Diagenesis Characteristics and System for Dolostone in Feixianguan Formation of Northeast Sichuan
摘要: 通过对川东北地区下三叠统飞仙关组白云岩的结构-成因分类、成岩作用方式、成岩演化序列和铁、锰、锶微量元素,碳、氧、锶稳定同位素地球化学特征的综合研究,从盆地大尺度的成岩作用组合特征出发,按“水文体制”将飞仙关组白云岩划分为4个成岩系统:(1)准同生阶段孔隙卤水成岩系统;(2)早-中成岩阶段地层压实热卤水成岩系统;(3)晚成岩阶段混合热卤水成岩系统;(4)构造隆升阶段油田热卤水成岩系统.各阶段成岩系统白云化流体性质和来源具有一定的亲缘性和继承性发展演化特点,但水-岩相互作用过程、成岩方式、产物和组合特征各不相同,与储层发育密切相关的成岩方式主要是各成岩系统中的多期次埋藏白云化和溶蚀作用.根据各成岩系统中成岩作用与储层在时间-空间上的耦合与匹配关系,可将优质白云岩储层和油气藏控制因素归结为3点:(1)早-中成岩阶段埋藏白云化为储层发育基础;(2)晚成岩阶段埋藏白云化扩大,提高了储层分布范围与质量;(3)构造隆升阶段破裂、TSR和溶蚀作用是形成飞仙关组高效气藏的关键.Abstract: Through the comprehensive study of the texture-genetic classification, diagenetic manners and evolution stages, trace element characteristics of Fe, Mn, Sr, and isotopic geochemistry characteristics of C, O and Sr of Feixianguan Formation, Lower Triassic in Northeast Sichuan, four diagenetic systems were divided in the dolostone of Feixianguan Formation according to "hydrological system", which were pore brine of the penecontemporaneous stage, compaction hot brine of the early and middle diagenetic stages. The character and source of dolomitic fluids of various diagenetic stages and system had certain familiarity and inheritance features of development and evolution, but the interaction process between fluid and rock, diagenetic manners and characteristics of product and assemblage were different respectively. So the diagenetic systems and manner of diagenesis, which are related to the reservoir development closely, are mainly the burial dolomitization and dissolution of multiple-stage. According to the temporal-spatial accordance and matching relations of reservoirs and oil-gas accumulations in different diagenesis systems, four controlling factors of high-quality dolomite reservoirs were concluded: (1) the regional distribution and size of reservoirs were controlled by oolitic shoal microfacies; (2) high-quality reservoirs were based on the burial dolomitization of early and middle diagenetic stages; (3) the distribution of reservoirs was expanded and their quality was improved by burial dolomitization of the late diagenetic stage; (4) tectonic disruption, TSR and dissolution were the key to forming highly-efficient oolitic shoal gas reservoir which contained acid gas rich in H2S and CO2.
Key words:
- dolomite reservoirs /
- diagenesis /
- geochemistry /
- dolomitization fluid /
- diagenesis system
图 2 不同成因和成岩阶段的白云化作用产物和白云岩结构演化图谱(所有照片对角线长3.75 mm)
a.纹层状泥-微晶白云岩,MB3井,T1f1,普通薄片(+);b.膏质微晶白云岩,板条状硬石膏微斑晶呈纹层状分布,P3井,T1f1,普通薄片(+);c.残余灰质亮晶鲕粒白云岩,鲕粒优先选择性白云化,由很脏的自形粉-细晶白云石组成,方解石胶结物的栉壳状等厚环边结构保存良好,组成鲕粒的白云石有交代环边胶结物的现象,LJ6井,T1f2,染色薄片(-);d.亮晶鲕粒白云岩,鲕粒由很脏的微晶白云石组成,核心大部分重结晶为自形的细晶,等厚环边胶结物白云化为粒状亮晶,鲕粒间保存有较多原生粒间孔,LJ6井,T1f2,井深3 926.0 m,普通薄片(+);e.溶孔亮晶鲕粒白云岩,鲕粒由很脏的自形粉晶白云石组成,胶结物为洁净明亮的栉壳状亮晶白云石,鲕粒有强烈的选择性溶蚀作用,溶蚀后失去支撑的环边胶结物被压实变形和破裂成碎屑状,部分溶孔内充填有少量细小溶蚀残渣,LJ6井,T1f2,染色薄片(-);f.粉-细晶鲕粒白云岩,鲕粒和等厚环边胶结物都由具雾心亮边结构的粉-细晶白云石组成,鲕内和鲕间的晶间孔和晶间溶孔都较发育,孔隙中充填有少量炭化沥青,PG2井,铸体薄片(-);g.残余鲕粒粉-细晶白云岩,重结晶后的残余鲕粒和等厚环边胶结结构清晰,部分鲕粒内保存有残余微-粉晶结构和不洁物,不洁净的鲕粒选择性溶解作用强烈,形成众多铸模孔,铸模孔内由原地生长的异形白云石组成示底构造,PG2井,T1f2,铸体薄片(-);h.残余鲕粒粉-细晶白云岩,鮞粒的粒间溶孔、粒内溶孔、铸模孔都非常发育,铸模孔内充填少量溶蚀碎屑和晶屑组成的示底构造,LG2井,T1f2,铸体薄片(-);i.中-粗晶白云岩,主要由具雾心亮边结构的自形白云石组成,偶具残余鲕粒结构,晶间孔和晶间溶孔非常发育,充填有炭化沥青,PG6井,T1f2,铸体薄片(-);j.细-中晶白云岩,晶间孔、晶间溶孔和超大溶孔都非常发育,P02井,T1f1,铸体薄片(-);k.碎裂化白云岩,碎裂化和重结晶的白云石晶体大小不均匀,裂缝和沿裂缝的溶蚀作用非常发育,孔、缝内充填有炭化沥青,PG6井,T1f2,铸体薄片(-);l.碎裂化白云岩,沿裂缝发育的超大溶蚀孔洞,溶蚀孔洞内被溶蚀白云石晶屑、异形白云石和自生石英晶体(Q)充填,PG6井,T1f2,铸体薄片(-)
Fig. 2. Sketch map of the product and evolvement process of different burial diagenetic dolomitization
图 4 飞仙关组白云岩锶同位素变化范围及均值
A.全球早三叠世海相碳酸盐岩;B.川东被地区海相泥-微晶灰岩;C.所有白云岩样品;D.准同生白云岩;E.早成岩阶段埋藏白云岩;F.中成岩阶段埋藏白云岩;G.晚成岩阶段埋藏白云岩;H.碎裂化白云岩(注:A样品据McArthur et al., 2001资料;B~H样品为本项目分析)
Fig. 4. Histogram for mean 87Sr/86Sr average value of all kinds of carbonate rocks in Feixianguan Formation
图 7 飞仙关组成岩埋藏白云岩化成因模式(据马永生,2007)
Fig. 7. Genesis model of burial dolomitization in Feixianguan, Northeast Sichuan basin
表 1 飞仙关组各成岩阶段白云石X衍射分析数据
Table 1. Comparison of XRD of different diagenetic dolomites in Feixianguan Formation
成因类型 样品数 Mg/Ca 有序度 变化范围 平均值 变化范围 平均值 准同生白云石 2 0.910~0.949 0.930 0.55~0.59 0.570 早成岩埋藏白云石 2 0.946~0.950 0.949 0.51~0.63 0.580 中成岩埋藏白云石 10 0.883~0.980 0.939 0.66~0.96 0.812 晚成岩埋藏白云石 6 0.934~0.970 0.946 0.67~0.87 0.728 碎裂重结晶白云石 3 0.934~1.000 0.971 0.73~0.97 0.880 注:Mg/Ca为摩尔分数比;样品采自普光和罗家寨气田;样品分析由中石油西南油气田分公司石油地质测试中心承担,检测设备.D/MAX-ⅢC型X射线衍射仪;试验条件.温度15~25 ℃,湿度≤70%RH;检测标准.JCPDS-ICDD. 表 2 飞仙关组各成岩阶段白云岩锶、铁、锰含量和碳、氧、锶同位素组成特征
Table 2. The abundance of Fe, Mn, Sr and the distribution of carbon, oxygen, strontium isotope of different diagenetic dolostones in Feixianguan Formation
成因类型 Sr(%) Fe(%) Mn(%) δ13C(‰,PDB) δ18O(‰,PDB) 87Sr/86Sr 微晶灰岩 11件样品均值 11件样品均值 11件样品均值 3件样品均值 3件样品均值 11件样品均值 0.191 0.113 0.005 2 4.929 -5.317 0.707 252 准同生白云岩 2件样品均值 2件样品均值 2件样品均值 3件样品均值 3件样品均值 2件样品均值 0.026 0.16 0.003 0 2.406 -3.095 0.708 028 早成岩埋藏白云岩 2件样品均值 2件样品均值 2件样品均值 2件样品均值 2件样品均值 2件样品均值 0.013 0.265 0.005 0 2.136 -3.137 0.707 443 中成岩埋藏白云岩 10件样品均值 10件样品均值 10件样品均值 3件样品均值 3件样品均值 10件样品均值 0.012 0.143 0.004 0 2.181 -3.450 0.707 514 晚成岩埋藏白云岩 4件样品均值 4件样品均值 4件样品均值 4件样品均值 4件样品均值 4件样品均值 0.020 0.285 0.004 5 3.227 -3.607 0.707 278 碎裂化白云岩 2件样品均值 2件样品均值 2件样品均值 3件样品均值 3件样品均值 3件样品均值 0.012 0.276 0.005 8 2.131 -3.702 0.707 263 注:样品采自普光和罗家寨气田;Fe、Mn、Sr由中国地质科学院成都矿产综合利用研究所测试中心分析,测试仪器为2000DV(编号:1-44-40),检测依据为Y/T05-1996《ICP广谱法》;C、O同位素由中石油西南油气田分公司石油地质测试中心分析,测试仪器为MAT252气体同位素质谱仪,实验条件温度22 ℃,湿度50%,检测依据为SY/T6039-94,分析误差碳同位素为0.002‰~0.014‰,氧同位素为0.004‰~0.02‰;Sr同位素由成都理工大学同位素实验室分析,测试仪器为MAT261同位素质谱仪,样品制备和化学流程按国际规范进行溶样和阳离子交换柱分离纯化,实验温度22 ℃,湿度50%,检测依据为美国国家标准局标准样品NBS987. -
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