Calculation of Ecological Water Requirements Based on Groundwater Model in Baoding
摘要: 为了计算保定地区生态需水量, 建立了地下水模拟模型.模拟结果表明, 研究范围每年需要消耗0.64亿m3左右地下水, 水位呈持续下降趋势.为了调控潜水地下水位, 达到生态恢复的目的, 模拟了减少开采量和扩大白洋淀面积到1975年水平的情况, 结果表明当地下水开采量减少1.47亿m3时, 每年补给地下水贮存量的水量约0.8亿m3, 使得地下水水位大面积恢复, 很大范围达到了潜水生态标准.根据此水位计算的生态亏空量约为15亿m3.该研究成果对我国的半湿润半干旱地区地下水生态环境恢复有借鉴意义.Abstract: Groundwater model is set up to calculate ecological water requirements in Baoding, Hebei Province. Modeling results show that a total of 6.4×107 m3 groundwater is consumed annually under current situation which leads to continual decline of groundwater level. Modeling scheme is designed considering reducing groundwater yield and restoring water body of Baiyangdian to that of 1975. The results show that it is possible to restore water body of Baiyangdian to that of 1975 with an annual groundwater supplement of about 8.0×107 m3 while reducing groundwater yield by 1.47×108 m3. The groundwater level reaches ecological level. Ecological water requirements is about 1.5×109 m3. This study is of importance to groundwater eco-environment restoration in semi-humid area and semi-arid area.
Key words:
- groundwater /
- models /
- remote sensing /
- ecological water requirements /
- hydrogeology
表 1 参数识别结果
Table 1. Groundwater model parameter identification results
分区 渗透系数K(m/d) 给水度μ 降雨入渗补给系数α 蒸发系数C 灌溉回归系数β Ⅰ 98 0.24 0.26 - 0.20 Ⅱ 76 0.15 0.21 - 0.20 Ⅲ 52 0.13 0.17 - 0.18 Ⅳ 15 0.10 0.12 - 0.13 白洋淀 5 0.08 - - - -
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