Geochemical Characteristics of Sediment of Pearl River Estuary and Its Paleoenvironmental Evolution
摘要: 利用ICP-AES法和重铬酸钾氧化还原容量法测定珠江口沉积物中的微量元素和总有机质含量, 结合沉积物粒度参数, 采用因子分析方法识别控制沉积物化学组成和元素行为的3个因子: 流域侵蚀因子、表生沉积作用控制因子和海洋环境控制因子.研究发现, 3个控制因子的得分曲线基本反映了该地区气候干湿、冷暖的强弱变化, 可作为恢复古气候环境的代用曲线; 在本岩心所代表的沉积年代中共有5次较为明显的环境变化, 为深入研究珠江三角洲区域古环境、古气候演化提供了重要的参考依据.Abstract: The trace metal elements and average grain size were determined for sediments of Pearl River Estuary and three important factors were identified using factor analysis method, which controls chemical compositions of sediments, such as catchment erosion, biogenic deposit, marine dominated condition. Moreover, further research indicates that the factor score curves of the three factors can be used to represent the changes of humidity, temperature and the hydrodynamics, respectively, which provides a good effective approach to paleoenviromental reconstruction. On the basis of the study, the evolution history of the regional climate and environment is evaluated and it is revealed that the basic climate succession in the region of Pearl River Delta is the cool-humid, cool-dry, warm-dry, warm-dry, warm-humid and warm-dry successively.
Key words:
- Pearl River Estuary /
- factor analysis /
- geochemistry /
- paleoenvironment
表 1 因子分析结果
Table 1. Results of factor analysis
公因子 变量及公因子负载 方差贡献(%) F1 Co 0.873 Cu 0.906 Ni 0.925 Zn 0.807 Cr 0.628 平均粒径 0.710 42.06 F2 Sr 0.885 Ba 0.949 21.95 F3 Zr 0.748 有机质 -0.937 21.58 表 2 沉积物因子得分
Table 2. Factor scores of sediments of core ZXZ2
编号 深度(m) F1因子 F2因子 F3因子 1 0.0~0.2 0.814 1.005 0.561 2 0.2~0.4 0.714 -0.473 1.197 3 0.4~0.6 0.995 -0.137 2.616 4 0.6~0.8 1.720 0.351 -0.090 5 0.8~1.0 0.482 -0.245 -0.046 6 1.0~1.2 0.252 0.272 -0.962 7 1.2~1.4 -0.145 0.720 -0.318 8 1.4~1.6 -0.356 0.495 -0.552 9 1.6~1.8 -0.380 0.082 -0.242 10 1.8~2.0 0.134 0.241 -1.359 11 2.0~2.2 -0.488 0.418 -0.566 12 2.2~2.4 -0.523 1.597 -0.155 13 2.4~2.6 -2.109 -0.342 1.076 14 2.6~2.8 -1.899 -1.134 0.486 15 3.0~3.2 0.839 -2.920 -1.008 16 3.3~3.5 -0.052 0.070 -0.639 -
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