Characteristics and Its Geological Significance of Fluid Inclusions of the Wurinitu W-Mo Deposit in Inner Mongolia, China
摘要: 乌日尼图钨钼矿位于内蒙古苏尼特左旗境内,是近几年该区新发现的较大规模的钨钼矿床.钨钼矿体主要产于燕山期花岗岩体的内外接触带附近,以细脉状矿化类型为主.该矿床中的流体包裹体主要发育气液两相、富气相、富液相和纯液相包裹体等类型.包裹体均一温度为130.0~371.7 ℃(峰值为160.0~260.0 ℃),盐度为0.2%~15.9% NaCl eqv(峰值为0.2%~12.5% NaCl eqv),属于中低温、中低盐度钨钼矿床.激光拉曼和群体包裹体成分分析结果表明,流体体系气相成分以H2O、CO2为主,其次为N2、O2以及少量CO、CH4、C2H2、C2H4和C2H6等; 液相成分以Ca2+、Na+、SO42-、Cl-为主,其次为K+、F-、NO3-、Mg2+以及少量Br-和Li+.成矿流体为H2O-NaCl-CO2体系.流体包裹体氢氧同位素分析表明,成矿流体的δ18O水的含量范围为-2.11%~-0.11%,δD水的含量范围为-85%~-108%,成矿流体为岩浆水与大气降水的混合物.结合矿床地质和成矿流体特征,认为该矿床为与燕山期岩浆活动有关的中低温热液石英脉型钨钼矿床,成矿物质以深源为主.Abstract: The Wurinitu W-Mo deposit,located in Sunid Zuoqi area in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region,is a large W-Mo deposit discovered in recent years. The W-Mo orebodies mainly occurred in Yanshanian granite rock body and the nearby contact zone,with the major type of veinlet mineralization. Petrographic study of fluid inclusions suggests that the main types of fluid inclusions of Wurinitu metallogenic fluid system are two-phase vapor-liquid inclusions,vapor-rich phase inclusions,liquid-rich phase inclusions and pure liquid phase inclusions. The homogenization temperature and salinity of the fluid inclusions vary in 130.0-371.7 ℃ (the peak value vary in 160-260 ℃) and 0.2%-15.9% NaCl eqv (the peak value vary in 0.2%-12.5% NaCl eqv). The deposit belongs to a medium-low temperature,medium-low salinity W-Mo deposit. Laser Raman spectroscopic and inclusion groups components studies indicate that gas composition of the ore-forming fluid are mainly H2O and CO2,some N2 and O2,and less CO,CH4,C2H2,C2H4 and C2H6,liquid composition are mainly Ca2+,Na+,SO42-,Cl-,some K+,F-,Mg2+ and NO3-,and less Br- and Li+. The ore-forming fluids belong to the H2O-NaCl-CO2 system. The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions showed that the ore-forming fluids had lower values of δ18Owater ranging from -2.11% to -0.11%,and the value of δDwater ranged from -85% to -108%. The ore-forming fluids came from the mixing of magma water and meteoric water. Based on the geological and ore-forming fluids characteristics of the deposit,it is concluded that the Wurinitu quartz vein type W-Mo deposit is a Yanshanian magmatism-related and moderate-low temperature hydrothermal system. The ore-forming materials were mainly derived from the depth.
表 1 乌日尼图钨钼矿床石英中流体包裹体参数特征
Table 1. Parameter characteristics of fluid inclusion in quartz from the Wurinitu tungsten and molybdenum deposit
样号 个数 大小(μm) 气液比(%) 冰点Tm, ice(℃) 均一温度Th(℃) 盐度(% NaCl eqv) 密度(g/cm3) 成矿压力(MPa) 成矿深度(km) WR-1 16 4.6~38.7 5~30 -8.1~-3.5(-6.3) 187.0~263.8(233.2) 5.7~12.1(9.5) 0.82~0.96(0.90) 51.79~74.46(64.13) 1.73~2.48(2.14) WR-2 14 4.1~13.5 10~15 -5.3~-0.3(-2.6) 224.1~243.0(238.5) 0.5~8.1(4.3) 0.81~0.88(0.85) 45.00~66.02(61.29) 1.50~2.20(2.04) WR-3 15 3.1~12.9 5~35 -9.3~-4.6(-7.1) 161.7~316.6(229.7) 7.3~13.2(10.5) 0.77~0.97(0.91) 44.39~78.28(63.42) 1.48~2.89(2.11) WR-4 16 2.0~6.5 5~20 -10.7~-3.8(-7.3) 174.4~321.1(234.6) 6.2~14.7 (10.7) 0.84~0.98(0.91) 48.38~89.48(64.79) 1.61~2.88(2.16) WR-6 15 3.3~12.5 5~15 -11.7~-0.3(-3.8) 130.0~260.5(208.2) 0.5~15.7 (6.0) 0.84~0.98(0.90) 30.30~70.90(55.10) 1.01~2.36(1.84) WR-15 14 2.7~17.5 5~20 -3.6~-0.3(-1.2) 168.2~258.9(215.5) 0.5~5.9 (2.0) 0.79~0.92(0.86) 39.02~65.47(50.86) 1.32~2.18(1.70) WR-16 15 4.0~22.3 3~20 -11.9~-3.0(-7.7) 159.8~352.6(223.3) 5.0~15.9 (11.2) 0.78~1.01(0.92) 44.49~97.99(61.64) 1.48~3.27(2.05) WR-18 15 3.5~10.6 5~35 -5.2~-1.6(-3.7) 162.4~271.4(209.6) 2.7~8.1 (6.0) 0.86~0.93(0.90) 42.47~74.05(56.51) 1.42~2.47(1.88) WR-21 16 3.7~20.6 5~15 -5.4~-0.1(-3.2) 170.0~236.6(209.6) 0.2~8.4 (5.2) 0.82~0.96(0.89) 29.46~ 63.90(53.95) 0.98~2.13(1.80) WR-22 14 3.0~30.2 5~15 -6.9~-3.9(-5.1) 174.9~216.5(201.1) 6.3~10.4 (7.9) 0.89~0.96(0.92) 48.18~59.81(55.00) 1.61~1.99(1.83) WR-25 14 3.3~18.1 5~25 -9.3~-0.2(-3.4) 171.8~272.5(212.7) 0.4~13.2(5.3) 0.84~0.94(0.89) 32.89~75.22 (53.16) 1.10~2.51(1.77) WR-26 16 2.0~9.5 3~30 -8.4~-2.6(-5.1) 139.7~334.5(211.0) 4.3~12.2(8.0) 0.77~0.99(0.91) 38.39~92.44(59.90) 1.28~3.08(2.00) WR-37 16 2.4~13.5 3~15 -6.1~-0.2(-3.4) 136.4~211.9(168.5) 0.4~9.3(5.4) 0.89~0.97(0.94) 21.09~56.91(45.44) 0.70~1.90(1.51) WR-41 16 5.2~15.5 5~15 -5.5~-1.0(-3.7) 179.5~265.5(205.0) 1.7~8.5(6.0) 0.81~0.95(0.90) 46.99~70.29(54.98) 1.57~2.34(1.83) WR-42 15 3.2~13.4 5~15 -5.2~-2.0(-3.9) 134.0~256.7(205.8) 3.4~8.1(6.2) 0.86~0.97(0.90) 35.99~70.34(55.65) 1.20~2.34(1.86) WR-46 16 3.2~14.6 10~15 -8.7~-0.1(-4.3) 219.5~305.7(259.4) 0.2~12.5(6.8) 0.74~0.90(0.84) 35.84~84.55(67.99) 1.19~2.82(2.27) WR-47 15 2.7~9.7 10~30 -6.3~-0.3(-2.8) 178.2~371.7(240.3) 0.5~9.3(5.2) 0.68~0.91(0.85) 41.66~102.09(62.04) 1.39~3.40(2.07) 注:括号内为平均值. 表 2 乌日尼图钨钼矿床石英中流体包裹体群气相和液相成分(μg/g)
Table 2. Gas components and aqueous components of grouped fluid inclusions from quartz in the Wurinitu tungsten and molybdenum deposit
样号 WR-1 WR-4 WR-6 WR-25 WR-26 WR-37 样品名称 含矿石英脉 含矿石英脉 含矿石英脉 含矿石英脉 含矿石英脉 含矿石英脉 CH4 1.134 0.091 0.138 0.659 0.240 0.122 C2H2+C2H4 0.355 0.228 0.345 0.641 0.587 0.215 C2H6 微量 微量 0.010 0.072 0.027 微量 CO2 215.394 93.991 179.044 352.493 204.057 92.912 H2O 217.082 204.064 60.020 421.716 178.399 174.747 O2 8.623 9.626 19.379 9.512 12.011 8.343 N2 42.338 45.142 93.596 58.817 63.648 39.963 CO 15.688 11.242 48.108 93.460 70.792 13.137 CO2/H2O 0.406 0.189 1.221 0.342 0.468 0.218 CO2/N2 3.238 1.325 1.218 3.815 2.041 1.480 Li+ 0.038 0.076 0.022 0.047 0 0.035 Na+ 3.617 4.047 2.446 3.891 2.035 4.490 K+ 2.269 3.439 2.223 1.949 2.940 2.434 Mg2+ 0.025 0.028 0.043 0.031 0.029 0.021 Ca2+ 1.481 2.145 3.002 2.347 2.333 1.600 F- 0.454 0.263 0.289 0.671 0.166 0.372 Cl- 2.968 2.712 2.757 3.672 2.126 4.532 NO2- 0 0 0 0 0 0 Br- 0 0 0.087 0.156 0 0 NO3- 2.117 2.345 2.122 2.448 1.823 1.880 SO42- 10.334 8.621 6.971 9.442 7.319 9.078 (Na++K+)/(Ca2++Mg2+) 5.670 4.829 2.129 3.662 2.756 6.315 Mg2+/Ca2+ 0.028 0.022 0.024 0.022 0.020 0.022 Na+/K+ 2.711 2.001 1.871 3.395 1.177 3.137 Na+/Ca2+ 4.258 3.289 1.420 2.890 1.521 4.892 F-/Cl- 0.285 0.181 0.196 0.341 0.146 0.153 Cl-/SO42- 0.778 0.852 1.072 1.054 0.787 1.353 注:数据由中国地质科学院地质矿产资源研究所流体包裹体实验室分析,分析人杨丹. 表 3 乌日尼图钨钼矿床氢氧同位素测试结果
Table 3. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope data of the Wurinitu tungsten and molybdenum deposit
样号 WR-1 WR-3 WR-16 WR-18 WR-21 WR-25 WR-26 WR-37 WR-42 WR-47 产出位置 矿石 矿石 矿石 矿石 矿石 矿石 矿石 矿石 矿石 矿石 测试矿物 石英 石英 石英 石英 石英 石英 石英 石英 石英 石英 δ18O石英(%) 8.7 10.5 9.6 10.5 10.3 10.0 11.1 9.9 12.2 8.5 δD水(%) -99 -97 -105 -103 -85 -106 -108 -105 -87 -99 δ18O水(%) -1.91 -0.11 -1.01 -0.11 -0.31 -0.61 0.49 -0.71 1.59 -2.11 -
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