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    张金阳 马昌前 王人镜 陶继东

    张金阳, 马昌前, 王人镜, 陶继东, 2013. 周口店岩体矿物学、年代学、地球化学特征及其岩浆起源与演化. 地球科学, 38(1): 68-86. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.007
    引用本文: 张金阳, 马昌前, 王人镜, 陶继东, 2013. 周口店岩体矿物学、年代学、地球化学特征及其岩浆起源与演化. 地球科学, 38(1): 68-86. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.007
    ZHANG Jin-yang, MA Chang-qian, WANG Ren-jing, TAO Ji-dong, 2013. Mineralogical, Geochronological and Geochemical Characteristics of Zhoukoudian Intrusion and Their Magmatic Source and Evolution. Earth Science, 38(1): 68-86. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.007
    Citation: ZHANG Jin-yang, MA Chang-qian, WANG Ren-jing, TAO Ji-dong, 2013. Mineralogical, Geochronological and Geochemical Characteristics of Zhoukoudian Intrusion and Their Magmatic Source and Evolution. Earth Science, 38(1): 68-86. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.007


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.007

    国家科学技术部国际科技合作项目 2007DFA21230

    国家自然科学基金项目 40821061

    国家自然科学基金项目 40334037

    国家自然科学基金项目 40903017

    教育部和国家外国专家局高等学校学科创新引智计划 B07039


      张金阳(1977-), 男, 博士, 副教授, 从事岩浆岩石学及相关矿床研究.E-mail: zhangjinyang@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P581

    Mineralogical, Geochronological and Geochemical Characteristics of Zhoukoudian Intrusion and Their Magmatic Source and Evolution

    • 摘要: 周口店岩体由三次侵入的中酸性岩石组成, 本次测得石英闪长岩锆石U-Pb年龄为131.6±2.1 Ma, 闪长玢岩锆石U-Pb年龄为128.1±1.4 Ma.周口店岩体各种类型岩石属高钾钙碱性系列、偏铝质, Mg#较高, 重稀土元素和Ta、Nb、P以及Ti明显亏损, 轻稀土元素和Ba、K以及Sr相对富集, Eu没有异常, Yb元素含量小于2×10-6, (La/Yb)N和Sr/Y比值较高.斜长石复杂环带能谱线扫描表明, 花岗闪长岩中的斜长石核部牌号高, 完整的幔部由内向外由反环带和正环带组成, 微粒包体中的斜长石核部牌号低, 幔部以尘状环带开始, 然后演变为正环带, 这揭示存在多期基性岩浆的注入作用, 结合暗色微粒包体的形态、大小、数量、反向脉、矿物含量统计、矿物成分、地球化学和各类环带包体、岩墙状包体群等特征, 说明暗色微粒包体是在花岗闪长岩浆冷凝过程的不同阶段, 多期幔源基性岩浆注入并与酸性岩浆在围绕包体周缘的局部范围内发生不均一机械混合作用的结果.周口店中酸性岩石体现埃达克质岩的地球化学特征, 岩浆成分主要受源区控制, 形成于加厚下地壳环境.由石英闪长岩-花岗闪长岩至中酸性岩脉, 岩石(Er/Lu)N和Nb/Ta比值升高, 说明源区残留相矿物组合由角闪石+石榴石向石榴石+金红石变化, 岩浆源区不断变深.


    • 图  1  周口店岩体地质略图(据赵温霞,2003修改)


      Fig.  1.  Simplified geological map of the Zhoukoudian intrusion

      图  2  (a) 环带状暗色微粒包体及向内部弯曲的凹边,(b)贯入暗色微粒包体的反向脉及向内弯曲的凹边,(c)微粒包体包围的寄主岩花岗闪长岩团块,(d)微粒包体(FS03-5)中复杂环带斜长石,核部为补丁状环带

      Fig.  2.  (a) A zoned mafic microgranular enclave with concave margins, (b) the reverse dykes and concave margins within a mafic microgranular enclave, (c) the granodiorite globule within a mafic microgranular enclave, (d) the complex zoned plagioclase within a mafic microgranular enclave

      图  3  (a) 石英闪长岩样品07FS07-1和(b)闪长玢岩脉样品CC01-4锆石LA-ICPMS 206Pb/238U-207Pb/235U谐和图

      Fig.  3.  Zircon LA-ICPMS 206Pb/238U-207Pb/235U concordia diagrams of samples from quartz diorite (07FS07-1, a) and diorite porphyry dyke (CC01-4, b)

      图  4  (a) 过渡相花岗闪长岩FS03-3中斜长石复杂环带(正交光),(b)斜长石核部-幔部-边部An值剖面(正交光)

      Fig.  4.  (a) a complex zoned plagioclase grain from granodiorite sample in transitional facies (cross-polarized light), (b) section of the complex zoned plagioclase (cross-polarized light)

      图  5  (a) 过渡相花岗闪长岩中微粒包体FS03-5内斜长石复杂环带(正交光),(b)斜长石核部-幔部-边部An值剖面(背散射)

      Fig.  5.  (a) a complex zoned plagioclase grain from sample of mafic microgranular enclave in transitional granodiorite facies (cross-polarized light), (b) section of the complex zoned plagioclase (backscattered light)

      图  6  (a) 周口店岩体各种岩石SiO2-(K2O+Na2O)图解(Middlmost, 1994)和(b)SiO2-K2O图解(实线据Peccerillo and Taylor (1976), 虚线据Middlemost (1985))


      Fig.  6.  (a) SiO2-(K2O+Na2O) (Middlmost, 1994) and (b) SiO2-K2O (Peccerillo and Taylor, 1976; Middlemost, 1985) diagrams of all kinds of rocks from the Zhoukoudian intrusion

      图  7  周口店岩体早期闪长岩-石英闪长岩(a)、晚期花岗闪长岩(b)、中酸性岩脉(c)和暗色微粒包体(d)稀土元素原始地幔标准化配分图(标准化值见Wood et al.(1979, 1981)

      Fig.  7.  Primitive mantle normalized REE patterns of diorite-quartz diorite (a), granodiorite (b), intermediate-acidic dykes (c) and mafic microgranular enclaves (d) from the Zhoukoudian intrusion

      图  8  周口店岩体各类岩石Sr/Y-Y图解(a)和Sr同位素初始比值与εNd(130 Ma)图解(b)

      Fig.  8.  Sr/Y-Y diagram (a) and initial Sr isotopic ratios (ISr) vs.epsilon Nd (εNd(t)) values diagram (b) of all kinds of rocks from the Zhoukoudian intrusion

      图  9  (a) 周口店岩体各类岩石与实验岩石学结果、中国东部早白垩世高镁闪长岩SiO2-Mg#图解,(b)周口店岩体各类岩石(Er/Lu)N-Nb/Ta图解

      a.玄武质岩:玄武质岩石熔融实验的熔体(Rushmer, 1991; Sen and Dunn, 1994; Rapp and Watson, 1995);周口店:周口店岩体各类岩石;玄武质岩+橄榄岩:玄武质岩石与橄榄岩熔融实验的熔体(Rapp et al., 1999);高镁闪长岩:中国东部高镁闪长岩(许文良等, 2006);b.由石英闪长岩-花岗闪长岩至中酸性岩脉,(Er/Lu)N值和Nb/Ta比值升高

      Fig.  9.  (a) SiO2-Mg# diagram of quartz diorites, granodiorites and intermediate-acidic dykes from the Zhoukoudian intrusion, (b) (Er/Lu)N-Nb/Ta diagram of quartz diorites, granodiorites and intermediate-acidic dykes from the Zhoukoudian intrusion

      表  1  周口店复式侵入体石英闪长岩(07FS07-1)和闪长玢岩脉(CC04-1)锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb测年结果

      Table  1.   Zircon LA-ICPMS U-Pb data of quartz diorite (07FS07-1) and diorite porphyry dyke (CC04-1) from the Zhoukoudian intrusion

      Pb U Th Th/U 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U 206Pb/238U
      1 48.5 41.0 44.5 1.1 0.146 03 0.017 63 0.017 93 0.000 51 115.0 3.0
      2 84.5 70.7 77.5 1.1 0.134 80 0.013 60 0.018 44 0.000 42 118.0 3.0
      3 69.5 61.0 62.0 1.0 0.138 84 0.014 24 0.020 02 0.000 44 128.0 3.0
      4 65.5 49.9 59.0 1.2 0.156 15 0.017 47 0.020 45 0.000 52 130.0 3.0
      5 44.4 39.3 40.3 1.0 0.153 97 0.015 53 0.018 97 0.000 46 121.0 3.0
      6 43.3 37.0 39.2 1.1 0.158 70 0.015 48 0.020 69 0.000 47 132.0 3.0
      7 103.8 74.9 95.9 1.3 0.144 44 0.015 17 0.018 99 0.000 47 121.0 3.0
      8 35.2 34.0 31.8 0.9 0.129 24 0.021 70 0.018 96 0.000 69 121.0 4.0
      9 82.3 60.0 75.6 1.3 0.137 55 0.013 44 0.020 67 0.000 47 132.0 3.0
      10 125.8 32.7 41.9 1.3 9.612 98 0.281 67 0.443 15 0.005 36 2 365.0 24.0
      11 94.6 69.7 86.8 1.2 0.155 26 0.012 56 0.020 57 0.000 42 131.0 3.0
      12 72.8 62.0 65.7 1.1 0.137 16 0.017 51 0.018 94 0.000 58 121.0 4.0
      13 78.6 64.4 71.7 1.1 0.127 02 0.014 48 0.020 62 0.000 49 132.0 3.0
      14 31.6 36.4 28.1 0.8 0.154 31 0.023 08 0.018 76 0.000 69 120.0 4.0
      15 551.2 395.4 8.2 0.0 4.372 16 0.134 13 0.285 53 0.003 25 1 619.0 16.0
      16 66.2 58.2 59.9 1.0 0.142 00 0.017 18 0.021 28 0.000 55 136.0 3.0
      17 88.6 72.6 81.4 1.1 0.129 66 0.014 92 0.018 87 0.000 47 121.0 3.0
      18 61.3 61.2 55.6 0.9 0.129 67 0.017 34 0.018 60 0.000 55 119.0 3.0
      19 72.1 52.8 66.4 1.3 0.142 62 0.019 08 0.020 69 0.000 60 132.0 4.0
      20 54.0 47.3 49.0 1.0 0.136 92 0.019 38 0.020 64 0.000 56 132.0 4.0
      1 7.2 257.9 233.3 0.9 0.154 57 0.008 31 0.020 01 0.000 28 127.7 1.7
      2 7.6 246.4 196.6 0.8 0.360 33 0.151 53 0.020 61 0.000 31 131.5 2.0
      3 6.6 242.8 194.3 0.8 0.134 85 0.007 82 0.019 45 0.000 30 124.2 1.9
      4 7.1 266.7 190.9 0.7 0.161 89 0.009 48 0.018 95 0.000 28 121.0 1.8
      5 5.7 195.1 150.1 0.8 0.170 38 0.009 94 0.019 68 0.000 76 125.6 4.8
      6 5.1 172.9 151.4 0.9 0.183 78 0.009 40 0.019 77 0.000 37 126.2 2.3
      7 2.9 89.2 104.1 1.2 0.251 18 0.015 27 0.019 36 0.000 44 123.6 2.8
      8 4.0 148.7 99.7 0.7 0.148 43 0.008 83 0.019 95 0.000 35 127.3 2.2
      9 6.4 231.3 171.3 0.7 0.141 16 0.009 68 0.019 74 0.000 33 126.0 2.1
      10 5.2 188.9 119.1 0.6 0.179 16 0.012 09 0.019 96 0.000 34 127.4 2.1
      11 5.7 198.7 154.5 0.8 0.184 30 0.010 13 0.019 94 0.000 27 127.3 1.7
      12 3.7 135.0 108.7 0.8 0.171 79 0.010 43 0.020 00 0.000 35 127.7 2.2
      13 10.0 344.8 350.8 1.0 0.151 91 0.009 92 0.019 97 0.000 25 127.5 1.6
      14 6.4 221.1 186.8 0.8 0.183 56 0.011 52 0.020 25 0.000 31 129.2 1.9
      15 2.5 91.2 68.2 0.7 0.205 44 0.012 65 0.020 46 0.000 39 130.6 2.4
      16 5.0 184.9 129.7 0.7 0.208 26 0.020 34 0.019 82 0.000 37 126.5 2.3
      17 6.6 229.6 201.9 0.9 0.192 57 0.016 94 0.020 10 0.000 38 128.3 2.4
      18 5.6 196.4 157.3 0.8 0.211 87 0.018 77 0.019 96 0.000 41 127.4 2.6
      19 76.0 119.3 83.8 0.7 10.230 53 0.333 38 0.448 47 0.004 44 2 388.5 19.8
      20 2.8 89.1 86.0 1.0 0.236 18 0.017 77 0.021 38 0.000 43 136.4 2.7
      21 6.6 223.7 167.7 0.7 0.217 19 0.016 76 0.020 47 0.000 31 130.6 2.0
      22 4.8 152.1 167.8 1.1 0.210 85 0.014 54 0.020 48 0.000 36 130.7 2.3
      23 6.6 218.5 182.1 0.8 0.210 91 0.011 22 0.021 06 0.000 29 134.3 1.8
      24 5.1 167.6 124.3 0.7 0.245 08 0.015 26 0.021 01 0.000 41 134.1 2.6
      25 5.2 193.1 134.0 0.7 0.179 70 0.014 13 0.019 94 0.000 32 127.3 2.0
      26 4.8 169.7 127.3 0.8 0.179 96 0.009 86 0.020 36 0.000 29 129.9 1.8
      27 8.3 221.9 229.6 1.0 0.370 28 0.031 45 0.022 29 0.000 40 142.1 2.5
      28 6.5 188.2 130.5 0.7 0.394 42 0.023 92 0.022 17 0.000 39 141.4 2.4
      29 6.6 245.8 178.5 0.7 0.210 22 0.018 73 0.020 15 0.000 35 128.6 2.2
      30 3.8 105.2 104.9 1.0 0.370 69 0.023 13 0.021 85 0.000 51 139.4 3.2
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      表  2  周口店岩体暗色微粒包体和中酸性岩脉主量(%)、微量元素(10-6)和Sr-Nd同位素测试结果

      Table  2.   Major, trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of mafic microgranular enclaves and intermediate-acidic dykes within the Zhoukoudian intrusion

      CC01-2b* CC01-2a* FS04-2a CC03-1 CC02-3 CC02-2 CC02-1 CC03-2 CC01-4 CC01-3
      暗色微粒包体 花岗闪长斑岩脉 闪长玢岩脉
      SiO2 54.87 53.86 59.52 63.67 65.39 61.43 60.20 55.73 61.91 62.01
      TiO2 0.96 1.02 0.78 0.56 0.67 0.90 0.89 0.96 0.93 0.92
      Al2O3 16.91 16.99 15.41 16.81 15.89 16.50 17.09 16.94 16.89 16.89
      Fe2O3 2.19 2.44 1.37 1.52 1.08 1.13 1.42 1.82 1.56 1.49
      FeO 5.55 5.78 4.30 2.55 2.58 3.75 4.08 5.10 3.30 3.35
      MnO 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.10 0.06 0.06
      MgO 4.36 4.57 4.06 1.69 1.63 2.52 2.53 4.24 2.00 1.98
      CaO 5.98 5.96 4.55 3.31 2.93 4.00 4.14 5.73 3.67 3.70
      Na2O 4.54 4.49 3.42 4.36 4.63 4.70 4.63 4.37 4.65 4.62
      K2O 2.66 2.82 4.77 3.97 3.72 3.15 3.19 2.80 3.31 3.29
      P2O5 0.43 0.45 0.38 0.27 0.29 0.40 0.38 0.48 0.41 0.41
      CO2 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.11 0.04 0.04
      H2O 1.07 1.12 0.93 0.75 0.68 0.95 0.90 1.14 0.83 0.80
      Total 99.7 99.68 99.63 99.56 99.57 99.55 99.56 99.52 99.56 99.56
      ACNK 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.96 0.94 0.9 0.92 0.82 0.94 0.94
      Cr 133.00 53.20 50.30 17.60 32.70 41.80 21.80 61.20 16.00 14.00
      Co 18.70 23.50 22.50 8.74 8.61 13.00 14.20 21.10 11.40 11.30
      Ni 61.60 19.40 18.90 9.54 13.40 22.60 12.30 30.70 9.27 8.91
      Sc 12.50 18.20 17.00 5.93 5.15 7.50 7.55 15.20 6.91 6.81
      V 105.0 163.0 154.0 62.9 64.5 94.4 102.3 137.3 86.3 87.7
      Ga 21.1 23.0 22.3 22.0 22.7 23.5 23.7 23.0 23.2 23.2
      Rb 101.0 82.6 72.9 77.5 59.9 49.9 72.2 62.7 58.9 60.7
      Sr 859 803 820 1 320 1 158 1 581 1 452 1 693 1 413 1 438
      Y 17.1 20.2 19.3 11.4 7.8 10.5 11.0 16.6 10.7 10.7
      Nb 8.59 9.22 8.77 10.60 8.17 8.44 7.74 7.87 8.31 8.50
      Zr 186 212 174 210 164 178 183 197 197 199
      Ba 1 842 1 113 1 106 2 006 1 719 1 958 1 944 2 111 1 993 2 008
      Hf 4.68 5.06 4.21 5.23 4.30 4.53 4.68 4.85 4.93 4.99
      Ta 0.36 0.49 0.45 0.62 0.43 0.40 0.37 0.37 0.43 0.44
      Pb 30.5 19.7 19.8 47.3 33 26.1 57.9 17.7 19.9 20.4
      Th 10.40 8.78 8.49 9.17 5.52 3.96 3.54 5.46 4.26 4.26
      U 1.32 1.26 1.08 2.18 1.19 1.35 1.06 1.45 0.94 1.02
      La 66.8 65.0 65.3 59.1 48.1 55.1 56.4 66.0 58.0 57.4
      Ce 124 121 118 112 95.4 106 108 132 111 111
      Pr 15.2 14.8 14.5 12.9 11.7 13.4 13.5 16.7 13.5 13.7
      Nd 57.9 57.1 55.5 45.6 42.7 50.5 50.6 62.5 50.3 50.9
      Sm 9.02 9.27 8.99 6.55 6.37 7.60 7.65 9.36 7.50 7.53
      Eu 1.87 2.01 1.97 1.86 1.77 2.17 2.21 2.60 2.11 2.15
      Gd 6.23 6.82 6.63 4.40 3.94 5.02 5.26 6.35 5.02 5.15
      Tb 0.72 0.81 0.78 0.50 0.43 0.56 0.57 0.73 0.55 0.57
      Dy 3.67 4.15 3.99 2.35 1.74 2.45 2.63 3.53 2.47 2.5
      Ho 0.63 0.76 0.73 0.42 0.29 0.40 0.43 0.63 0.41 0.41
      Er 1.62 1.94 1.86 1.11 0.69 0.97 1.02 1.58 0.98 0.98
      Tm 0.22 0.26 0.25 0.15 0.08 0.11 0.12 0.21 0.12 0.12
      Yb 1.55 1.78 1.61 1.02 0.51 0.69 0.75 1.39 0.76 0.77
      Lu 0.24 0.26 0.24 0.15 0.07 0.10 0.11 0.21 0.10 0.11
      87Rb/86Sr 0.339 0 0.297 6 0.257 4 0.169 8 0.149 7 0.091 3 0.143 7 0.107 2 0.120 5 0.122 2
      87Sr/86Sr 0.705 767 0.705 846 0.705 872 0.705 665 0.705 729 0.705 365 0.705 426 0.705 358 0.705 675 0.705 677
      4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5
      Isr 0.705 141 0.705 296 0.705 396 0.705 351 0.705 452 0.705 196 0.705 16 0.705 16 0.705 452 0.705 451
      147Sm/144Nd 0.094 2 0.098 1 0.098 0 0.086 7 0.090 2 0.091 0.091 4 0.090 5 0.090 1 0.089 5
      143Nd/144Nd 0.511 820 0.511 803 0.511 694 0.511 714 0.511 624 0.511 598 0.511 552 0.511 654 0.511 554 0.511 55
      4 6 3 5 2 4 2 4 2 6
      T2DM 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.5
      εNd(t) -14.3 -14.7 -16.8 -16.2 -18 -18.5 -19.4 -17.4 -19.4 -19.5
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