An Improved Method of High-Resolution Remote Sense Image Segmentation
摘要: 分形网络演化算法是面向对象的遥感影像分类中比较成熟的一种构建对象的算法,但在分割效率上有待进一步提高,而四叉树分割是一种高效的图像分割方法.提出了一种基于四叉树预分割的分形网络演化构建对象的方法.实验证明,该方法基本不影响影像分割的效果,而且提高了形成初始对象的效率,较大程度上提高了整体的分割效率.Abstract: Fractal net evolution approach (FNEA) is a relatively mature one among the object-oriented image segmentation algorithms, but its efficiency is to be improved. Quad-Tree segmentation is a kind of effective image segmentation method. In this paper, an improved object oriented multi-scale image segmentation method based on the quad-tree pre-segmentation and FNEA is introduced. The experiment shows that the effect of its segmentation result is almost the same as that of traditional FNEA method. Moreover, It saves time.
表 1 实验分析
Table 1. Experience analysis
分割方法 时间(s) 参数 传统的FNEA分割方法 18.49 尺度参数:50,形状参数:0.2 基于四叉树预分割的FNEA分割方法 10.17 四叉树阈值:45 尺度参数:50,形状参数:0.2 8.95 四叉树阈值:60 尺度参数:50,形状参数:0.2 -
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