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    刘建章 邹华耀 李平平 张元春

    刘建章, 邹华耀, 李平平, 张元春, 2012. 准噶尔盆地中部侏罗系油气藏调整改造的地质、地球化学响应. 地球科学, 37(3): 565-572. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.063
    引用本文: 刘建章, 邹华耀, 李平平, 张元春, 2012. 准噶尔盆地中部侏罗系油气藏调整改造的地质、地球化学响应. 地球科学, 37(3): 565-572. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.063
    LIU Jian-zhang, ZOU Hua-yao, LI Ping-ping, ZHANG Yuan-chun, 2012. Response of Geology and Geochemistry to Adjustment and Reconstruction of the Jurassic Reservoirs in the Central Part of Junggar Basin. Earth Science, 37(3): 565-572. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.063
    Citation: LIU Jian-zhang, ZOU Hua-yao, LI Ping-ping, ZHANG Yuan-chun, 2012. Response of Geology and Geochemistry to Adjustment and Reconstruction of the Jurassic Reservoirs in the Central Part of Junggar Basin. Earth Science, 37(3): 565-572. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.063


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.063

    中国石油大学(北京)油气资源与探测国家重点实验室开放研究基金 2009008

    国家自然科学基金 41002039

    构造与油气资源教育部重点实验室开放基金 TPR-2011-21-24


      刘建章(1976-), 男, 博士, 讲师, 主要从事油气地质方面的教学和科研.E-mail: liujzh@126.com

    • 中图分类号: P618

    Response of Geology and Geochemistry to Adjustment and Reconstruction of the Jurassic Reservoirs in the Central Part of Junggar Basin

    • 摘要: 准噶尔盆地中部侏罗系油气成藏经历了多源、多期充注和晚期的调整改造.综合运用地质、测井和油藏地球化学等资料, 分析了油气藏经历晚期调整改造后的地质、地球化学响应特征.结果表明: 位于车-莫古隆起北翼的莫西庄、沙窝地地区, 经历反向调整后, 油气藏呈分散和小规模分布, 油气藏类型由以构造-岩性油气藏为主变成以地层/岩性油气藏为主, 且油气水层关系复杂; 油层低孔、低渗, 且低含油饱和度、低电阻率, 原油密度和粘度大; 今油水界面高于古油水界面, 部分水层中含有较高的"非烃+沥青质"; 而位于车-莫古隆起北翼的永进地区, 经历同向调整后, 今油柱高于古油柱, 油气藏规模变大.


    • 图  1  准噶尔盆地构造单元划分与井位分布

      Fig.  1.  Sketch map showing the main structural elements of the Junggar basin and the location of the wells

      图  2  莫西庄、征沙村地区侏罗系油藏岩心含油饱和度与孔隙度(a)和渗透率(b)关系

      Fig.  2.  Variation of measured oil saturation with porosity (a) and permeability (b) of reservoir rocks in the Moxizhuang and Zhengshachun blocks, Junggar basin

      图  3  Zh101井测井解释成果

      Fig.  3.  Results of logging interpretation for well Zh101

      图  4  储层岩石学照片

      a, b.zh3井,J1s21,4 160.50 m,褐灰色油斑粗砂岩;石英颗粒内裂纹和石英颗粒次生加大边“粘土迹”中见发蓝白色和黄色荧光油包裹体,而石英颗粒次生加大边中未见烃类包裹体(a为透射光,b为荧光;×100);c.zh106井,J1s22,4 339.00 m,黄灰色油浸中砂岩;d.粒间见大量黄褐色油浸染(透射光,×100)

      Fig.  4.  Photographs showing the properties of reservoir petrology

      图  5  三工河组油、水层中储层岩心氯仿沥青“A”与“非烃+沥青质”含量关系

      Fig.  5.  Relationship of content between chloroform bitumen A and soluble organic matters (i.e. non-hydrocarbon and asphaltine) extracting from core samples of different level oil-bearing rocks of Sangonghe Formation

      图  6  Zh101井三工河组油层古、今油水界面划分

      Fig.  6.  Partitions of paleo and present oil-water contact in Sangonghe Formation for well Zh101

      图  7  Y1井西山窑组油层古、今油水界面识别

      Fig.  7.  Partitions of paleo and present oil-water contact in Xishanyao Formation for well Y1

      表  1  不同级别油、水层中储层岩心样品抽提物族组分平均值

      Table  1.   Average of extracts from core samples of different level oil-bearing rocks

      含油性 样品数 饱和烃(%) 芳烃(%) 非烃(%) 沥青质(%) 非烃+沥青质(%) 氯仿沥青“A”(mg/g)
      干层 18 66.92 12.07 11.58 7.45 19.26 2.97
      油层 23 60.60 14.66 13.20 9.14 22.34 8.40
      含水油层 15 56.34 17.98 15.62 8.70 24.32 6.27
      油水同层 38 64.18 16.31 13.14 6.05 19.16 4.75
      含油水层 8 60.32 16.60 14.36 8.48 22.83 7.24
      水层 70 43.53 14.13 17.00 24.70 41.69 2.88
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