Geological Significance of Miocene-Early Pleistocene Palynological Zones in the Gyirong Basin, Southern Tibet
摘要: 吉隆盆地为高喜马拉雅中新世晚期约10 Ma时期形成的一个南北向断陷盆地, 其东侧为同沉积正断层, 沃马剖面位于盆地沉降中心的东南部.在该剖面下部新发现一套中新世巨厚砾岩层(旦增竹康组).通过锆石和磷灰石裂变径迹年代学研究得出吉隆盆地控盆断裂早期活动时间为13.4±1.9 Ma, 源区12~11 Ma发生构造热事件, 据此推算出吉隆盆地初始裂陷后开始沉积的底界年龄约为10 Ma.综合前人在吉隆盆地得出的7.20~1.67 Ma古地磁测年值, 可得出吉隆盆地旦增竹康组年龄为10.0~7.4 Ma, 沃马组年龄为7.40~1.67 Ma.根据孢粉组合带和孢粉组合反映的植物类型和古环境变化, 沿剖面自下而上划分为3个孢粉组合带和9个孢粉组合及其对应的植被类型.吉隆地区古气候变化可划分为3个阶段: (1)组合带Ⅰ和孢粉组合1~2, 为温暖偏干环境的常绿与落叶针阔叶混交林, 地层对比时代为晚中新世(10.0~7.0 Ma); (2)组合带Ⅱ和孢粉组合3~7, 为寒冷干旱环境的落叶针叶林, 期间存在一次暖湿气候的波动, 地层对比时代为晚中新世晚期-早上新世(7.0~3.3 Ma); (3)组合带Ⅲ和孢粉组合8~9, 为温凉偏干的气候下生长暗针叶林和落叶阔叶林构成的针阔叶混交林, 地层对比时代为晚上新世(3.30~1.67 Ma).Abstract: The Gyirong basin is one of east-west extensional basins distributed among the high Himalayas. The Late Cenozoic sequence is mainly Woma Formation, consisting of lacustrine and fluvial deposits, from which a Hipparion fauna in 7 Ma was found. However, Danzengzhukang Formation is newly found at the base of the section attributed to alluvial sequence. The zircon and apatite fission track thermochronology shows that eroded source experienced tectonic thermal event at 12-11 Ma, and early activity of the east boundary normal fault of the basin occurred during 13.4±1.9 Ma. Based on the previous paleomagnetostratigraphic researches of the basin, the age interval of the section is most reasonably determined as between 10 and 1.67 Ma. Through abundant palynological analyses, 3 palynological zones and 9 palynological assemblages and vegetable types are recognized, and 3 phases of paleoclimatic changes are revealed: (1) 10.0-6.7 Ma, correlating with palynological zone Ⅰ and assemblages 1-2, it was warm and damp-dry coniferous-leaved and broad-leaved mixed forests, but became cool and humid during 9.5-7.0 Ma. (2) 6.7-3.3 Ma, correlating with palynological zone Ⅱ and assemblages 3-7, it turned cold and arid deciduous coniferous-leaved forests, marked by the increase in the cold-tolerant tree taxa and drought-tolerant herb taxa, but the relative increase of broad-leaved taxa suggests climate underwent warm and humid fluctuations during 5.0-4.3 Ma. (3) 3.30-1.67 Ma, correlating with palynological zone Ⅲ and assemblages 8-9, it got cool and damp-dry deciduous coniferous-leaved and broad-leaved mixed forests.
Key words:
- Qinghai-Tibetan plateau /
- Gyirong basin /
- palynological assemblage /
- paleoclimate change /
- Neogene
图 2 西藏吉隆沃马剖面新近系旦增竹康组—沃马组地层柱状图
1.平行层理; 2.水平层理; 3.板状交错层理; 4.楔状交错层理; 5.叠瓦状构造; 6.砂砾石透镜体; 7.砾岩; 8.含砾砂岩; 9.砂岩; 10.粉砂岩; 11.泥质粉砂岩; 12.粉砂质泥岩、泥岩; 13.三趾马动物群化石点. Af.冲积扇; fr-fe.扇根-扇端; Rb.河流; rb-fp河床-泛滥平原; Fd.扇三角洲; fdp.扇三角洲平原; fdp-fdm.扇三角洲平原-前缘; L.湖泊; k1.滨湖; sl.浅湖; d1.深湖
Fig. 2. Composite strata column section of Neogene Danzengzhukang Formation and Oma Formation in Gyirong basin, Tibet
图 3 吉隆沃马剖面蕨类和裸子植物孢子主要类型属种化石
1.凤尾蕨Pteris sp.;样品号:S2BF62-6(71);2.瘤足蕨Plagiogyria sp.;样品号:S2BF62-6(71);3.海金沙Lygodium sp.;样品号:S2BF62-7(72);4.水龙骨Polypodium sp.;样品号:S2BF62-7(72);5.罗汉松Podocarpus sp.;样品号:S2BF88-5(44);6.松Pinus sp.;样品号:S1BF14-1(6);7.无囊铁杉Tsuga sp1.;样品号:S1BF14-1(6);8.具周囊铁杉Tsuga sp2.;样品号:S2BF62-7(72);9.雪松Cedrus sp.;样品号:S1BF22-1(13);10.云杉Picea sp.;样品号:S1BF22-1(13);11.冷杉Abies sp.;样品号:S1BF14-1(6)
Fig. 3. Representative photographs of fern and gymnosperm spore grains from the Oma Section in the Gyirong basin
图 4 吉隆沃马剖面被子植物花粉主要类型属种化石
1.柳Salix sp.;样品号:S2BF63-6(82);2.楝Melia sp.;样品号:S2BF48-3(47);3.鹅耳枥Carpinus sp.;样品号:S1BF14-1(6);4.榛Corylns sp.;样品号:S2BF96-4(50);5.常绿栎Quercus evergreen;样品号:S2BF48-3(47);6.落叶栎Quercus deciduous.;样品号:S2BF48-3(47);7.桤木Alnus sp.;样品号:S1BF22-1(13);8.桦Betula sp.;样品号:S1BF14-1(6);9.枫杨Pterocarya sp.;样品号:S2BF96-4(50);10.胡桃Juglans sp.;样品号:S2BF62-7(72);11.椴Tilia sp.;样品号:S2BF48-4(48);12.蒿Artemisia sp.;样品号:S1BF15-1(7);13.菊科Compositae;样品号:S2BF36-2(30);14.藜Chenopodium sp.;样品号:S1BF14-1(6)
Fig. 4. Representative photographs of angiosperm pollen grains from the Oma Section in Gyirong basin
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