Strata Hosted Makeng Type Iron Deposits and Prospecting Orientation in the Wuyishan Covered Region
摘要: 马坑式铁矿床是永梅晚古生代坳陷次一级北东向龙漳基底断裂凹陷带内的大型铁矿床.其赋矿层位并不是很清楚, 这影响了找矿工作.在野外地质调查和认真总结前人研究成果的基础上, 探讨了马坑式铁矿的控矿因素, 认为马坑式矿区的褶皱主体为倒转背斜, 而不是背斜的一翼; 经畲组-栖霞组(C2j-P1q)及其与上覆文笔山组(P1w)之间的界面才是马坑式铁矿的赋矿层位, 而不是林西组(C1l)与上覆经畲组-栖霞组(C2j-P1q) 之间的界面; 认为逆冲推覆构造也是重要的控矿因素, 并指出了找矿方向.燕山期逆冲推覆构造是Izanagi板块自南东向北西方向向欧亚板块之下俯冲所产生的结果.Abstract: Makeng type iron deposit is a large deposit in the secondary NE-trending Longzhang basal fracture sag zone of the Late Paleozoic depression of Yongmei. The prospecting breakthrough has been hindered due to the fact that we are not very clear about the type of the strata hosted Makeng type iron deposits. On the basis of field investigation and conscientious study of the results of previous researches, this paper explores ore-controlling factors of the Makeng type iron deposit. It is found that the fold in the Makeng mine district is an overturned anticline instead of one limb of the anticline, and that the Yanshanian thrust nappe structure is the results generated by the subduction of Izanagi plate under the Eurasian plate from southeast to northwest. It is suggested that the Jingshe Formation-Qixia Formation (C2j-P1q) and interface between the Jingshe Formation-Qixia Formation (C2j-P1q) and the Wenbishan Formation (P1w) are the horizon hosted Makeng type iron deposit, and that the thrust nappe structure is also important ore-controlling factors. In addition, this paper also presents the prospecting direction.
图 2 马坑矿区地质图(据福建省地质八队,福建省龙岩市马坑铁矿床地质特征及成矿地质条件研究报告,1982)
Fig. 2. Geological map of Makeng mine district
图 3 马坑矿区61勘探线地质剖面图(福建省地质八队,福建省龙岩市马坑铁矿床地质特征及成矿地质条件研究报告,1982)
1.第四系;2.二叠系下统童子岩组第二段;3.二叠系童子岩组第一段;4.二叠系下统文笔山组;5.燕山期黑云母花岗岩;6.矽卡岩; 7.石炭系上统经畲组-二叠系下统栖霞组;8.石炭系下统林地组;9.实测、推测性质不明断层;10.熔结凝灰角砾岩(?);11.断层破碎带;12.磁铁矿;13.辉绿玢岩;14.辉长辉绿岩;15.辉绿闪长岩;16.辉钼矿脉
Fig. 3. No. 61 prospecting line geological cross section of Makeng mine district
图 6 阳山东矿区34线地质剖面图(赵一鸣等,1983)
Fig. 6. No. 61 prospecting line geological cross section of eastern Yangshan mine district
图 7 马坑矿区与矽卡岩有关的侵入体成矿种类判别图(图式据Meinert et al., 2005,数据据赵一鸣等, 1983)
Fig. 7. Mineralization discrimination diagram of intrusions associated with skarn in making mine district
图 8 马坑矿区61线主矿体矿石自然类型分带(据邢文臣等,1982)
Fig. 8. Ore natural type zoning of main orebody on No. 61 prospecting line of Makeng mine district
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