An Early Cenozoic Tectonic Event in Eastern Kunlun Orogen, Evidence from Detrital Fission Track Geochronology
摘要: 东昆仑造山带作为青藏高原北部地貌向北衰减的第一条构造地貌边界,其新生代构造过程是检验和揭示板块碰撞远程变形效应、机制及空间拓展过程的关键.基于东昆仑造山带系统的碎屑锆石裂变径迹测试分析,揭示东昆仑造山带新生代早期构造演化过程,为板块作用远程效应过程提供年代学证据.碎屑裂变径迹分析表明东昆仑造山带前新生代地层在埋藏后经历了古新世—始新世以前的差异性退火作用(约300~200℃),峰值年龄解析获得最年轻峰值年龄(P1)主体集中在42~59 Ma,代表了东昆仑造山带锆石裂变径迹差异性退火作用的结束年龄.区域性热历史重建及区域资料一致表明,古新世—始新世阶段,东昆仑造山带发生了区域性构造隆升作用,表明东昆仑造山带在印度欧亚板块碰撞后随即成为青藏高原岩石圈(地壳)变形的前缘,这进一步暗示了青藏高原岩石圈地壳变形具有明显的刚性块体特征,而现今地壳流动变形特征可能是地壳分层加厚、多圈层多机制共同作用的结果.Abstract: The eastern Kunlun Orogen,as a southernmost morphotectonic transition belt of northward attenuation in topographic relief across the northern Tibetan plateau,is a key area in examining and recovering the processing and mechanisms of the far-field lithospheric deformation. In this paper,we try to illustrate the Early Cenozoic tectonic processing in the eastern Kunlun Orogen based on a systematic detrital zircon fission track (ZFT) study. It is indicated that widely distributed pre-Cenozoic strata in the study area experienced a ZFT differential resetting (~300—200℃) at around Paleocene-Eocene postdating their burying. Binomial fitting for the single grain ages yielded youngest peak ages (P1) that mainly fall between 42—59 Ma,which corresponds to a ceasing timing for the differential resetting of detrital,Regional thermal history. Relevant data concordantly suggest that the eastern Kunlun Orogen experienced a regional tectonic uplift in Paleocene-Eocene,which coincides with the timing of the Indian-Asian collision,which implies that the Kunlun Orogen occurred as a deformation frontier instantly as the Indian plate collided with Asian plate. Our study provides an evidence that the Tibetan lithosphere (or curst) deformation at early stage is essentially of rigid plate,rather than the present day of significant continuous deformation,which might be a combined result by several mechanisms of lithospheric layers thickened respectively.
Key words:
- fission track /
- tectonic uplift /
- Cenozoic /
- eastern Kunlun Orogen
图 4 东昆仑造山带区域地层构造热历史
A.东昆仑断裂南侧巴颜喀拉构造单元P1年龄;B.东昆仑断裂与西大滩断裂之间的巴颜喀拉与阿尼玛卿构造单元(昆仑主脊)P1年龄;C.西大滩断裂以北昆南、昆北构造单元P1年龄;D.磷灰石裂变径迹年龄(据Wang et al., 2004;吴珍汉等,2005;王岸等,2007).图中以约200 Ma作为样品沉积年代,阴影条带分别代表碎屑锆石差异性退火温度与磷灰石裂变径迹封闭温度区间,虚线表示区域性构造热历史
Fig. 4. Regional thermal history of eastern Kunlun orogen
表 1 锆石裂变径迹样品及年龄测试结果
Table 1. ZFT samples and dating results
样号 经度 纬度 高程(m) 峰值年龄(Ma) 年龄(Ma) 岩性 YK4900 35°38.71′ 94°4.21′ 4 900 69.8±4.2(28)/152.9±19.2(5) 76.3±6.1(33) 变砂岩 YK4815 35°38.50′ 94°4.25′ 4 815 54.6±3.5(12)/74.9±4.5(20)/116.7±7.6(10) 74.9±5.1(42) 变砂岩 YK4665 35°41.03′ 94°2.91′ 4 665 46.9±3.0(13)/87.5±4.8(17) 64.8±5.6(31) 变砂岩 YK4515 35°41.91′ 94°16.68′ 4 515 21.6±1.9(5)/51.5±2.8(23)/95.9±6.3(8) 55.5±5.4(37) 变砂岩 YK4405 35°42.28′ 94°16.96′ 4 405 26.7±3.7(6)/37.1±5.3(12)/69.8±4.2(23) 50.4±4.1(41) 变砂岩 YK-3* 35°44.20′ 94°10.76′ 4 352 — 67.8±7.7(16) 二长花岗岩 YK4203 35°44.38′ 94°16.38′ 4 203 42.0±4.2(8)/85.2±5.4(11) 62.4±6.4(19) 变砂岩 YK4000 35°47.77′ 94°20.40′ 4 000 47.9±4.5(11)/89.4±6.3(12) 62.3±5.7(25) 变砂岩 YK3693 35°52.25′ 94°27.14′ 3 693 — 63.1±4.0(9) 花岗闪长岩 YK3501 35°54.12′ 94°37.79′ 3 501 35.0±3.4(6)/52.1±3.4(10)/72.8±4.4(13)/102.4±7.4(11) 65.6±5.2(40) 变砂岩 YK3418 35°54.71′ 94°46.32′ 3 418 58.9±3.8(12)/93.6±5.7(14) 71.2±6.2(27) 变砂岩 YK3335 35°58.27′ 94°49.04′ 3 335 53.5±3.8(5)/90.3±6.2(3) 64.1±7.5(8) 变砂岩 YK-4* 36°1.89′ 94°48.78′ 3 260 — 207.6±11.0(15) 闪长岩 YK3225 36°8.70′ 94°46.97′ 3 225 - 76.2±8.2(6/5/5) 二长花岗岩 YK3137 36°7.99′ 94°47.39′ 3 137 YK-5* 36°8.02′ 94°47.32′ 3 140 注:峰值年龄列由小到大列出了各峰值年龄,相应颗粒数列于年龄右侧,小于3个颗粒峰值未列入;年龄列中给出了碎屑类样品的中值年龄或侵入岩样品的池年龄及颗粒总数;侵入岩样品年龄计算方法依据卡方概率检验分别取池年龄(P(χ2)≥1%)或者中值年龄(P(χ2)<1%),年龄误差均为1σ;YK3225、YK3137和YK-5为同一岩体不同高程样品,因可分析颗粒较少而合并. -
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