Frame of the Hydrocarbon Conduit System and Conducting Pattern in Lunnan Low Uplift
摘要: 多源多灶的生烃背景导致轮南地区的油气成藏过程高度复杂化.基于油气成藏动力学理论,综合运用钻井、地震以及地球化学等资料对轮南低凸起关键时期油气输导体系格架及典型油气藏输导样式的研究表明,由于志留系沥青砂盆地级的分布特征有力地证实了加里东晚期奥陶系岩溶缝洞体尚未形成,因此志留系砂体是加里东晚期源自寒武系烃源岩的烃类向轮南低凸起横向输导的主要通道;其次,海西早期的强烈抬升及长时间的暴露剥蚀导致表生岩溶作用深度改善了轮南地区碳酸盐岩层系的储集效能,而潜山风化壳之下的奥陶系岩溶缝洞储集体是这一时期源自满加尔坳陷内奥陶系烃源岩烃类的横向运载层;喜山期油气成藏的实质为海西晚期奥陶系整装油气藏形成后的调整改造过程,包括过量干气的气洗改造以及不同尺度断裂的垂向调整.轮南油田、桑塔木油田以及解放渠东油田三叠系油气藏的形成均受控于深大断裂的垂向输导.同时,上覆盖层的强制性封闭将喜山期干气的横向输导路径束缚于奥陶系内部,奥陶系油藏经气洗相分馏改造转变为次生的饱和凝析气藏.而由于桑塔木断垒带地区连接奥陶系与石炭系的层间断裂以及轮古东地区奥陶系层内断裂活动所诱发的泄压相分馏改造,不仅在石炭系圈闭形成了纯气相的不饱和凝析气藏,还直接控制了轮古东油田凝析气藏及其流体性质的分布.Abstract: The process of oil and gas accumulation is highly complex in Lunnan low uplift due to the fact that hydrocarbon has been generated by multiple petroleum kitchens.Based on the principles of dynamics of petroleum accumulation, we found the macro frame of the hydrocarbon conduits system and conducting pattern of Lunnan petroleum province in this paper.The distribution with basin-scale of the Silurian argulite proves that the Ordovician karst reservoir hasn't been formed, when the Cambrian source rock got into the step of hydrocarbon generating climax in the late Caledonian movement.Therefore, Silurian sand bed was the main lateral conduit path of the oil-gas originated from the Cambrian.Meanwhile, the intense uplift with a long time exposure happened in the early Hercynian movement triggered a deep hypergene karst that upgraded the quality of the carbonate reservoir effectively, and the horizontal migration pathway of the petroleum was the Ordovician karst bed.The essence of the hydrocarbon accumulating in Himalayan movement is a process of adjustment and reconstruction to the Ordovician self-contained pools formed in the Hercynian movement, which included gas washing triggered by the excessive dry gas invasion and the vertical conducting adjustment by faults of various scale.The origin of the Triassic pools in Lunnan, Sangtamu and Jiefangqudong oilfield was mainly controlled by the vertical conduit of discordogenic fault.Furthermore, the powerful seal ability of the overlying cap rock restrained the lateral conducting bed of the dry gas distributed in the Ordovician so that the oil pool in the Ordovician transformed into the secondary condensate pool by fractionation of gas washing. Moreover, the phase fractionation of decompression caused by fractures, intrabed faults that connected Ordovician and Carboniferous in the Sangtamu area and the endostratic fault of Ordovician not only formed the secondary condensates with vapour phase in the Carboniferous traps, but also controlled the distribution of the condensate pool and its fluid property in Lungudong oilfield.
图 6 层内断裂分馏改造输导样式(轮古东油田) (据蔡忠贤等,2009修改)
Fig. 6. The pattern of the conducting model of fractionation triggered by the endostratic fault
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