Bacterial Mechanism of the Development of Sulfate Karst in Burial Environment
摘要: 针对我国广泛分布的碳酸盐-硫酸盐岩混合建造,选择其中的硫酸盐岩作为研究对象,通过室内水-岩和水-岩-细菌两个封闭系统的硫酸盐岩溶蚀模拟实验,模拟了细菌数、温度、时间等因素对反应系统水化学组分的影响,研究了两个系统内的地球化学作用.结果表明,水-岩系统内发生的是硫酸盐岩溶解作用;水-岩-细菌系统内发生了细菌硫酸盐还原作用和细菌硫酸盐还原驱动的硫酸盐岩溶解作用,导致埋藏环境硫酸盐岩岩溶的发育,进而增强了与硫酸盐岩共生的碳酸盐岩的渗透性.研究成果开拓了油气储层古岩溶研究的新思路.Abstract: The present work is designed to simulate the dissolution of sulphate rock under various conditions of different bacterial cell numbers, temperatures and reaction times both in water-rock and water-rock-bacteria systems by laboratory experiment. The results show that chemical dissolution of sulphate rock is dominated in water-rock system, while bacterial sulphate reduction process and the dissolution of sulphate rock driven by bacterial sulphate reduction are dominated in water-rock-bacteria system. The dissolution of sulphate rock driven by bacterial sulphate reduction resultes in the formation of sulphate karst, which enhances the permeability of carbonate rock coexisted with sulphate rock. The research is an insight into biokarst, which provides a new perspective for the field of petroleum geology.
表 1 硫酸盐岩化学组成(%)
Table 1. Chemical compositions of the sulfate rock
K2O Na2O CaO MgO SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 TFe2O3 MnO P2O5 SO3 烧失量 酸不溶物 H2O+ H2O- 0.022 0.0045 32.51 0.31 0.17 0.11 0.007 0.093 0.0015 0.01 46.25 21.28 0.23 20.24 0.05 注:国土资源部河北省中心实验室完成测试. 表 2 硫酸盐岩中矿物成分及其含量
Table 2. Components and contents of minerals in the sulfate rock
矿物名称 占岩样(%) 占硫酸盐矿物(%) 石膏 95.85 96.93 半水石膏 3.03 3.07 表 3 水-岩-细菌反应系统的物理、化学参数
Table 3. Physical and chemical composition of water measured in the water-rock-bacteria system
反应时间(d) 0.5%菌液(35℃) 5%菌液(35℃) 5%菌液(50℃)
SO4 2-
SO4 2-
SO4 2-
SO4 2-
SO4 2-
SO4 2-
SO4 2-
SO4 2-
SO4 2-4 -288.9 7.81 3.91 2.00 5 -297.4 4.15 6.84 0.61 6 7.33 5.86 1.25 6.04 10.01 0.60 0.95 0.09 10.62 12.48 0.85 5.90 0.47 10 9.76 9.37 1.04 2.41 0.26 12.87 10.16 1.27 6.36 0.63 11 -341.2 9.28 8.06 1.15 13 8.89 9.66 0.92 13.52 11.05 1.22 14 -360.0 10.99 9.52 1.15 0.85 0.09 17 11.88 11.07 1.07 1.84 0.17 14.50 9.67 1.50 8.76 0.91 18 11.72 9.03 1.30 21 11.38 10.24 1.11 14.40 9.12 1.58 21.5 -360.7 7.33 5.47 1.34 0.94 0.17 25 -346.4 11.96 10.35 1.16 0.64 0.06 11.53 13.27 0.87 2.15 0.16 17.13 12.89 1.33 9.06 0.70 29 -396.2 0.70 31 15.28 15.52 0.98 0.71 0.05 25.42 19.89 1.28 7.09 0.36 33 -393.1 14.27 14.49 0.98 0.31 0.02 23.59 18.06 1.31 5.72 0.32 35 13.25 16.01 0.83 0.26 0.02 注:国土资源部水文地质环境地质专业测试中心完成了化学组分的测试. -
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