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    基于地震资料的陆相湖盆物源通道特征分析: 以渤中凹陷西斜坡东营组为例

    朱红涛 杨香华 周心怀 李建平 王德英 李敏

    朱红涛, 杨香华, 周心怀, 李建平, 王德英, 李敏, 2013. 基于地震资料的陆相湖盆物源通道特征分析: 以渤中凹陷西斜坡东营组为例. 地球科学, 38(1): 121-129. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.012
    引用本文: 朱红涛, 杨香华, 周心怀, 李建平, 王德英, 李敏, 2013. 基于地震资料的陆相湖盆物源通道特征分析: 以渤中凹陷西斜坡东营组为例. 地球科学, 38(1): 121-129. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.012
    ZHU Hong-tao, YANG Xiang-hua, ZHOU Xin-huai, LI Jian-ping, WANG De-ying, LI Min, 2013. Sediment Transport Pathway Characteristics of Continental Lacustrine Basins Based on 3-D Seismic Data: An Example from Dongying Formation of Western Slope of Bozhong Sag. Earth Science, 38(1): 121-129. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.012
    Citation: ZHU Hong-tao, YANG Xiang-hua, ZHOU Xin-huai, LI Jian-ping, WANG De-ying, LI Min, 2013. Sediment Transport Pathway Characteristics of Continental Lacustrine Basins Based on 3-D Seismic Data: An Example from Dongying Formation of Western Slope of Bozhong Sag. Earth Science, 38(1): 121-129. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.012

    基于地震资料的陆相湖盆物源通道特征分析: 以渤中凹陷西斜坡东营组为例

    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.012

    国家自然科学基金项目 40702024

    中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目 CUGL100412

    霍英东教育基金会资助项目 132020


      朱红涛(1976-), 男, 副教授, 博士后, 主要从事层序地层学、地震沉积学与地震资料综合解释的教学与科研工作. E-mail: zhuht_oscar@yahoo.com.cn

    • 中图分类号: P65

    Sediment Transport Pathway Characteristics of Continental Lacustrine Basins Based on 3-D Seismic Data: An Example from Dongying Formation of Western Slope of Bozhong Sag

    • 摘要: 针对渤中凹陷西斜坡无井、少井的地质特征, 基于最新的三维地震资料, 讨论了沙垒田凸起、石臼坨凸起之间的古物源搬运通道及其控制沉积的差异性.研究结果表明, 渤中凹陷西斜坡东营组发育3种类型的沉积物搬运通道: 古沟谷物源通道、断槽物源通道、构造转换带物源通道.研究区的沉积主要受到源于沙垒田凸起NEE向条带状展布的断槽物源通道控制; 古沟谷物源搬运通道控制的沉积主要分布石臼坨凸起南部的局部地区; 构造转换带物源通道控制的沉积主要分布在沙垒田凸起东南缘的局部地区.研究区发育的这3种物源搬运通道, 代表陆相湖盆物源从源区到沉积区的搬运途径, 并分别对应不同的源-渠-汇的空间耦合模式.研究区源于沙垒田凸起的断槽物源通道模式观点的提出, 改变了传统上认为沙垒田凸起东缘为近源快速堆积的扇三角洲为主的认识, 为寻找有利的储层和油气分布建立了指导模式.


    • 图  1  渤中凹陷西斜坡构造位置

      Fig.  1.  Map of the western slope of Bozhong sag showing distribution of faults and locations of wells, seismic lines

      图  2  渤中凹陷西斜坡古近系层序充填序列和构造演化

      Fig.  2.  Generalised stratigraphic column and tectonic evolution of the Paleogene, western slope of Bozhong sag

      图  3  渤中凹陷西斜坡东营组古沟谷类型

      Fig.  3.  Types of paleo-channel of Dongying formation, western slope of Bozhong sag

      图  4  单断槽和双断槽物源搬运通道地震相特征

      Fig.  4.  Types and seismic facies of sediment transport pathway of faulted trough, western slope of Bozhong sag

      图  5  垂直断槽物源通道方向上的地震相特征(测线位置见图 1)

      Fig.  5.  Seismic cross section EE' showing seismic facies of sediment transport pathway of faulted trough, in N-S direction, western slope of Bozhong sag

      图  6  平行物源方向上的断槽物源通道地震相特征(测线位置见图 1)

      Fig.  6.  Seismic cross section AA'-DD' showing seismic facies of sediment transport pathway of faulted trough, in NEE direction, western slope of Bozhong sag

      图  7  研究区东营组地震多属性(a)和沉积相平面(b)图指示的条带状展布的断槽物源通道

      Fig.  7.  Seismic multi-attributes map (a) and sedimentary facies map (b) showing belted distribution characteristics of sediment transport pathway of faulted trough, Dongying formation, western slope of Bozhong sag

      图  8  地震测线FF'指示石臼坨南缘的扇三角洲朵体的地震相(测线位置见图 1)

      Fig.  8.  Seismic cross section FF' showing seismic facies of fan-delta sedimentary located in southern margin of Shijiutuo uplift, western slope of Bozhong sag

      图  9  渤中凹陷西斜坡古近系古地理格局及沉积相模式

      Fig.  9.  Paleogeomorphology and sedimentary model showing belted distribution characteristics of sediment transfer pathway of faulted trough of Paleogene, western slope of Bozhong sag

      图  10  陆相湖盆沉积物源搬运通道模式

      Fig.  10.  A conceptual model of sediment transport pathway for the continental lacustrine basins

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