New Proxy for Atmospheric Paleo-CO2 Level During Phanerozoic: Carbon Isotope Discrimination of Fossil Liverworts
摘要: 在中国已知最好的苔藓植物化石产地之一河北蔚县, 采集了大量中侏罗世的苔藓植物化石, 选取了3种保存较好的数十块苔类植物化石进行实验室分析处理, 测定了它们的碳同位素组成, 并计算出Δ13C, 运用国际学术界古大气CO2浓度的最新研究成果, 即通过地质学、植物学、植物生理学、地球化学和概率统计学的多学科交叉研究, 利用苔藓植物化石有机碳同位素判别这一全新指标和重建古大气二氧化碳的模型——BRYOCARB, 恢复出中侏罗世的古大气CO2浓度约为705(BRYOCARBNP)或566(BRYOCARBP)μmol/mol, 结果表明苔藓植物化石是恢复地质历史时期大气CO2浓度变化的有效新指标.Abstract: This paper summarizes the latest approaches and results of reconstructed paleo-CO2 level for the pre-Quaternary period. With the link and response between the carbon isotope composition of the fossil liverworts and the paleo-CO2 level, the carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) of fossil liverwort is introduced as a new proxy for paleo-CO2 level. It is an interdisciplinary research concerning the relevant domains such as geology, botany, phytophysiology, geochemistry, probability and statistics. The theory and process of the new proxy are clarified and its corresponding mathematical model, BRYOCARB, is introduced. Furthermore, in order to test the result of the new method, a case study has been carried out. Three species fossil liverworts of the Middle Jurassic were collected from Yuxian County, Hebei Province, which is one of the best known fossil sites of bryophytes in China. After a series of experiments and analyses, their carbon isotope compositions were measured and then their Δ13C were calculated. With the Δ13C values and some other environmental parameters running in BRYOCARB, the paleo-CO2 level was calculated, which is ~705 (BRYOCARBNP for with no pores liverworts) μmol/mol or ~566 (BRYOCARBP for with pores liverworts) μmol/mol. The results show a good agreement with other proxies and the long term geochemical models, which proves the carbon isotope discrimination of fossil liverwort is an effective proxy.
Key words:
- plant fossils /
- carbon isotope discrimination /
- paleo-CO2 level /
- photosynthesis /
- C3 plants /
- stratigraphy
图 1 GEOCARB-Ⅲ以及各类指标所获得的对应各个地质历史时期古大气二氧化碳浓度值
GEOCARB-Ⅲ数据根据Berner and Kothavala, 2001;其他各指标数据收集自Royer, 2006
Fig. 1. Reconstructed paleo-CO2 levels from the GEOCARB-Ⅲ and different proxies during the Phanerozoic
图 4 河北蔚县中侏罗世3种苔类植物同位素判别与二氧化碳浓度函数图及其对应的概率密度函数图以及所恢复的古二氧化碳浓度结果平均值在GEOCARBSULF上的投影
a, b, e.对应BRYOCARBNP模型下的函数图像和结果;c, d, f.对应BRYOCARBP模型下的函数图像和结果;e, f.黑色圆点代表利用河北苔藓化石所恢复的二氧化碳浓度, 灰色正方形点为Fletcher et al.(2008)的数据, 3条曲线分别代表Berner的GEOCARBSULF模型在不同火山作用强度情况下的二氧化碳浓度曲线(Berner, 2006; Fletcher et al., 2008)
Fig. 4. Atmospheric CO2 levels from the Middle Jurassic fossil liverworts of Hebei Province
表 1 3种化石苔藓植物对应的各古环境参数及其碳同位素组成和碳同位素判别测定结果
Table 1. Environmental parameters and the carbon isotope composition and discrimination of the three species of fossil liverwort
属种 年代(Ma) δ13Cp*(‰) Δ13C(‰) δ13Ca(‰) 古纬度(°N) 古辐照q(μmol·m-2s-1) 古氧气浓度oi(%) 古气温T(K) Riccardiopsis hsüi 161~175 -25.624±1.33 20.45±1.8 -5.7±0.69 35 221±28 12.6±0.6 299.15±1.0 Metzgerites yuxianensis 161~175 -25.769±1.33 20.60±1.8 -5.7±0.69 35 221±28 12.6±0.6 299.15±1.0 Hepaticites sp. 161~175 -25.412±1.33 20.23±1.8 -5.7±0.69 35 221±28 12.6±0.6 299.15±1.0 注: 星号处所列苔藓植物碳同位素组成值已经过石化作用值校正. 表 2 3种苔藓植物碳同位素判别分别对应BRYOCARBP和BRYOCARBNP模型所恢复的CO2浓度结果及其平均值
Table 2. Reconstructed CO2 levels from BRYOCARBP and BRYOCARBNP and their means of the Δ13C of three species of fossil liverworts
属种 年代(Ma) CO2浓度(BRYOCARBNP)(μmol/mol) CO2浓度(BRYOCARBP)(μmol/mol) Riccardiopsis hsüi 161~175 714.5 579.7 Metzgerites yuxianensis 161~175 727.0 576.3 Hepaticites sp. 161~175 674.2 543.3 平均值 168 705.2 566.4 -
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