Key Technique and Scheme of Classification and Nomenclature for Deep Sea Sediments
摘要: 对地质研究的对象进行科学合理的分类,是地学研究的重要内容之一.为建立科学合理、量化统一、操作简便的深海沉积物分类与命名方案,详细分析国内外深海沉积物分类与命名现状,深刻了解海洋沉积物组成与分布,深入研究深海沉积物的水深、平均粒径和粘土含量3项参数指标,通过分析涂片鉴定粘土、钙质生物、硅质生物这三者的含量、粒度和化学分析之间的差异,建立钙质生物、硅质生物与CaCO3、生物SiO2的量化关系,完成沉降法和激光法粒度分析资料的对比和校正,分析深海沉积物分类与命名的兼容性和可比性.在上述研究成果基础上,自主创新提出深海沉积物分类与命名方案及其关键技术.深海沉积物类型简分法把深海沉积物分为深海粘土、钙质软泥、硅质软泥、粘土-硅质-钙质软泥4类,它能满足一般性海洋地质调查要求,达到基本了解深海沉积物类型的目的,在兼容世界深海沉积物类型现状的同时,充分考虑到混合沉积物的存在.深海沉积物类型细分法在简分法基础上细分了16种沉积物,使分类与命名更加详细和全面,满足海洋地质详细调查研究的要求.深海沉积物分类与命名方案与浅海沉积物分类与命名比较,在图形、类型指标、种类数量、冠字冠名法、混合沉积物表示法、可操作性等方面具有可比性,使浅海到深海的沉积物分类与命名呈渐变和有机联系.Abstract: Scientific classification of the geological objects is one of the most important basic research topics in geology. In this paper, thorough review of current research situation is made to establish the classification and nomenclature of deep sea sediments which unify the quantification and can be easily operated. Researches on various topics were conducted, eg., the composition and distribution of oceanic sediments, the relationship between water depth, average grain size and clay content, the discrepancy of clay, calcareous and siliceous content determination between smear and chemical analysis. The authors establish the quantitative relationship between calcareous and CaCO3, between siliceous and biogenic SiO2. This paper also compares and calibrates sedimentation method and laser method for grain size determination, and discusses generality and comparability of the classification and nomenclature system. Innovative key technique and scheme of classification and nomenclature for deep sea sediments were then put forward. The deep sea sediments are classified as deep sea clay, calcareous ooze, siliceous ooze, and clay-siliceous-calcareous ooze according to the simple classification method. The simple classification satisfies the general requirement of marine geological survey and basic understanding of sediment types. This method considers existing sediments mixture and existing classification methods. The deep sea sediments are further classified into 16 sub-types based on the sophisticated classification method, which therefore gives more detailed and comprehensive descriptions for the deep sea sediments and satisfies the requirement for comprehensive marine investigation. The classification and nomenclature for deep sea sediments are comparable with that for shallow sea sediments on diagram, indices, amount of types, naming methods, representation of mixture sediments and operability. Therefore, the classification and nomenclature for deep sea sediments is designed to be a succession of shallow sea sediments classification.
图 3 深海沉积物分类与命名简分法(a)和细分法(b)
Fig. 3. Simplified (a) and detailed (b) scheme of classification and nomenclature for deep-sea sediments
表 1 北太平洋LL44-GPC3岩心沉积物组分含量(Kyte et al., 1993)
Table 1. Percents of sediment components in core LL44-GPC3 in the central North Pacific
年代 更新世 上新世 中新世 渐新世 始新世 古新世 新生代 年龄(Ma) 0.00~1.80 1.08~5.10 5.10~23.70 23.70~36.70 36.70~57.80 57.80~66.40 0.00~66.40 沉积物样深度(m) 0.00~3.60 3.60~5.50 5.50~10.00 10.00~13.00 13.00~17.25 17.25~20.60 0.00~20.60 热液物质(%) 0.0 0.2 1.3 4.8 19.1 8.8 5.2 水成物质(%) 1.3 2.7 5.5 8.7 6.1 3.3 4.3 磷酸盐物质(%) 0.0 0.0 0.9 2.5 4.8 6.9 2.2 亚洲大陆硅酸岩质风尘(%) 95.9 94.1 74.3 29.9 16.5 10.3 58.9 北美大陆安山岩质风尘(%) 0.0 0.0 9.2 35.9 38.4 53.9 19.6 硅酸岩质火山物质(%) 0.0 0.0 0.1 9.8 0.4 0.0 1.2 夏威夷玄武岩质火山物质(%) 0.0 0.2 3.7 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.9 生物Si(%) 0.0 0.0 0.4 1.2 6.7 10.6 2.7 盐分(%) 2.8 2.8 4.4 6.9 8.0 6.1 4.9 表 2 南海东部海域表层沉积物组分百分含量对比(%)(激光粒度、化学分析与涂片鉴定)
Table 2. Comparison of component percentages of surface sediment from South China Sea
分析方法 样品数 CaCO3 SiO2 Al2O3 生物SiO2 粘土(非生物组分) 钙质生物 硅质生物 沉积物类型 激光粒度、化学分析 126 4.63 54.67 13.64 9.65 69.29 8.60 22.12 含钙质含硅质粘土(Ⅰ4) 涂片鉴定分析 126 10.88 22.18 66.94 10.88 22.18 含钙质含硅质粘土(Ⅰ4) 注:据张富元等, 2010, 深海沉积物分类与命名研究报告;生物SiO2的百分含量根据式1计算;粘土(非生物组分)是指归一化百分含量. 表 3 南海、太平洋表层沉积物的沉降法和激光法粒度分析结果对比
Table 3. Comparison of laser grain size analysis with pipette analysis of surface sediments from South China Sea and Pacific
海区 粒度分析方法 水深(m) Mz(μm) Md(μm) 砂(%)(2.000~0.063 mm) 粉砂(%)(0.063~0.004 mm) 粘土(%)(<0.004 mm) 南海东部海域 沉降法(n=106) 3 329 4.28 5.79 5.65 42.28 52.07 >2 000 m(n=94) 3 587 3.37 3.99 3.66 42.43 53.91 南海东部海域 激光法(n=106) 3 329 9.99 10.43 9.68 61.21(36.17)* 29.11(54.16)* 东太平洋(金翔龙,1997) 沉降法(n=14) 5 094 2.17 1.94 2.66 23.94 73.40 激光法(n=30) 5 094 9.80 13.92 53.16 32.92 注:标注星号的括号内分别是指36.17%为粉砂粒径校正为0.063~0.010 mm的含量和54.16%为粘土粒径校正为<0.010 mm的含量;Mz为平均粒径;Md为中值粒径;n为样品数. 表 4 深海沉积物的类型、名称和参数指标
Table 4. Types, names and parameter indices of deep-sea sediments
沉积物类型代号 沉积物类型的参数指标(%) 沉积物类型名称 沉积物类型英文名称 沉积物类型名称(张富元等,2006) Ⅰ 硅质生物0~50,钙质生物0~50,粘土50~100 深海粘土 deep-sea clay 深海粘土类 Ⅱ 粘土0~50,钙质生物0~50,硅质生物50~100 硅质软泥 siliceous ooze 硅质软泥类 Ⅲ 粘土0~50,硅质生物0~50,钙质生物50~100 钙质软泥 calcareous ooze 钙质软泥类 Ⅳ 粘土0~50,硅质生物0~50,钙质生物0~50 粘土-硅质- 钙质软泥 clay siliceous calcareous ooze 粘土-硅质- 钙质混合软泥类 Ⅰ1 硅质生物0~25,钙质生物0~25,粘土75~100 深海粘土 deep-sea clay 深海粘土 Ⅰ2 钙质生物0~25,硅质生物25~50,粘土50~75 含钙质硅质粘土 calcareous-bearing siliceous clay 硅质粘土 Ⅰ3 硅质生物0~25,钙质生物25~50,粘土50~75 含硅质钙质粘土 siliceous-bearing calcareous clay 钙质粘土 Ⅰ4 硅质生物0~25,钙质生物0~25,粘土50~75 含钙质含硅质粘土 siliceous-bearing calcareous-bearing clay 硅钙质粘土 Ⅱ1 粘土0~25,钙质生物0~25,硅质生物75~100 硅质软泥 siliceous ooze 硅质软泥 Ⅱ2 粘土0~25,钙质生物25~50,硅质生物50~75 含粘土钙质硅质软泥 clay-bearing calcareous siliceous clay 钙质硅质软泥 Ⅱ3 钙质生物0~25,粘土25~50,硅质生物50~75 含钙质粘土质硅质软泥 calcareous-bearing clayey siliceous clay 粘土质硅质软泥 Ⅱ4 粘土0~25,钙质生物0~25,硅质生物50~75 含粘土含钙质硅质软泥 clay-bearing calcareous- bearing siliceous ooze 粘土质-钙质硅质软泥 Ⅲ1 粘土0~25,硅质生物0~25,钙质生物75~100 钙质软泥 calcareous ooze 钙质软泥 Ⅲ2 硅质生物0~25,粘土25~50,钙质生物50~75 含硅质粘土质钙质软泥 siliceous-bearing clayey calcareous ooze 粘土质钙质软泥 Ⅲ3 粘土0~25,硅质生物25~50,钙质生物50~75 含粘土硅质钙质软泥 clay-bearing siliceous calcareous ooze 硅质钙质软泥 Ⅲ4 粘土0~25,硅质生物0~25,钙质生物50~75 含粘土含硅质钙质软泥 clay-bearing siliceous- bearing calcareous ooze 粘土质-硅质钙质软泥 Ⅳ1 粘土25~50,硅质生物25~50,钙质生物25~50 粘土-硅质- 钙质软泥 clay siliceous calcareous ooze 粘土-硅质- 钙质混合软泥 Ⅳ2 粘土0~25,硅质生物25~50,钙质生物25~50 含粘土-硅质- 钙质软泥 clay-bearing siliceous calcareous ooze 粘土质硅质-钙质混合软泥 Ⅳ3 硅质生物0~25,粘土25~50,钙质生物25~50 含硅质-粘土质- 钙质软泥 siliceous-bearing clayey calcareous ooze 硅质-钙质粘土混合软泥 Ⅳ4 钙质生物0~25,粘土25~50,硅质生物25~50 含钙质-粘土质- 硅质软泥 calcareous-bearing clayey siliceous ooze 钙质硅质-粘土混合软泥 注:张富元等(2006)因当时未建立冠词冠名法,沉积物类型命名不够严谨,沉积物名称中出现"类"、"混合"定义不够明确的字. 表 5 世界海洋沉积物的主要类型和分布面积(%)(王琦和朱而勤,1989)
Table 5. Major types and its distribution areas of sediments in world-wide oceans
沉积物类型 大西洋面积 太平洋面积 印度洋面积 总计 钙质软泥 有孔虫软泥 65.1 36.2 54.3 47.1 翼足类软泥 2.4 0.1 0.6 硅质软泥 硅藻软泥 6.7 10.1 19.9 11.6 放射虫软泥 4.6 0.5 2.6 深海粘土 25.8 49.1 25.3 38.1 大洋面积 23.0 53.4 23.6 100.0 -
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