Heterogeneity and Water Prevention of Karst Water System in Metal Mine Areas in Southern China: A Case Study of Makeng Iron Mine, Fujian Province
摘要: 岩溶水系统非均质性是制约南方岩溶金属矿区防治水工作的关键难题之一.通过充分挖掘勘察及采掘过程中积累的水文地质资料,查明断层、岩溶、火成岩带等地质结构非均质因素的分布特征;通过绘制马坑矿区岩溶水系统7个不同时期的流场图,分析了天然条件及疏干降水条件下矿区岩溶水系统的特点,得出断层及岩溶发育控制着岩溶水的强径流带,可作为超前探水及疏干降水的主要目标;而火成岩局部隔水带的隔水作用使矿区岩溶水表现出强烈的不统一性,利用局部隔水带对矿区岩溶水进行分期防治,可尽快解放该区矿体,增加矿区产量,对马坑矿区长期发展具有重要意义.Abstract: The heterogeneity of karst water system is the key challenge for water prevention and control in metal mineral deposits with karst water in southern China. Taking Makeng iron mine as the subject, the distribution heterogeneity characteristics of hard structural factors including faults, karst, igneous rocks are identified by data mining of all the hydrogeological information available in this paper. In addition, the characteristics of karst water system in natural condition and dewatering conditions are analyzed by drawing the water level contour maps of 7 different periods. It is concluded that the fault and karst, which control the concentrated runoff zone of karst water, can be used as the main target of advanced water detection and dewatering. Karst water system shows strong heterogeneity under the influence of igneous local impermeable belt. The ore body of Makeng Iron Mine can be liberated effectively and its production can be increased rapidly by multi-phase prevention and control of the karst water in the mining area, utilizing the local igneous impermeable belt, which can ensure its sustainable development.
图 1 马坑矿区水文地质平剖图略
Fig. 1. Hydrogeological sketch (a) and cross-section I-I′(b) of Makeng iron mine
表 1 马坑矿区岩溶水水位监测点
Table 1. Karst water level monitoring points in Makeng iron mining area
孔号 观7 观9 ZK62 ZK76 崎濑泉 ZK637 ZK614 ZK557 观5 监测目标 F3外侧岩溶水 F10断层附近岩溶水 F10断层附近岩溶水 F2断层附近岩溶水 北部岩溶泉流量 岩溶水强含水区 F2′断层附近岩溶水 溪马河附近岩溶水 溪马河断层水 表 2 不同时期流场图代表的岩溶水系统状态
Table 2. Water system status indicated by water level contourmaps of different periods
流场图时间 1981-07-18 1982-03-04 2008-08-29 2008-12-02 2009-10-20,2010-10-31,2011-08-31 所代表岩溶水系统状态 天然条件下,未受到干扰 天然条件下利用水5双孔进行放水试验74 d后 开采10 a后,利用水5及井下出水点进行疏干试验前 开采10 a后,利用水5及井下出水点进行疏干试验92 d后 井下出水点疏干过程中的流场变化 -
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