Geological Events and Their Geochemical Responses of the Permian-Triassic Boundary, Huaying, Eastern Sichuan
摘要: 以华蓥山涧水沟PTB界线地层剖面为例, 对地层学界长期争论但始终没有得到解决的全球性地质难题PTB界线进行了地质、地球化学等方面的探讨, 可从该剖面中识别出生物地层和岩性地层两类T/P界线, 两者相距约4.56 m, 所有的海平面下降、生物绝灭、火山喷发和古海洋由正常海向非正常的高Sr海转化等复杂地质事件, 都发生在两类T/P界线之间.Fe、Mn、Sr微量元素和C、O稳定同位素的规律性变化和相关控制因素也都出现在两类T/P界线之间, 证明元素地球化学特征对PTB界线地层中所出现的各种复杂地质事件都具有良好的响应.Abstract: Based on the case study of Jianshuigou outcrop in Huaying Mountains, the geological and geochemical identifications of Permian-Triassic Boundary (PTB), an unresolved geological problem which has been the focus of debate, are discussed in this paper. Two different types and layers of PTB, biostratigraphical PTB and lithostratigraphical PTB are identified from Jianshuigou PTB section in the present study. The distance between them is 4.56 m, and all of complex geological events, such as sea level drops, biotic mass extinctions, volcanic eruptions and the conversion of Sr content in paleocean from normal to abnormal (with higher Sr content) etc., occurred between the two Permian-Triassic boundaries. Evolution curves of Fe, Mn, Sr content, δ13C and δ18O are established at Jianshuigou PTB section, and their regular changes and related controlling factors are tightly bound with the complex geological events. Therefore, all the complex geological events have good correlation with the geochemical features.
Key words:
- Huayingshan /
- Permian-Triassic boundary /
- sea-level drops /
- biotic extinctions /
- volcanic /
- geochemistry /
- stratigraphy
表 1 样品的采样位置、Mn、Fe、Sr含量和δ13C,δ18O值
Table 1. Sampling location, Mn、Fe、Sr content and δ13C, δ18O for the samples
样号 采样位置 微量元素含量(%) δ13CPDB(‰) δ18OPDB(‰) Mn Fe Sr Ht6 12层中部 0.0580 2.440 0.150 -0.14±0.009 -6.20±0.030 Ht5 11层中部 0.0660 1.620 0.140 -0.18±0.036 -6.31±0.012 Ht4 10层底部 0.0540 3.280 0.120 -0.08±0.055 -6.06±0.023 Ht3 9层中部 0.0520 1.800 0.140 0.13±0.060 -6.28±0.043 Ht2 8层中部 0.0190 1.240 0.110 0.76±0.053 -6.43±0.028 Hp3 4层距顶0.4m处 0.0260 0.440 0.050 2.58±0.011 -6.05±0.028 Hp2 3层距顶0.2m处 0.0027 0.023 0.080 3.78±0.018 -5.27±0.017 Hp1 2层底部 0.0092 0.038 0.041 3.76±0.034 -4.60±0.034 注:C、O同位素由西南大学地理科学学院地球化学与同位素实验室分析完成,仪器为Delta Ⅴ Plus+Kiel Ⅳ Carbonate Device, δ13C分析误差为0.006~0.042, δ18O分析误差为0.009~0.043;Fe,Mn,Sr含量由中国地质科学院矿产综合利用研究所分析测试中心分析,测试仪器为2000DV,检测依据为JY/T015-1996《感耦等离子体原子发射光谱方法通则》,分析结果以单元素含量表示,检测限0.001%,误差0.002%. -
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