Characteristics and Implications of the Oolitic Limestones from the Silurian Succession in Wangcang, Sichuan, South China
摘要: 近期在川西北旺苍地区早志留世南江组中首次发现了鲕粒灰岩.它们多以10 cm左右的薄层夹持在页岩或粉砂质泥岩中, 沉积相分析显示该段地层总体应属于均斜缓坡沉积体系.说明这些鲕粒是由异地搬运而来, 在旺苍附近可能会存在相当规模的鲕粒滩.在显微镜下可观察到, 其中的鲕粒类别单一, 鲕粒紧密排列, 并呈现一定程度的压缩变形, 局部壳层呈锯齿状, 也指示这些鲕粒曾经历过高能分选和搬运, 以及压实成岩作用等.氧碳同位素测试显示, 这些鲕粒灰岩沉积时的古温度大体为25~31 ℃, 表明早志留世的上扬子地台应处于中低纬度干热或温暖的古气候带.除去古气候及古地理学方面的意义, 当前鲕粒灰岩的发现还为该区油气勘探提供了重要的储层信息.Abstract: Oolitic limestone has been recognized for the first time in the Early Silurian (Telychian) Nanjiang Formation from Wangcang, NW Sichuan. Facies analyses show that this oolitic-bearing succession developed in a ramp environment. With the thickness less than 10 cm in general and interbedded in the ramp succession, it can be determined that the oolitic layers were moved by episodic currents probably from a large oolitic beach near Wangcang, NW Sichuan, Upper Yangtze platform. Under the microscope, the categories of the oolites are monotonous, and somewhat compressed and deformed, with close contacts and serrated appearances. It also indicates that the oolites should be well-sorted and transported under the high-energy environment, and then be compacted during the following diagenetic stage. The oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of the oolites indicate that the paleotemperature is 25-31 ℃, suggesting tropical to subtropical climates of the mediate to low latitude during the Early Silurian (Telychian) in the Upper Yangtze region. Besides the study of the paleoclimate and paleogeography, as the high-quality reservoir rock, the discovery of the Early Silurian oolitic beds and the possible related oolitic beach nearby is helpful for the oil-gas exploration in NW Sichuan.
Key words:
- oolitic limestone /
- paleoclimate /
- Silurian /
- sedimentation /
- Upper Yangtze platform
图 1 研究区早志留世晚期古地理背景及剖面位置(据陈旭和戎嘉余,1996;王鸿祯等,2006;Su et al., 2009)
Fig. 1. Sketch map of paleogeographical setting of the Late Early Silurian interval and the location of studied section
表 1 研究地区鲕粒灰岩C、O同位素组成及Z值和古温度
Table 1. δ18O, δ13C, and Z values and paleotemperature of oolitic limestones in studied area
样号 δ13C(PDB, ‰) 修正后δ13C(PDB, ‰) δ18O(PDB, ‰) 修正后δ18O(PDB, ‰) δ18O(SMOW, ‰) 古温度(t, ℃) Z值 9-13-e1 -1.68 -0.80 -10.31 -4.77 20.23 25.92 123.29 9-13-e2 -1.68 -0.80 -11.50 -5.96 19.01 31.74 122.69 9-13-e3 -0.14 0.74 -10.19 -4.65 20.35 25.35 126.50 9-13-e4 -0.52 0.36 -10.57 -5.03 19.97 27.16 125.53 9-13-e5 -2.20 -1.32 -11.27 -5.73 19.24 30.59 121.74 9-14-e1 -0.55 0.33 -11.26 -5.72 19.25 30.54 125.13 9-14-e2 -1.72 -0.84 -12.62 -7.08 17.85 37.48 122.05 注:样品处理及同位素测试由中国地质大学(北京)地学实验中心稳定同位素实验室完成. -
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