Hydrocarbon Reservoir Distribution in the Hydrocarbon-Rich Depression: Taking Nanpu Sag as a Sample
摘要: 在中国陆相断陷湖盆的油气勘探中,逐渐形成了以富油气凹陷为核心的勘探思路和理论,如“满凹含油”理论、油气分布“互补性”原理等,并总结出多种油气富集规律。南堡凹陷是一个小型富油气凹陷,资源量丰富,由于构造复杂,在整个凹陷范围内易于形成构造、地层-岩性油气藏;而这些油气藏的分布以总资源量为定量,遵循地质规律进行互补性的分配.研究发现,南堡凹陷的油气聚集具有以下特征:在高柳断层北部地区以深部地层为油气主要分布层位,而在构造南部则以浅层为油气主要分布层位;在南堡凹陷构造发育部位如果未钻遇到油气,则在构造发育部位附近的岩性圈闭将成为勘探的重点目标.Abstract: Exploration clue taking hydrocarbon-rich depression was completed in oil and gas exploration of rifted lake basin, such as: "sag-wide oil-bearing" theory, oil and gas distribution "complementarity" principle and so on, and summed up a lot of laws of oil and gas enrichment. Nanpu sag was a small-scale hydrocarbon-rich depression, which was great rich resources while complicated, structure or sequence-lithologic reservoir could be formed in the whole sag. All of these reservoirs were distributed according to complementarity feature of hydrocarbon distribution. Analyzing and finding that hydrocarbon reservoirs were mainly distributed in the deep part in the north of Gaoliu fault, while mainly in the south of it. If there was no oil founded in the structure traps, lithology traps nearby could be the important aims.
图 1 南堡凹陷构造格局及东西部构造格架示意图(据徐安娜等,2006修改)
Fig. 1. Schematic structure pattern of Nanpu sag and structure frameworks of eastern part and western part
图 4 南堡凹陷油气沿断裂的分配和再分配(据罗群等,2007修改)
Fig. 4. Contribution and secondary contribution of oil and gas along structures of Nanpu sag
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