Cross Action of Mn-Cr (Ⅵ) in Water-Soil-Rock System
摘要: 采用窄缝槽实验装置, 分别模拟岩溶水系统内单一Mn、Cr(Ⅵ)以及Mn-Cr(Ⅵ)复合体系的动态吸附、物理解吸、化学解吸3个阶段的行为特征, 分析含锰、铬污水对地下水的污染规律及其相互作用.结果表明: 土壤对单一体系Mn的吸附率远大于Cr(Ⅵ), 但两者均以专性吸附为主, 不易活化、迁移; 在复合体系内均出现吸附率降低、解吸率升高, 表现为以物理吸附为主, 易活化、迁移, 从而引起水体重金属污染; 两者表现为显著的协同作用, 但Mn对Cr(Ⅵ)的影响远小于Cr(Ⅵ)对Mn的影响; 在酸性环境下, Mn对Cr(Ⅵ)的化学活性有轻微的抑制作用.Abstract: Using narrow-slit experimental plants, this paper simulates behavioral features of dynamic adsorption, physical desorption, chemical desorption of single Mn system, single Cr (Ⅵ) system and Mn-Cr (Ⅵ) complex system in karst groundwater system. The results indicate that: (1) Under a single system, soil absorption rate of Mn is much larger than that of Cr (Ⅵ); and the two are of specific-orientated adsorption, and difficult to be activated and migrate; (2) Under complex system, the two metals both show absorption rate reduction, desorption rate increase and easy to be activated, migrate; (3) the two metals both show synergistic action, however the effect of Mn to Cr (Ⅵ) is smaller than that of Cr (Ⅵ) to Mn.
Key words:
- heavy metals /
- cross action /
- karst area /
- water-soil-rock system /
- adsorption /
- desorption /
- hydrogeology /
- environmental engineering
表 1 土壤理化性质
Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of the soil
pH CEC(cmol/L) TOC(%) TN(%) Mn(μg/g) 总Cr(μg/g) 有效N(μg/g) 有效P(μg/g) 有效K(μg/g) Fe2O3(%) CaO(%) 7.73 28.09 0.30 0.050 80.5 <0.5 22.0 3.88 35.90 8.78 0.65 表 2 实验结果
Table 2. Test results
溶液类型 组分 动态吸附 物理解吸 化学解吸 时间(h) 吸附总量(mg)/吸附率(%) 时间(h) 解吸量(mg)/解吸率(%) 时间(h) 解吸量(mg)/解吸率(%) 单一体系 Mn 175 89.6/85.3 68 7.05/7.9 126 0.71/0.8 Cr(Ⅵ) 115 32.5/47.1 60 10.8/33.2 84 1.99/6.1 复合体系 Mn 225 21.4/15.9 320 11.19/52.3 45 0.48/2.2 Cr(Ⅵ) 250 49.8/33.2 400 31.53/63.3 100 2.79/5.6 -
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