Tectonic Features of the Fanjing Mount and Sangzhi Area on the West of Xuefeng Uplift
摘要: 梵净山—桑植地区是雪峰山西缘扩展构造带的一部分, 该区构造变形复杂, 阐明该地区构造变形特征, 不但能够更好的认识和理解江南—雪峰隆起带及其周缘的构造变形特征, 而且能够更好的指导我国南方海相油气勘探.本文通过对该区域复杂构造特征的详细解析, 厘定出该区发育了NEE-EW和NE走向两幕印支期变形, 以及NE向和NNE-NS走向两幕燕山期变形.结合区域大地构造背景, 认为印支期的构造变形, 主要与古特提斯洋的关闭、扬子板块与华北板块的剪刀式拼合有关; 燕山期的构造变形, 主要与伊泽奈崎板块和库拉-太平洋板块的俯冲有关.Abstract: Our study area from the Fanjing Mountain to the Sangzhi County is a part of the propagation tectonic zone of the Xuefengshan Precambrian basement. Expounding the deformation in the area facilitates not only the understanding of the deformation in and around the Xuefengshan, but also the exploration in the marine strata in the southern China. Complex history of deformation in the area can be divided into two-stage Indosinian deformation and two-stage Yanshanian deformation. Two-stage Indosinian deformation is of NEE-EW- and NE-striking folding or faulting. Two-stage Yanshanian deformation is of NE- and NNE-NS-striking faulting or folding. Based on the structural analysis and the tectonic setting, this paper suggests that Indosinian deformation mechanism is mainly related to closing of Tethys Ocean and scissor-style collision of South China to North China plates; however, Yanshanian deformation mechanism is mainly related to northwestward subduction of Izanaqi plate and Kula-Pacific plate.
Key words:
- Yangtze plate /
- Xuefeng uplift /
- tectonics /
- fold superimposition /
- unconformity /
- petroleum geology
图 2 石门和酉阳附近加里东期平行不整合特征(图例见图 1)
Fig. 2. The Caledonian parallel unconformity near Shimen and Youyang
图 3 石门和桑植附近印支期不整合特征(图例见图 1)
Fig. 3. The Indo-Chinese unconformity near Shimen and Sangzhi
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