Geochronology of Magmatic Intrusions and Mineralization of Chagele Copper-Lead-Zinc Deposit in Tibet and Its Implications
摘要: 西藏查个勒铜铅锌矿在念青唐古拉铜铅锌银成矿带已发现的铜多金属矿床中处于最西端, 矿区同时存在接触交代-充填型铜铅锌矿化和斑岩型铜钼矿化.锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb和辉钼矿Re-Os测试表明, 矿区两种类型矿化近乎同时形成, 北部与铜铅锌矿化相关的花岗斑岩成岩时代为62.1±1.1 Ma(MSWD=2.7), 南部与铜钼矿化相关的花岗斑岩成岩时代为63.28±0.86 Ma(MSWD=3.2), 南部辉钼矿Re-Os等时线年龄为61.49±0.60 Ma(MSWD=1.5), 是在雅鲁藏布江洋盆北向俯冲后的同碰撞期形成的.该成果完善和充实了念青唐古拉铜铅锌银成矿带碰撞期成矿的时间演化序列, 且使该带规模在原有基础之上向西延伸了200 km(谢通门县青都-昂仁县查个勒), 显示该带为一条贯穿东西、以碰撞期成矿为主、长大于800 km的巨型铜铅锌银成矿带, 并为继续在此带向西寻找该类型矿床提供了重要依据.Abstract: Tibet chagele Copper-lead-zinc deposit is in the west end of those copper-polymetallic deposits found in Nyainqentanglha copper-lead-zinc-silver metallogenic belt, and there are two types of mineralization in the mining area, namely, copper-lead-zinc mineralization of the contact metasomatic filling and copper-molybdenum mineralization of porphyry. The zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb age and molybdenite Re-Os age show that two types of mineralization almost formed at the same time. The petrogenic age of the northern granite-porphyry related to copper-lead-zinc-silver mineralization is 62.1±1.1 Ma (MSWD=2.7), the southern granite-porphyry which is related to copper-molybdenum mineralization is 63.28±0.86 Ma (MSWD=3.2), and the molybdenite Re-Os age of the south is 61.49±0.60 Ma (MSWD=1.5), which formed at syn-collision stage after northward subduction of the Yarlung Zangbo oceanic basin. This study improves and enriches the time evolvement sequence and genesis of the collision metallogenic stage in Nyainqentanglha copper-lead-zinc-silver mineralization belt, and it also extends westwards its length by 200 km (Qingdu in Xietongmen-Chagele in Angren). As a result, it is found to be a huge copper-lead-zinc-silver metallogenic belt, extending in the direction of east-west more than 800 km, with deposits mainly formed in collection stage. In addition, this study provides important basis to the prospecting of the same deposits in the west of the belt.
Key words:
- Nyainqentanglha /
- Chagele deposit /
- collision period /
- magmatism and mineralization /
- geochronology
表 1 查个勒矿区锆石LA-ICPMS同位素分析结果
Table 1. U-Pb LA-ICPMS analyses of zircon from Chagele deposit
点号 组成(10-6) Th/U 同位素比值 年龄(Ma) Pb Th U 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ CGLD1-B4-1 5.74 259 433 0.60 0.059 0 0.003 0 0.083 9 0.004 2 0.010 4 0.000 1 565 109 81.8 3.9 66.8 0.8 CGLD1-B4-2 2.31 108 190 0.57 0.068 4 0.008 1 0.091 3 0.011 0 0.010 1 0.000 2 883 246 88.7 10.3 64.7 1.3 CGLD1-B4-3 3.09 176 223 0.79 0.078 3 0.006 2 0.107 1 0.008 3 0.010 1 0.000 2 1 154 158 103 7.6 64.8 1.2 CGLD1-B4-5 4.17 176 360 0.49 0.051 6 0.003 0 0.067 7 0.003 8 0.009 7 0.000 1 333 135 66.5 3.6 62.2 0.9 CGLD1-B4-6 5.85 277 497 0.56 0.048 0 0.002 9 0.064 1 0.003 7 0.009 8 0.000 1 102 137 63.1 3.5 63.0 0.9 CGLD1-B4-8 4.17 197 365 0.54 0.048 1 0.003 2 0.060 3 0.003 6 0.009 4 0.000 1 101.9 151.8 59.4 3.5 60.6 0.9 CGLD1-B4-9 7.61 303 575 0.53 0.052 3 0.005 3 0.077 2 0.007 4 0.010 8 0.000 1 298 233 75.5 7.0 69.4 0.9 CGLD1-B4-10 3.47 187 289 0.65 0.055 5 0.003 9 0.069 7 0.004 7 0.009 3 0.000 2 435 125 68.4 4.5 59.9 1.0 CGLD1-B4-11 4.66 198 320 0.62 0.081 0 0.004 2 0.120 4 0.006 4 0.010 8 0.000 2 1 233 101 115 5.8 69.1 1.0 CGLD1-B4-12 4.21 267 333 0.80 0.054 6 0.002 9 0.070 5 0.003 6 0.009 5 0.000 1 394 117 69.2 3.4 60.7 0.9 CGLD1-B4-14 3.92 176 310 0.57 0.053 8 0.003 1 0.074 8 0.004 3 0.010 1 0.000 2 361 127 73.2 4.0 64.8 1.1 CGLD1-B4-15 11.45 385 887 0.43 0.052 5 0.002 0 0.078 9 0.003 1 0.010 8 0.000 1 309 89 77.1 2.9 69.6 0.9 CGLD1-B4-16 8.89 341 691 0.49 0.048 8 0.002 1 0.072 0 0.003 0 0.010 7 0.000 1 139 102 70.6 2.8 68.8 0.9 CGLD1-B4-17 4.30 218 355 0.61 0.051 8 0.003 2 0.067 7 0.004 1 0.009 6 0.000 1 276 143 66.5 3.9 61.5 0.9 CGLD1-B4-18 5.72 273 467 0.58 0.048 9 0.002 5 0.065 3 0.003 5 0.009 7 0.000 1 143 120 64.2 3.3 62.5 0.8 CGLD1-B4-19 87.8 3 893 6 372 0.61 0.052 5 0.001 1 0.078 9 0.001 7 0.010 8 0.000 1 309 46 77.1 1.6 69.4 0.6 CGLD1-B4-20 3.28 204 261 0.78 0.059 4 0.003 9 0.077 9 0.005 0 0.009 7 0.000 1 583 141 76.2 4.7 62.0 0.9 CGLD3-B4-1 24.1 434 463 0.94 0.051 9 0.003 4 0.075 4 0.004 5 0.010 9 0.000 2 280 148 73.8 4.3 69.8 1.0 CGLD3-B4-2 13.7 246 348 0.71 0.055 8 0.003 3 0.074 2 0.004 2 0.009 8 0.000 1 443 130 72.7 3.9 62.7 0.9 CGLD3-B4-3 4.59 74.4 101 0.73 0.087 5 0.007 4 0.111 7 0.008 0 0.009 8 0.000 3 1 372 164 108 7 63.2 1.6 CGLD3-B4-4 17.5 279 351 0.79 0.068 0 0.008 7 0.094 0 0.011 7 0.010 2 0.000 2 878 262 91.2 10.9 65.3 1.0 CGLD3-B4-5 15.1 266 389 0.68 0.048 8 0.002 9 0.062 6 0.003 5 0.009 4 0.000 1 200 133 61.6 3.3 60.6 0.9 CGLD3-B4-6 17.9 293 392 0.75 0.050 0 0.002 8 0.069 7 0.003 8 0.010 2 0.000 2 195 130 68.4 3.6 65.7 1.0 CGLD3-B4-7 32.3 629 666 0.94 0.050 1 0.002 4 0.068 4 0.003 1 0.010 0 0.000 1 211 109 67.1 2.9 63.9 0.9 CGLD3-B4-8 8.9 163 191 0.85 0.067 7 0.008 4 0.085 5 0.010 6 0.009 6 0.000 2 861 255 83.3 9.9 61.7 1.1 CGLD3-B4-9 19.8 369 433 0.85 0.050 9 0.002 9 0.067 2 0.003 8 0.009 6 0.000 1 235 131 66.0 3.6 61.6 0.8 CGLD3-B4-10 25.1 450 582 0.77 0.047 4 0.002 7 0.064 0 0.003 5 0.009 9 0.000 1 77.9 120.4 63.0 3.3 63.2 0.8 CGLD3-B4-11 23.1 409 436 0.94 0.053 3 0.002 5 0.071 4 0.003 3 0.009 8 0.000 1 339 107 70.0 3.2 62.6 0.9 CGLD3-B4-12 11.2 182 205 0.89 0.054 8 0.004 9 0.069 1 0.005 7 0.009 5 0.000 2 467 200 67.8 5.4 60.6 1.2 CGLD3-B4-13 50.4 855 938 0.91 0.046 8 0.002 0 0.071 0 0.002 9 0.011 1 0.000 1 39.0 161.1 69.7 2.7 71.1 0.8 CGLD3-B4-14 13.9 229 261 0.88 0.050 8 0.003 2 0.074 5 0.004 6 0.010 7 0.000 2 232 146 73.0 4.4 68.4 1.0 CGLD3-B4-15 14.8 233 443 0.53 0.053 6 0.002 9 0.074 1 0.003 9 0.010 2 0.000 1 354 119 72.6 3.7 65.4 0.9 CGLD3-B4-16 29.6 515 668 0.77 0.051 7 0.002 3 0.071 2 0.003 0 0.010 1 0.000 1 333 106 69.8 2.9 64.9 0.7 CGLD3-B4-17 24.9 439 632 0.70 0.054 6 0.003 7 0.072 5 0.004 1 0.009 8 0.000 1 394 152 71.1 3.9 62.9 0.8 CGLD3-B4-18 15.6 287 280 1.02 0.055 3 0.003 9 0.075 9 0.005 0 0.010 2 0.000 2 433 157 74.3 4.8 65.6 1.1 CGLD3-B4-19 73 1 139 1 752 0.65 0.048 2 0.001 5 0.072 8 0.002 2 0.010 9 0.000 1 109 77 71.4 2.1 70.1 0.7 CGLD3-B4-20 23.6 424 527 0.80 0.051 0 0.002 6 0.067 6 0.003 4 0.009 7 0.000 1 239 119 66.4 3.2 62.5 0.7 表 2 查个勒矿床辉钼矿Re-Os同位素分析数据
Table 2. Results of Re-Os sisotopic dating of molybdenite from Chagele deposit
样名 样重(g) Re(10-6) 普Os(10-9) 187Re(10-6) 187Os(10-9) 模式年龄(Ma) 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 CGLMo1 0.102 16 3.366 0.027 0.010 3 0.005 2 2.116 0.017 2.164 0.020 61.37 0.90 CGLMo2 0.101 18 5.213 0.038 0.001 3 0.004 5 3.277 0.024 3.395 0.031 62.15 0.88 CGLMo3 0.100 11 1.391 0.012 0.001 3 0.003 0 0.874 3 0.007 6 0.901 2 0.007 6 61.84 0.90 CGLMo4 0.100 56 0.791 9 0.006 9 0.007 3 0.001 5 0.497 7 0.004 3 0.519 6 0.004 4 62.63 0.91 CGLMo5 0.101 88 1.636 0.016 0.008 7 0.004 4 1.028 0.010 1.054 0.009 61.54 0.95 -
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