Characteristics of Primary Halo Zonation and Prediction Pattern of Deep Orebody of the Huaaobaote Pb-Zn-Ag Polymetallic Deposit, Inner Mongolia
摘要: 花敖包特Pb-Zn-Ag多金属矿床构造上位于滨西太平洋成矿域内蒙古大兴安岭成矿带南段, 是一个近年来发现的与白垩纪早期构造岩浆活动有关的隐伏热液脉状矿床.研究表明: (1)矿体原生晕发育, 且分带明显.据其异常强度建立的元素横向分带顺序(从强到弱)为Cd→Pb→Zn→Ag→Sb→In→Hg→As→Cu→Sn→W→Mo→Bi, 排在序列前面的Cd、Pb、Zn、Sb、Ag等5种元素, 可作为远矿指示元素; 排在序列后端的As、Bi、Mo、W等4种元素, 可作为近矿指示元素.(2)根据Grigorian原生晕分带计算方法, 获得矿体原生晕轴向分带序列(自矿体头部至尾部)为Sb→Pb→Cd→Ag→Zn→Hg→Cu→In→As→Bi→Sn→Mo→W, 与Grigorian建立热液矿床标准分带基本一致.(3)构建深部矿体找矿模型, 其预测评价指标(Sb×Pb×Cd×Ag)D/(As×Sn×Mo×W)D在矿体头部为1.30、矿体中上部为0.35、矿体中下部为0.056、矿体尾部为0.005, 这表明该指标随深度的增加有规律地降低, 是预测深部矿体资源潜力的有效指标.Abstract: The Huaaobaote Pb-Zn-Ag polymetalic deposit, tectonically located at the south segment of the Dahinggan Mountains ore-forming belt of the circum-western Pacific metallogenetic domain, is a buried hydrothermal vein deposit associated with early Cretaceous tectono-magma activities discovered in recent years. The following conclusions are drawn by studying on primary halos of ore bodies. (1) The ore and halos forming-elements exhibit a clear zonation. Based on their anomalous intensity the transverse element zonation of the ore deposit are established as follows (from high to low): Cd→Pb→Zn→Ag→Sb→In→Hg→As→Cu→Sn→W→Mo→Bi. The five elements (Cd、Pb、Zn、Ag、Sb) ranked in the front of this zoning sequence can be regarded as long range indicators; and the four elements (Sn、W、Mo、Bi)in the rear of this zoning sequence regarded as short range indicators. (2) The axial zonation of this ore deposits is as follows: Sb→Pb→Cd→Ag→Zn→Hg→Cu→In→As→Bi→Sn→Mo→W, which is similar to the standard zonation of hydrothermal ore deposits determined by S.V. Grigorian. (3) Indexes such as (Sb×Pb×Cd×Ag)D/(As×Sn×Mo×W)D are constructed as a criterion for evaluating the ore potential in depth, which is equal or greater than 1.30 on the top portion of the ore bodies, 0.35-0.056 in the middle- upper portion, 0.056-0.005 in the middle-lower portion and equal or lesser than 0.005 at the end portion of the ore bodies, illustrating that the criterion values decrease regularly and abruptly with depth, and they can be used for predicting the ore potentials at a given depth.
图 1 大兴安岭中南段构造与矿产分布(据陈宏威,2007修改)
Fig. 1. Tectonics and distribution of mineral deposits in the middle-south segment of Dahinggan Mountains
表 1 成晕元素浓度分带参数(10-6)
Table 1. Zoning parameters of halo-forming elements (10-6)
参数 Ag As Bi Cd Cu Hg In Mo Pb Sb Sn W Zn X 2.44 50.03 0.18 0.74 6.35 0.06 0.07 0.47 92.89 19.83 2.79 1.84 171.00 S 1.38 24.87 0.02 0.50 1.61 0.03 0.03 0.10 72.78 5.70 1.38 0.66 101.50 Ca 5.19 99.77 0.23 1.74 9.57 0.13 0.12 0.66 238.45 31.22 5.54 3.16 373.58 2Ca 10.38 199.53 0.45 3.49 19.15 0.25 0.24 1.32 476.91 62.45 11.09 6.31 747.17 4Ca 20.76 399.07 0.91 6.98 38.29 0.51 0.48 2.64 953.82 124.90 22.17 12.63 1 494.34 注:X为平均值;S为标准离差;Ca为异常下限. 表 2 原生晕横向(水平)分带序列
Table 2. Horizontal zoning sequence of primary halo
中段 参数 Ag As Bi Cd Cu Hg In Mo Pb Sb Sn W Zn 941 m K 34.9 11.0 1.7 139.5 57.7 35.8 75.4 3.2 184.8 249.3 22.6 3.4 70.8 L(m) 62.0 59.1 45.0 62.0 62.0 58.7 62.0 34.0 62.0 62.0 62.0 28.2 62.0 K·L 2 164 650 78 8 649 3 580 2 104 4 676 108 11 460 15 459 1 401 97 4 390 序列 Sb-Pb-Cd-In-Zn-Cu-Ag-Hg-Sn-As-Mo-W-Bi 922 m K 28.6 9.7 1.8 164.8 31.3 40.8 103.4 3.3 137.8 119.5 19.6 4.6 87.4 L(m) 71.6 49.2 42.3 69.8 70.1 65.0 53.8 50.9 70.2 71.6 62.3 7.6 69.8 K·L 2 048 479 74 11 506 2 192 2 651 5 561 167 9 674 8 558 1 222 35 6 103 序列 Cd-Pb-Sb-Zn-In-Hg-Cu-Ag-Sn-As-Mo-Bi-W 893 m K 42.3 10.4 2.2 384.1 62.4 67.5 132.1 3.3 188.3 229.3 32.8 3.6 190.8 L(m) 70.0 63.5 29.7 70.0 63.3 69.7 61.6 55.0 70.0 70.0 67.2 32.5 69.9 K·L 2 961 660 66 26 889 3 950 4 704 8 137 180 13 183 16 053 2 206 116 13 328 序列 Cd-Sb-Zn-Pb-In-Hg-Cu-Ag-Sn-As-Mo-W-Bi 863 m K 49.1 23.4 1.6 192.8 18.1 22.5 52.9 3.7 157.9 33.4 23.1 5.4 92.2 L(m) 66.8 52.5 51.2 71.8 61.2 64.0 42.5 55.9 74.0 68.1 46.5 52.8 71.7 K·L 3 282 1 225 84 13 850 1 109 1 439 2 250 205 11 693 2 272 1 075 284 6 605 序列 Cd-Pb-Zn-Ag-Sb-In-Hg-As-Cu-Sn-W-Mo-Bi 注:K为衬度;L(m)为原生晕异常宽度. 表 3 成矿成晕元素分带指数
Table 3. Zoning indexes of primary halos
元素 标准化系数 标准化后线金属量(10-6·m) 分带指数 ZK85 ZK76 ZK92 ZK168 ZK85 ZK76 ZK92 ZK168 Pb 1 1 800 060 1 025 376 702 015.6 675 115.7 0.056 0.044 0.024 0.027 Zn 1 4 738 864 3 672 371 2 713 206 1 481 712 0.149 0.158 0.092 0.059 Ag 100 1 296 589 756 836 1 027 437 803 266.9 0.041 0.032 0.035 0.032 W 1 000 614 942.4 1 074 300 1 110 918 1 818 394 0.019 0.046 0.037 0.072 Hg 10 000 4 622 029 3 406 307 3 730 604 1 293 826 0.145 0.146 0.126 0.051 Cd 100 4 090 871 2 937 629 2 414 966 1 297 385 0.128 0.126 0.082 0.051 Sb 10 1 728 212 356 212.6 456 794.4 351 173.5 0.054 0.015 0.015 0.014 Sn 100 1 199 524 412 991.4 823 669.4 1 050 914 0.038 0.018 0.028 0.042 Bi 10 000 492 816.7 2 288 785 5 602 307 4 265 967 0.015 0.098 0.189 0.169 In 1 000 831 677 597 779.5 1 405 339 457 307.2 0.026 0.026 0.047 0.018 As 10 2 443 471 1 280 166 4 531 882 3 405 573 0.077 0.055 0.153 0.135 Mo 10 000 6 968 969 3 929 918 3 510 211 7 142 577 0.219 0.169 0.118 0.283 Cu 100 1 042 661 1 559 312 1 600 606 1 183 014 0.033 0.067 0.054 0.047 ∑ 31 870 686 23 297 985 29 629 956 25 226 225 -
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