Hematite and Goethite Distribution in the Yangtze River Sediments by Using Diffused Reflectance Spectroscopy
摘要: 赤铁矿和针铁矿是自然界常见的风化产物,对气候环境具有灵敏的指示作用.本文利用漫反射光谱技术,分析了长江干流及其主要支流悬浮颗粒物及河漫滩沉积物中赤铁矿和针铁矿的分布特征.结果表明,长江沉积物中可见光漫反射光谱一阶导数赤铁矿特征峰出现在565 nm处,针铁矿一阶导数主峰出现在505 nm处,次峰出现在435 nm处.与以往在黄土研究中的结果不同,长江沉积物中针铁矿一阶导数主峰的峰高普遍低于针铁矿次峰的一阶导数峰高.在长江流域内,干流样品赤铁矿和针铁矿含量变化不大,而上游支流赤铁矿和针铁矿含量总体较低,反映了它们的来源不同和水动力作用影响.长江与黄河沉积物、黄土及粉尘的漫反射光谱数据对比发现,不同环境下赤铁矿和针铁矿含量差别明显,具有一定的气候环境与源区指示意义.Abstract: As two common weathering minerals, hematite and goethite are generally regarded as sensitive indicators for environment. In this paper, suspended particle matter and floodplain sediments from the main stream and major tributaries of the Yangtze River are systemically studied by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS). The result reveals that the first derivative curve peak for hematite in the Yangtze River sediments occurs at 565 nm, while the first derivative curve main peak for goethite occurs at 505 nm and secondary peak for goethite occurs at 435 nm. It is different from previous studies on loess that the height of goethite's main peak in the Yangtze River sediments is overall higher than its secondary peak. In the Yangtze River catchment, both hematite and goethite are quite homogeneous in the Yangtze River main stream due to the hydrodynamic mixing, while variations in hematite and goethite contents are larger in the tributaries. Clear differences in DRS are observed between the Yangtze River and Huanghe sediments, loess and dust, which implies that the DRS method may shed new light on discriminating sediment provenances.
Key words:
- hematite /
- goethite /
- diffuse reflectance spectroscopy /
- Yangtze River /
- sediments /
- source tracer /
- mineralogy
图 3 长江干、支流赤铁矿和针铁矿一阶导数特征峰值分布
Fig. 3. Distribution of hematite and goethite in Yangtze River sediments
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