Characteristics of Lower Slope Basin in Northern Continental Margin of South China Sea
摘要: 为了解南海北部下陆坡深水盆地的沉积特征和地层分布对构造环境的影响, 利用973、SO49等航次所获得的地震测线, 对南海北部大陆边缘深水区下陆坡盆地新生代地层层序进行了划分, 并与北部的白云凹陷的层序进行了对比, 识别出了8套地震反射层组, 自上而下地层时代分别为上新世—第四纪(N2-Q)、晚中新世(N13)、中中新世(N12)、早中新世(N11)、晚渐新世(E32)、晚始新世—早渐新世(E23-E31)、中始新世(E22) 和古新世—早始新世(E1-E21).在此基础上, 对荔湾和潮南坳陷南部深水区内主要层组的沉积特征和沉积充填作了初步分析, 认为南海中北部下陆坡区的构造演化可以分为3个阶段, 分别为古新世—早渐新世的断陷—断坳陆相湖盆沉积阶段、晚渐新世的裂陷-坳陷过渡阶段以及新近系以来的热力学沉降半深水—深水沉积阶段, 沉积环境经历了河流—湖泊—浅海—深海的演化过程.Abstract: The Cenozoic stratigraphic interpretation of lower continental slope in the northern South China Sea is studied and compared with Baiyun sag, to understand the sedimentary characteristics and stratigraphic distribution of deep water basin for environmental impact of construction, based on the seismic profiles acquired by SO49 and 973 cruises.The Cenozoic sediments of lower continental slope in southern Baiyun sag can be divided into eight stratas, namely, Pliocene-Quaternary, Late Miocene, Middle Miocene, Early Miocene, Late Oligocene, Late Eocene-Early Oligocene, Middle Eocene, Paleogene-Early Eocene.The tectonic evolution of lower continental slope depressions can be divided into following stages: rifting, rifting-depression transitional and depression stages, while their depositional environments change from river to shallow marine and abyssa1, which results in different topography in different stages.The topographic evolvement in the study area includes three stages, that is, Neocene to present, Late Oligocene, Early Oligocene and Paleogene.
图 3 荔湾坳陷NH4测线下陆坡地震剖面(测线位置见图 1)
Fig. 3. Line NH4 seismic profile in lower slope of Liwan sag
图 4 SB23.8层序界面在波阻抗剖面上的特征(973-01测线, 测线位置见图 1)
Fig. 4. The characteristics of SB23.8 sequence interface in impedance profile
图 5 东沙隆起以南神狐组和文昌组地震反射特征(973-01测线, 测线位置见图 1)
Fig. 5. Seismic reflect character of Shenhu and Wenchang sequence in South Dongsha rise
图 6 SO49-18测线陆坡—海盆转折带的海底滑塌反射(测线位置见图 1)
Fig. 6. Submarine slump of slope-basin transition zone in line SO49-18
图 7 研究区新生代构造—沉积事件(据秦国权等, 2002; 黎明碧等, 2005;庞雄等, 2006)
Fig. 7. Cenozoic structure-sediment event in study area
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