Discovery of Cleavage Punctatus Embryos Fossils from Early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Biota
摘要: 陕南早寒武世宽川铺生物群中保存了大量磷酸盐化动物胚胎化石和小壳化石.在已报道的这些胚胎化石中, 主要是囊胚期之后不同发育阶段的胚胎化石标本, 缺少卵裂期胚胎化石材料.报道了从宽川铺生物群中新发现的多枚从4分细胞、64分细胞、128分细胞、512分细胞到千分级细胞的卵裂期胚胎化石, 以及大量囊胚期、原肠胚期和不同孵化幼体阶段的化石标本, 他们共同构成了从单个细胞(Olivooides)经卵裂到囊胚、原肠胚, 再到孵化的锥形幼体(Punctatus)的完整胚胎发育序列.从卵裂子细胞数量的变化、形态的变化、排列方式及囊胚腔形态等特征, 基本上可与贵州瓮安生物群(地质时代为伊迪卡拉纪Ediacaran)中卵裂细胞化石对比.同时也可与一些现生的低等动物卵裂胚胎对比.新化石材料的发现, 不仅填补了宽川铺生物群中卵裂期胚胎化石的空白, 而且对揭示Olivooides胚胎的卵裂过程和特点, 探讨其亲缘关系, 以及后生动物的早期演化都具有十分重要的科学意义.Abstract: The rich phosphatized embryo fossils and a large number of small shelly fossils were found from Early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu biota in the southern Shaanxi Province. So far, only embryonic fossils of the different development stages after blastosphere have been found in the embryo fossils previously reported, with the absence of fossils of transgene embryo. This paper presents many new specimens of cleavage embryos fossils in Kuanchuanpu biota, ranging from four cells, 64 cells, 128 cells, 512 cells to classification of cells without embryo fossils of cells, as well as a number of fossil specimens developed during blastosphere period, the original embryo stage and different bowel hatch larval stage, which constituted the integrated developmental sequence of embryo from single cells (Olivooides) to blastocysts, the original embryo, and then to bowel hatch larval cone (Punctatus). The variations of these cell fossils in numbers, forms, arrangement and blastocysts cavity can be compared to those in the Wen'an biota of Guizhou belonging to Ediacaran. In addition, they can also be compared to the cleavage embryos of living Cnidaria. Here, the fossils found for the first time complement specimens of embryo fossils in Kuanchuanpu biota and reveal developmental process of Olivooides embryos. Moreover, new specimens can also provide evidences to reveal genetic relationship and early evolution of the metazoan.
Key words:
- the Early Cambrian /
- cleavage stage /
- embryo fossils /
- biota
图 2 Punctatus从卵到囊胚期的卵裂过程
A.卵细胞(Olivooides), 示表面光滑的球形,编号kp15-001,标尺长0.4 mm;B.4分细胞,a为3个子细胞的三分点,b、c、d为分隔子细胞的三个膈膜,呈120°均匀分布,编号LW48-1-ff,标尺长0.2 mm;C.64细胞期,编号sn022-k32-66,标尺长0.2 mm;D.64细胞期胚胎,中心有一圆形空腔,e为子细胞,形态呈梯形,编号kp16,标尺长0.5 mm;E.128细胞期胚胎,中心有一圆形空腔(可能为中空的囊胚腔),f为子细胞,形态由梯形变为球形,编号LW17-1-ff,标尺长0.2 mm;F.512细胞期胚胎,囊胚腔变大,子细胞进一步分化为小球,编号LW3-1,标尺长0.2 mm;G.千分细胞级囊胚,囊胚腔大而中空,示子细胞进一步变小,并在囊胚表面出现小刺,编号kp9-120,标尺长0.5 mm;H.卵膜内的具刺原肠胚,外表卵膜光滑,其内的原肠胚表面具小刺,编号kp31-140,标尺长0.2 mm;I.卵膜被破坏掉的具刺原肠胚, 显示其表面的小刺已有两极分化的特点,编号kp23-120,标尺长0.5 mm.产地层位:陕南宽川铺石钟沟早寒武世宽川铺段磷矿层
Fig. 2. Cleaving process of Punctatus from the egg to blastula stage
图 5 Punctatus的胚胎卵裂特征与瓮安动物群中胚胎卵裂过程及现生某些腔肠动物胚胎卵裂过程的对比
Fig. 5. Correlation of the cleaving process of Punctatus with the embryo fossil from Wengan biota and living Cnidaria
图 3 Punctatus胚胎口部发育过程及口部特征
A.具口部凹陷的原肠胚,编号kp21-130,比例尺线段长0.2 mm;B.早期口部的五辐射裂沟,编号kp3-16, 比例尺线段长0.5 mm;C.口部五辐射裂沟加深,赤道部位开始出现环脊,编号kp01-003,比例尺线段长0.4 mm;D-E.孵化幼体的脊褶口部,编号kp02-006和kp01-074,比例尺线段长分别为0.3 mm和0.4 mm;F-H.孵化后不同幼体阶段的花冠状口部特征,编号依次为kp08-001、kp55、kp02-10-001;比例尺线段长分别为0.5 mm、0.3 mm和0.5 mm.产地层位:陕南宽川铺石钟沟剖面早寒武世宽川铺段下部磷矿层
Fig. 3. Oral developmental series and mouth features of Punctatus
图 4 Punctatus从原肠胚到孵化幼体的锥体发育过程及锥体特征
A-C.原肠胚的反口面有五条脊逐渐发育成五辐对称的锥顶,锥顶和最初的3~4个环脊上布满萎缩的小刺.编号为A, kp02-002;B, kp20-001;C, kp16-001;D-E.局部放大表示椎体的锥顶和最初具刺的环脊,编号为D, kp9;E, LW46-1;F-G.孵化后的完整锥形幼体,编号为F, Kp13-5;G, kp8;H.口部残缺的椎体,编号为kp1-40x.比例尺线段长分别A为0.4 mm,B和C为0.3 mm,D和F为0.5 mm,E为0.2 mm,G和H为1 mm.产地层位:陕南宽川铺石钟沟剖面早寒武世宽川铺段下部磷矿层
Fig. 4. Pyramid of conical developmental series of Punctatus from gastrula stage to hatchling individuals
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