Visco-Elasto-Plastic Back Analysis on Yunling Tunnel in Weak Rock
摘要: 软弱隧道围岩在工程实际和试验研究中都表现出较强的流变性质, 容易造成围岩的过大变形而导致失稳.按新奥法施工原则对云岭隧道左洞进口段的软弱围岩段开挖过程进行监测, 分析初期围岩位移收敛值以及二次支护和衬砌的压力变化情况, 通过黏弹性有限元反分析理论, 建立基于黏弹塑性的反分析体系, 对围岩参数进行反演和优化.通过采用ANSYS有限元程序模拟开挖过程, 并将现场实际量测值与计算数据进行比较, 为隧道支护设计和施工的安全可靠性提供科学依据和技术指导.Abstract: Weak rock tunnel in the engineering practice and experiment research have shown strong, easy to cause the rheological properties of rock deformation caused by excessive instability. We established anti-analysis system based on viscoelastic finite element method theory by monitoring the weak surrounding rock excavation process of Yunling left cave entrance according to the New Austria Tunneling Method and analyzing the initial value of surrounding rock displacement convergence and secondary support and lining of the pressure changes. By using ANSYS finite element program, the excavation process was simulated, and the actual field measured values were compared with the calculated data. The study provides a scientific basis and technical guidance for support design and construction of tunnel with safety and reliability.
Key words:
- weak rock /
- continuous monitoring /
- FEM simulation /
- back analysis
表 1 反演结果与实测值
Table 1. Results of optimum design and inversion
反演参数 σi(MPa) λ E2(GPa) μ2(Pa·s) E1(GPa) 参数范围 10~20 0.5~2.0 2.5~4 1.0e15~1.0e17 - 真实值 15.0 1.3 3.5 1.0e16 - 反演值 15.8 1.36 3.4 1.1e16 3.6 误差 5.3% 4.6% 2.9% 10% - 相关系数 0.960 7 表 2 位移实测值与计算值对比(mm)
Table 2. Comparison between calculating results and monitoring data of displacement
量测项目 拱顶下沉 A-B基线 A-C基线 B-C基线 实测值 5.73 4.67 3.87 6.07 计算值 8.91 4.52 5.83 7.47 -
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