Fault Activity and Its Controlling to Marine Cratonic Breakup in Tarim Basin
摘要: 在地震剖面地质构造解释的基础上,深入分析了塔里木盆地断裂系统在中央隆起带的形成演化及塔里木海相克拉通盆地演化过程中的作用.研究表明,塔里木盆地中央隆起带主要发育中加里东I幕(早奥陶世末)、II幕(晚奥陶世末)和喜马拉雅运动中晚期(中新世末以来)共3期大规模断裂系统.这些断裂系统的活动控制了中央隆起带构造演化过程和隆坳格局的变迁,其中巴楚隆起经历了加里东中晚期隆后斜坡和海西-燕山期前隆,至喜马拉雅运动中晚期最终定型为挤压断隆.塔中隆起形成于中加里东I幕构造运动,至中加里东II幕构造运动定型,而塔东隆起则形成于中加里东II幕构造运动并基本定型;将塔里木古生代海相克拉通盆地的演化过程划分为海相克拉通盆地的形成、解体和消亡(即陆内前陆和挤压坳陷形成)3个演化阶段,认为中加里东两期断裂系统的形成是塔里木海相克拉通解体的重要原因.Abstract: Based on elaborate geological structural interpretation of seismic profiles, this paper analyzes in details the controlling of fault activity to development of central uplift zone and marine cratonic evolution of Tarim basin. The research indicates that there are mainly three episodes of fault systems: the middle Caledonian orogeny I episode, the middle Caledonian orogeny II episode and the mid-late Himalayan (since Late Miocene). These fault systems controlled the tectonic evolution of central uplift zone and migration of uplift-sag, in which Bachu uplift experienced back-bulge ramp in the mid-late of Caledonian period, forebulge in the Hercynian-Yanshanian period and the latest compressional fault uplift in the mid-late of Himalayan period, Tazhong uplift started at the first episode of Caledonian period and formed at the second episode of Caledonian period and Tadong uplift started and formed at the second episode of Caledonian period. The evolution of marine cratonic basin is divided into three periods which are formation, disintegration and extinction. Analysis shows that the fault system of Caledonian I and Caledonian II episodes resulted in breakup of Tarim marine cratonic basin.
Key words:
- Tarim basin /
- Bachu uplift /
- Tazhong uplift /
- fault system /
- marine craton /
- tectonics /
- sedimentology
图 2 塔里木盆地穿中央隆起带的区域地质构造剖面(位置见图 1中ab)
Fig. 2. Regional geological and structural profile across central uplift of Tarim basin
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