GSHR-Tree: A Spatial Index Tree Based on Dynamic Spatial Slot and Hash Table in Grid Environments
摘要: 为提高网格环境下海量空间数据管理与并行化处理效率,将网格环境下的分布并行处理技术与空间索引相融合,提出了一种空间索引框架(grid slot and hash R tree,GSHR-Tree).该索引树结构基于散列hash表和动态空间槽,结合R树结构的范围查询优势和哈希表结构的高效单key查询,分析改进了索引结构的组织和存储.构造了适合于大规模空间数据的网格并行空间计算的索引结构,该索引树算法根据空间数据划分策略,动态分割空间槽,并将它们映射到多个节点机上.每个节点机再将其对应空间槽中的空间对象组织成R树,以大节点R树方式在多个节点上分布索引数据.以空间范围查询并行处理的系统响应时间为性能评估指标,通过模拟实验证明,该GSHR-Tree索引满足了当前网格环境空间索引的需要,并具有设计合理、性能高效的特点.Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency of parallel processing of a spatial mass data under the distributed parallel computing grid environment, this paper presents a new grid slot hash parallel spatial index GSHR-Tree structure established with the parallel spatial indexing mechanism. Based on the hash table and dynamic spatial slot, we have improved the structure of the classical parallel R-tree index. The GSHR-Tree index makes full use of the good qualities of R-Tree and hash data structure. A new parallel spatial index is constructed to meet the needs of parallel grid computing about the magnanimous spatial data in the distributed network. This arithmetic splits space into multi-slots by multiplying and reverting and maps these slots to sites in distributed and parallel system. Each site constructs the spatial objects in its spatial slot into an R-tree. On the basis of this tree structure, the index data is distributed among multiple nodes in the grid networks by using large node R-tree method. Instead of spatial object's recursive comparison where original R-tree has been used, the algorithm builds the spatial index by applying binary code operation in which computer runs more efficiently, and extends dynamic hash code for bit comparison, using the system response time of the parallel processing of spatial scope query algorithm as the performance evaluation factor. The result of the simulated the experiments shows GSHR-Tree is performed to prove the reasonable design and the high performance of the indexing structure presented in the paper.
表 1 GSHR-Tree节点定义
Table 1. The definition of DR-H index node
GSHR-Tree Hash表节点的结构定义 GSHR-Tree叶节点的定义 GSHR-Tree路由节点的定义 struct R-Entry{
int m_ i0id;//对象ID
Rect m_rect;;//外包矩形
R-Entry* link;};
Typedef R-Entry* R-EntryPtr;
struct Menties{int m_ iOid;//对象ID
Rect m_rect;}struct LefNode{
int PagNo;//本节点页号
int ParPNo;//父节点页号
short nIndex;//父节点下标
int count;//指针个数
int sytle;//数据库类型
R-EntryPtr[MAXLN]};struct MidNode{
int PagNo;//本节点页号
int ParPNo;//父节点页号
short nIndex;//父节点下标
int count;//索引项数
int Menties[MAXMN];//索引项数组}注:MAXLN定义为:#define MAXLN(int)((PGSIZE-(6*sizeof(int)))/sizeof(struct LefNode));MAXMN定义为:#define MAXCARD(int)((PGSIZE-(6*sizeof(int)))/sizeof(struct MidNode)). -
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