomorphic traces on the surface. Since the Late-Quaternary, the average vertical slip rate of fault is about 0.34-0.43 mm/a. Since the Mid-Holocene, there were two paleoearthquake events; the strong earthquake recurrence period of the fualt segment is about 2 100-3 750 a. The vertical surface displacement is about 1.5 m and the elapsed time is 4.11 ka of the latest paleoearthquake, corresponding to the paleoearthquake magnitude of between Ms7.2-7.4. The fault has accumulated a high energy so far.
Key words:
- Fukang fault belt /
- tectonic landform /
- Late-Quaternary /
- deformation characteristics /
- paleoearthquake
图 8 五宫沟左岸T2阶地探槽剖面
①灰白色砾石层,松散,砾石呈次棱角状,分选一般,无明显层理,粒径一般在4~10 cm,最大可达20 cm;②土黄色粉土层,松散,表层植物根系发育,含少量砾石;③土黄色粉土层,松散;④灰色崩积楔体,以砾石为主,下部粒径较上部大,粉土、砂砾充填;⑤灰色崩积楔体,以砾石为主,无层理,杂乱堆积,砂砾充填;⑥土黄色粉土层,稍密,下部含少量砾石,砾石粒径大小不一,分选较差,最大者达5 cm左右;⑦灰色砾石层,次棱角状,具水平层理,分选较差,下部普遍粒径较大,上部略有减小,中细砾和粗砂混杂,局部夹有粗砂透镜体;⑧灰色砾石层,次棱角状,具水平层理,分选较好,粒径普遍较小,一般在2 cm以下,局部夹有细砂和粉土透镜体;⑨灰色砾石层,次棱角状,具水平层理,分选差,下部砾石粒径较大,多在5~15 cm,上部砾石砾径相对较小
Fig. 8. Fault profile at the second terrace on the left bank of the Wugonggou
表 1 五宫沟附近沉积物热释光年龄测定值
Table 1. Thermoluminescence age of the sediment from the Wugonggou
样品序号 采样地点与层位 放射性元素含量 年剂量率 等效剂量 样品年龄(ka) U(10-6) Th(10-6) K2O(%) G(10-3a) ED(Gy) WGG-01 T2阶地砾石层中上部 2.69 9.02 2.66 1.99 30.0 15.02±1.27 WGG-02 T2阶地上覆粉土层下部 3.10 10.6 2.86 2.27 12.0 5.27±0.45 WGG-03 T2阶地上覆粉土层上部 3.39 12.0 2.70 2.43 10.0 4.11±0.35 WGG-04 T2阶地上覆粉土层底部 2.69 11.9 2.80 2.25 22.0 9.76±0.83 WGG-05 T2阶地上覆粉土层顶部 3.20 12.8 2.69 2.44 12.0 4.91±0.42 WGG-06 T2阶地上覆粉土层中部 2.84 10.3 2.83 2.12 14.0 6.44±0.55 WGG-07 T2阶地上覆粉土层下部 2.65 9.48 2.91 2.07 14.0 6.75±0.57 WGG-08 T2阶地砾石层顶部 3.34 8.69 2.55 2.13 24.0 11.28±0.96 WGG-09 T2阶地砾石层中上部 2.57 9.02 2.61 1.95 37.0 18.93±1.61 -
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