Types and Succession of Pyroclastic Rocks Diagenesis in Lower Cretaceous of Wuerxun and Bei'er Depression in Hailaer Basin
摘要: 海拉尔盆地乌尔逊-贝尔凹陷下白垩统发育火山熔岩-正常碎屑沉积岩之间的过渡岩石类型,其成岩作用类型与正常沉积岩相比具有特殊性.采用显微镜下描述与扫描电镜分析相结合的方法对研究区成岩作用类型进行了研究,并总结出成岩作用序列.结果显示火山碎屑岩的成岩作用类型包括熔结作用、机械渗滤作用、压实作用、脱玻化作用、重结晶作用、胶结作用、自生矿物转化和溶蚀溶解作用.其中,熔结作用、脱玻化作用以及凝灰质的溶蚀溶解作用是火山碎屑岩所特有的成岩作用类型.研究区具有成因联系的成岩共生组合主要有4类,分别是:(1)微晶石英和微晶方解石;(2)石英的溶解与结晶;(3)自生白云母、蒙皂石、伊利石和绿泥石;(4)沸石与自生长石.成岩序列可以分为熔结作用阶段、机械渗滤作用阶段、脱玻化作用阶段、凝灰质溶蚀溶解作用阶段、粘土矿物混层阶段、自生白云母阶段、沸石胶结阶段、颗粒强烈胶结阶段以及铁白云发育阶段.研究区下白垩统处于早成岩B期至晚成岩B期,主要为晚成岩A期.Abstract: A set of rocks between volcanic lava and normal sedimentary clastic rock were developed in Lower Cretaceous of Wuerxun and Bei'er depression in Hailaer basin. Compared with normal sedimentary rocks, their diagenesis types are particular. The methods of description of microscopic sections and scanning electron microscope (sem) are used to research the diagenesis types, and to summarize succession of diagenesis. The results show that types of pyroclastic rocks diagenesis include weldition, mechanical percolation, compaction, devitrification, recrystallization, cementation, transformation of neogenic mineral and dissolution. Weldition, devitrification and dissolution of tuffaceous matter are specific diagenesis types in pyroclastic rocks. There are four typical diagenetic paragenetic associations which have genetic relationships, including (1) microcrystalline quartz and microcrystalline calcite; (2) quartz dissolution and crystallization; (3) authigenic muscovite; smectite; illite and chlorite; (4) zeolite and authigenic feldspar. The order succession of diagenesis is as follows: weldition, mechanical percolation, devitrification, dissolution of tuffaceous matter, claymineral mixed layer, authigenic muscovite, zeolite cementation, particles strong cementation and ankerite. The diagenesis stage of Wuerxun in Lower Cretaceous ranges from early diagenetic B to late diagenetic B. The main stage is late diagenetic A.
Key words:
- Hailaer basin /
- Wuerxun depression /
- Bei'er depression /
- Lower Cretaceous /
- pyroclastic rock /
- diagenesis /
- sedimentary rocks /
- stratigraphy
图 1 海拉尔盆地乌尔逊-贝尔凹陷下白垩统火山碎屑岩成岩作用特征
1.苏33井2 339.25 m,×10(+)热灰熔结;2.巴12井1 626.51 m,×10(+)熔浆熔结;3.希5井2 703.64 m,×10(+)浆屑熔结;4.贝16井1 365.26 m,×10(+)假流纹构造;5.乌49井2 296.60 m,×10(+)玻基脱玻化;6.乌49井2 296.60 m,20 μm玻璃质重结晶;7.乌46井2 019.37 m,10 μm帖附状粘土;8.霍12井2 575.90 m,×10(+)微晶石英包壳;9.希5井2 714.79 m,×10(+)沸石胶结;10.乌19井3 064.80 m,×10(+)隐晶方解石;11.乌27井1 924.40 m,×10(+)显晶方解石;12.巴13井1 326.79 m,×10(+)连晶方解石;13.巴13井1 463.17 m,×10(+)块状片钠铝石;14.乌59井1 442.77 m,×10(+)扇状片钠铝石;15.乌46井2 270.50 m,×10(+)纤维片钠铝石;16.乌Y井2 564.92 m,×10(+)白云石;17.苏20井2 068.37 m,×10(+)硅质胶结;18.希5井2 700.67 m,×10(+)钠长石胶结;19.贝16井1 492.22 m,10 μm孔隙中高岭石;20.乌27井1 922.70 m,1 μm蒙皂石;21.乌38井1 948.07 m,10 μm搭桥状伊利石;22.贝16井1 343.01 m,1 μm绒球状绿泥石;23.乌27井1 648.50 m,1 μm伊蒙混层;24.贝16井1 498.92 m,10 μm伊绿混层;25.乌X井1 500.99 m,蒙皂石贴附于颗粒表面;26.乌X井1 501.81 m,×20(+)凝灰质未发生溶蚀溶解;27.乌X井1 501.81 m,×20(-)凝灰质未发生溶蚀溶解;28.乌X井1 639.30 m,×10(+)凝灰质溶蚀形成溶蚀孔;29.乌X井1 639.30 m,×10(-)凝灰质溶蚀形成溶蚀孔;30.乌X井1 642.65 m,10 μm自生高岭石呈粒状充填孔隙;31.乌X井1 642.65 m,10 μm伊蒙混层贴附于颗粒表面;32.乌X井1 642.72 m,×10(+)三级石英次生加大;33.乌Y井1 993.53 m,20 μm搭桥状伊利石;34.乌Y井1 998.94 m,10 μm伊蒙混层贴附于颗粒表面;35.乌Y井2 437.24 m,×20(+)四级石英次生加大
Fig. 1. Diagenesis characteristics chart of pyroclastic rocks in Lower Cretaceous of Wuerxun-Bei'er depression in Hailaer basin
表 1 海拉尔盆地乌尔逊-贝尔凹陷下白垩统岩石类型及丰度
Table 1. Types and abundances of rocks in Lower Cretaceous of Wuerxun-Bei'er depression in Hailaer basin
结构与成分分类 岩石基本类型 丰度(%) 火山熔岩类
(熔岩基质中分布的火山碎屑含量<10%)安山岩流纹岩 3.41 火山碎屑岩类
(火山碎屑含量>90%)凝灰岩 10.17 沉积火山碎屑岩类
(火山碎屑含量在90%~50%之间)沉凝灰岩 2.25 火山碎屑沉积岩类
(火山碎屑含量在10%~50%之间)凝灰质岩石 28.65 正常沉积岩
(火山碎屑含量<10%)正常碎屑岩石 55.51 表 2 海拉尔盆地乌尔逊-贝尔凹陷下白垩统成岩阶段划分及特征
Table 2. The division and characteristics of diagenetic stage in Lower Cretaceous of Wuerxun-Bei'er depression in Hailaer basin
埋藏成岩期 深度范围(m) 主要层位 有机质 自生粘土矿物 胶结物 备注 成熟度 Ro(%) 最高裂解温度(℃) 钙质 硅质 早成岩B期 1 000~1 600 大磨拐河组 半成熟 0.35~0.50 <435 蒙皂石 泥晶 2级 贴附状粘土矿物 晚成岩
A早期1 400~2 000 南二段
大一段成熟 0.50~1.30 435~460 高岭石 亮晶 2~3级 凝灰质溶蚀溶解 晚成岩
A中期1 700~2 600 南一段
南二段混层粘土矿物 亮晶-片钠铝石 3~4级 长石胶结 晚成岩
A晚期2 300~3 000 南一段
铜钵庙组伊利石和绿泥石 片钠铝石-亮晶 4~5级 沸石胶结 晚成岩B期 2 500~ 铜钵庙组 高成熟 1.30~2.00 440~480 伊利石 铁白云石 >5级 裂隙发育 -
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