Mesozoic-Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Kuqa Basin: Evidence from Apatite Fission-Track Data
摘要: 通过对库车河剖面14个样品磷灰石裂变径迹的测试, 研究了库车盆地及其源区的构造演化.根据表观年龄和地层年龄关系, 将结果分成8个退火样品和6个碎屑样品.退火样品年龄从北向南从136~93.7 Ma, 记录了构造发育自造山带向盆地扩展的运动样式.其中09dk-6, 09dk-7, 09dk-8和09dk-11未通过X2检验, 分析认为与后期构造活动有关, 分解得到最年轻的年龄组记录了库如力向斜, 捷斯德里克背斜和阿合断层分别在74.4 Ma、24.2 Ma和50.8 Ma的最新一期活动.碎屑磷灰石得到了250 Ma、160 Ma和100 Ma3个明显的静态峰.结合热模拟研究表明, 研究区存在250 Ma、160 Ma、100 Ma和20 Ma四期构造隆升, 是对亚洲南缘多期地体碰撞增生的响应.Abstract: Fourteen samples were collected from the Kuqa River section for apatite fission track analysis in order to investigate the thermal history of the Kuqa Basin and its sedimentary provenance. By comparing the apparent ages of samples with the related strata ages, the samples can be divided into two groups: the annealed group and the detrital group (unreset samples).The AFT ages become younger from 136 Ma to 93.7 Ma from the Tianshan Mountain to the Kuqa Basin, probably recording a basin-ward propagation of the thrust-fold belt. Samples 09dk-6, 09dk-7, 09dk-8 and 09dk-11 failed the X2 test likely due to the subsequent tectonic deformation. The youngest ages extracted from these samples probably record the latest activities of the Kuruli Syncline, Jiesidelike Anticline and the A'ge Fault at 74.4 Ma, 24.2 Ma and 50.8 Ma, respectively. The detrital samples have three peak ages at 250 Ma, 160 Ma and 100 Ma respectively. Thermal history modeling reveals four periods of denudation at 250 Ma, 160 Ma, 100 Ma and 20 Ma in the Kuqa basin and the Tianshan Mountains. The multi-stage denudation is linked to far-field effects resulted from the collision and accretion of terranes along the southern Asian continental margin.
Key words:
- the Kuqa basin /
- apatite /
- fission track /
- exhumation /
- tectonic evolution
图 2 库车河地质构造略图(a)和A-A'剖面图(b)
Q1x.西域组;(N2-Q1)k.库车组;N2k.库车组;N1k.康村组;N1j.吉迪克组;E2-3s.苏维依组;E1-2km.库姆格列木组;K1bs.巴什基奇克组;K1b.巴西盖组;K1s.舒善河组;K1y.亚格列木组;J2q.恰克马克组;J2k.克孜勒努尔组;J1y.阳霞组;J1a.阿合组;T3t.塔里奇克组;T3h.黄山街组;T2kl.塔里奇克组;T1e.俄霍布拉克组;P1x.小铁里干克群;P3by.比尤勒包谷孜组;09dk-1~ 09dk-27示采样位置
Fig. 2. Geological map of the Kuqa River area (a) and A-A' cross-section (b)
图 6 样品09dk-1、09dk-2、09dk-6、09dk-8和09dk-11的热史模拟
浅灰色区代表“可以接受的”热史拟合曲线集; 深灰色区为“高质量的”热史曲线集; 黑色曲线代表“最佳”热史拟合曲线(Ketcham, 2005)
Fig. 6. Thermal modelling history of samples 09dk-1, 09dk-2, 09dk-6, 09dk-8 and 09dk-11
表 1 库车河剖面样品裂变径迹数据
Table 1. Apatite fission track data of the Kuqa River section
样号 层位 N ρs
(105 cm-2)Ns ρi
(105 cm-2)Ni ρd
(105 cm-2)Nd P(X2)(%) t(Ma) Nt L(μm) A 09dk-1 γ4 29 8.91 1 647 14.20 1 647 11.5 2 862 74.92 126.2±4.7 11 10.873±1.58 09dk-2 P1x 27 10.02 1 213 16.37 1 982 11.4 2 840 17.59 128.1±7.6 46 10.789±1.78 09dk-6 T3t 30 8.23 1 049 13.42 1 711 11.3 2 818 0.00 121.5±8.3 17 11.35±2.049 09dk-7 T3h 31 4.42 925 18.00 3 770 11.2 2 796 0.00 49.7±3.1 09dk-8 J1a 30 6.42 738 14.06 1 615 11.1 2 774 0.00 92.0±6.8 11 12.036±1.58 09dk-11 J1y 30 5.79 762 17.63 2 320 11.0 2 753 0.06 62.7±4.2 8 11.21±1.84 09dk-12 J2q 11 5.80 342 11.59 684 10.9 2 731 56.62 109.1±11.7 09dk-27 K1b 9 5.39 216 13.39 537 12.3 3 065 5.58 88.8±10.1 B 09dk-14 K1y 30 11.51 1 664 13.47 1 947 12.7 3 187 0.01 196.3±11.3 09dk-15 Q1x 32 6.67 1 228 29.25 5 384 12.7 3 170 0.00 51.8±3.9 09dk-21 N1k 30 7.39 1 252 15.65 2 650 12.5 3 135 0.61 104.3±5.2 09dk-22 Q1x 30 7.39 836 16.79 1 899 12.5 3 117 0.00 102.0±7.8 09dk-23 E2-3s 30 8.35 1 123 11.84 1 593 12.4 3 100 3.32 154.5±8.4 09dk-25 E2-3s 30 16.86 2 045 26.29 3 189 12.3 3 082 0.00 140.9±8.5 注:N=样品颗粒数;Nd=铀标准玻璃对应外探测器的诱发径迹条数;Ns=自发径迹条数;Ni =诱发径迹条数;P(X2)为卡方检测的结果;Nt=所测量的围限径迹长度数;ρs.自发径迹密度;ρi.诱发径迹密度;ρd.铀标准玻璃的诱发径迹密度;L=所测量的围限径迹长度. 表 2 砂岩屑样品二项式拟合年龄峰值统计结果
Table 2. Binomial analysis results of detrital samples
样品 层位 颗粒数 P(F) 最佳拟合峰(Ma)及所占比例 P0 P1 P2 09dk-15 Q1x 32 0.01 35.3(46.6%) 58.4(33.3%) 86.1(20.4%) 09dk-22 Q1x 30 0.02 71.8(30.7%) 107.9(65.9%) 445.2(3.4%) 09dk-21 N1k 30 0.00 101.2(95.8%) 250.1(0.34%) 09dk-25 E2-3s 30 0.02 111.7(46.5%) 163.9(47.0%) 256(6.6%) 09dk-23 E2-3s 30 0.00 145.5(88.8%) 234.7(11.2%) 09dk-14 K1y 30 0.02 152.5(32.1%) 216.4(64.6%) 785(3.3%) -
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