Geochemical Vertical Transportation along Soil Profiles in Baiyinnuoer Pb-Zn Deposit Areas, Mongolia, China
摘要: 土壤地球化学测量工作对发现土壤中与成矿有关的地球化学异常进而对指导找矿具有重要的意义.内蒙古白音诺尔铅锌矿床是我国北方一个典型的矽卡岩型矿床, 具有大而富的特点.选取内蒙古白音诺尔铅锌矿区某已开采矿体上方6号土壤垂直剖面、以及距离6号剖面分别约1.0 km和4.5 km的非矿土壤垂直剖面3和8,垂向上通过每隔10 cm取样,进行了系统的土壤磁化率测试和与成矿有关的部分微量元素的总量测试分析.结果显示,尽管近矿剖面6和远矿剖面3中磁化率与土壤深度之间呈良好的负相关关系,但剖面6中9种元素含量均显示“顶底低中间高”的“倒C型”分布,而远矿剖面3和8中元素含量多呈动荡波动.这些研究思路与结论可为覆盖区表生土壤地球化学测量及矿产预测研究提供借鉴,对系统模拟和研究地球化学组分在矿区及周边残积土剖面中的迁移演化规律及其影响因素亦具有指示意义.Abstract: Geochemical soil survey is of great significance to find the geochemical soil anomalies related to ore deposits. Baiyinnuoer lead-zinc deposit in Inner Mongolia is one typical Skarn deposit in North China and detailed geological mining survey had been done in this area to prospect ore-bodies. In this study, 3 typical vertical soil profiles had been sampled to study the geochemical vertical transportation modes and then to further explore new ideas for mineral resource prospecting. Soil profile 6 was collected upon one Pb-Zn ore-body. Profile 3 and Profile 8 were 1 km and 4.5 km away from Profile 6, respectively. Along Profile 6 and Profile 3, soil magnetic susceptibility values decrease significantly with the depth of the soil samples increasing. The distribution patterns of all the 9 geochemical elements along Profile 6 display a similar trend which shows the concentrations are lower in both topsoil layer and half-weathered rock layer, but higher in residual subsoil layer, showing as "C-shape", which are quite different from those patterns for profile 3 and profile 8, since the element concentration values do fluctuate violently without a similar trend as shown in Profile 6. The research approach and results of this paper could be useful references for evaluating mineral resources in covered areas from the surface geochemical soil surveys and it also could provide new avenues for detecting the geochemical mechanisms for vertical transportation.
图 1 白音诺尔铅锌矿矿区地质简图及工作采样点示意图(引自中国地质调查局危机矿山办公室,2008)
Fig. 1. Generalized geological map and sketch map of sampling in Pb-Zn deposit in Baiyinnuoer district, Mongolia, China
表 1 土壤剖面各土层特征描述
Table 1. Basic description of soil layers of the sampling profiles
土壤剖面分层 TY006 TY003 TY008 土壤层(A) 土壤颜色由灰白色直接过渡到最上面的灰黑色甚至黑色,土壤粒度细、黏度大,该层厚度与残积层厚度相当,共采集样品10件,包括1个表层土样 土壤层呈灰黑至黑色,粒度细小,厚约80~100 cm,该层共采集样品9件,包括1件表层土样 土壤颜色由浅红棕色渐变为黑色,粒度细,黏度大,采样9个,厚约90 cm左右 残积层(B) 残积层土壤含有较多小石子,土壤呈灰白色,粒度较小,黏度一般,厚度约1 m,共采集样品10个 残积层呈棕黑色至灰黑色, 粒度较小,厚约1.4~1.5 m,该层共采集样品14件 在厚约2.2 m的范围内共采集残积层土样22个,该层土壤颜色为红棕色,粒度较细,黏度一般 半风化层(C) 母质层颜色为红棕色,粒度较大,黏度一般,出露厚度约2 m,共采集样品21个 半风化层呈棕黄色,粒度较粗,含有部分碎石,手触摸较硬,干燥,该层厚约60 cm,共采集样品7件 无 基岩 基岩未出露,挖掘后发现基岩埋藏较浅,但几乎完全风化,风化后的基岩呈红褐色,肉眼难以识别其岩性 土壤剖面下部出露基岩,基岩风化严重,风化面呈棕红色,难以辨认原岩成分 无基岩出露 -
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