Effects of Static Stress Triggering of the Major Earthquake Sequence on Xiaojiang-Zemuhe Fault Zone
摘要: 通过计算和研究1733-1850年期间发生在小江-则木河断裂带上的、由4次M≥7地震组成的大地震序列引起的库仑应力变化图像, 分析先发大地震破裂对后发大地震破裂的静态应力触发作用.结果表明, 在该序列中, 后发大地震破裂均发生在先发大地震破裂引起的库仑应力显著增加区内.其中, 1733年小江断裂带北段的73/4级大地震破裂和1833年中段的8级大地震破裂均引起则木河断裂带较显著的库仑应力正值变化, 亦即1850年则木河断裂带发生的71/2级大地震与前2次大地震破裂引起的应力触发作用有关; 1733年小江断裂带北段和中-南段的73/4级和1789年2次7级大地震均对该断裂带中段产生了十分显著的库仑应力触发作用, 与此相关的是1833年8级大地震的发生.因此, 认为小江断裂带各段之间以及该断裂带与则木河断裂带之间存在显著的力学上的相互作用.Abstract: In this article, we calculate and map the patterns of Coulomb stress changes induced by a major earthquake sequence of 4 events M≥7 on the Xiaojiang-Zemuhe fault zone in 1733 to 1850, and analyze the effects of the static stress triggering induced by the individual preceding events to the following events. The results show that, in the sequence of major earthquakes, every following event occurred in an area where Coulomb stress had been remarkably increased by the preceding event (s). For instance, both the M=73/4 earthquake of 1733 on the northern segment of the Xiaojiang fault zone and the M=8 earthquake of 1833 on the middle segment of the fault zone induced positive increments of Coulomb stress on the Zemuhe fault zone, suggesting that the occurrence of the M=71/2 earthquake of 1850 on Zemuhe fault zone is related to the stress triggering effects caused by the 2 preceding major events. Again, the M=73/4 earthquake of 1733 on the northern segment of the Xiaojiang fault zone and the M=7 earthquake of 1789 on the middle-southern segment of the fault zone produced remarkable Coulomb stress triggering effects on the middle segment of the fault zone, that is related with the occurrence of the M=8 earthquake of 1833 on the middle segment of the fault zone. Therefore, we believe that mechanically significant interactions exist among the different segments of the Xiaojiang fault zone, as well as between the fault zone and the Zemuhe fault zone.
Key words:
- Zemuhe-Xiaojiang fault zone /
- Coulomb stress change /
- static stress triggering /
- earthquakes /
- sequence /
- tectonics
图 1 (a) 小江-则木河断裂带1733年以来M≥7地震破裂区和(b)研究区在区域活动构造系统中的位置
1.主干走滑断层;2.正断层;3.逆断层;4.推测断层;5.湖泊, 6.城镇;7.地震破裂区;8.地块运动方向;历史地震的破裂区范围闻学泽等(2011)
Fig. 1. (a) Map of ruptured areas for M≥7 earthquakes on the Xiaojiang-Zemuhe fault zone since 1733 and (b) index map showing the position of the study area in the regional active tectonic system
图 2 1733-1850年期间小江-则木河断裂带大地震序列的库仑应力变化
Fig. 2. Maps showing Coulomb stress changes during the major earthquake sequence on the Xiaojiang-Zemuhe fault zone in 1733 to 1850
表 1 1733-1850年期间小江-则木河断裂带大地震序列事件
Table 1. Events of the major earthquake sequence on the Xiaojiang-Zemuhe fault zone in 1733 to 1850
编号 时间 震中位置 震级 震中烈度 地点 年-月-日 北纬 东经 M 1 1733-08-02 26.3° 103.1° 73/4 Ⅹ 云南东川-巧家间 2 1789-06-07 24.2° 102.9° 7 Ⅸ+ 云南华宁 3 1833-09-06 25.0° 103.0° 8 ≥Ⅹ 云南嵩明 4 1850-09-12 27.7° 102.4° 71/2 Ⅹ 四川西昌南 表 2 1733-1850年期间小江-则木河断裂带M≥7地震的地震断层参数
Table 2. Parameters of the seismogenic faults of M≥7 earthquakes on Xiaojiang-Zemuhe fault zone in 1733 to 1850
编号 时间 震中位置 震级 地点 发震断层产状 地表破裂长度(km) 走滑位错(m) 倾滑位错(m) 年-月-日 北纬 东经 M 走向 倾向 倾角 滑动角 1 1733-08-02 26.3° 103.1° 73/4 云南东川-巧家间 167° SWW 65° -10° 115 2.8 0.5 2 1789-06-07 24.2° 102.9° 7 云南华宁 185° W 55° -6° 78 1.9 0.2 3 1833-09-06 25.0° 103.0° 8 云南嵩明 189° W 55° -6° 162 4 0.4 4 1850-09-12 27.7° 102.4° 71/2 四川西昌南 330° NEE 75° -11° 114 2.8 0.5 -
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