Mapping Buried Faults Using the Temperature-Vegetation-Dryness Index with an Application in Yangla Copper Mining Area, Yunnan
摘要: 在残积物、土壤覆盖区,若基岩中存在断层,则可能使局部覆盖层加厚、湿度和植被密度相对提高、近地面物质热惯量加大,并在白天的热红外观测中因地表升温较慢而显示地面温度相对较低.这些效应可用温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)加以表征,TVDI的线状低值区(负异常)可作为指示隐伏断层的标志.利用Landsat7 ETM+数据,运用温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)方法,在面积约26 km2的云南羊拉铜矿区进行了隐伏断层识别.结合可见光遥感影像解译及露头地段实地调查,测制了该矿区断层分布图.该研究成果对于羊拉矿区矿山生产有一定的实际意义,同时也显示了热红外遥感技术在覆盖区矿区地质应用方面的潜力.Abstract: In mountainous areas with eluvium overburden, thickness, moisture and vegetation of the overburden layer may be locally increased where faults are developed in the bedrock. At such localities thermal inertia of the near-surface materials is larger than that in the surrounding areas and relatively low surface temperature due to slower diurnal heating rate may be observed in the daytime. Therefore, the temperature-vegetation-dryness index (TVDI), a combination of surface temperature and vegetation, may be used to retrieve buried faults. Using Landsat7 ETM+ data, we have identified buried faults in this study with TVDI in Yangla copper mining district, Yunnan, which is about 26 km2 in area and is covered by residual deposits for the most part. A distribution map of faults of the district is obtained with linear lows of TVDI as indicators of buried faults combined with visible image interpretation and field investigation. While essential for mining practice in Yangla, our results show a remarkable potential of thermal infrared remote sensing in ore-field geological studies in poorly outcropped regions.
图 5 矿区北部(图 3的B处)GeoEye-1真彩色影像(白色箭头处见北东向负地形被北西向断层切错)
Fig. 5. GeoEye-1 true color image showing relations between different faults
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