摘要: “油气系统”实际上就是油气成藏动力学系统.这个概念是石油天然气地质学与系统科学相结合的产物, 是石油地质学家从系统科学角度所看到的、研究对象与抽象模型相复合的、具有层次结构的新型地质实体.因此, 它应当适合于整个油气地质单元序列, 而不应当被局限于某一个层次的单元中.“油气系统”的研究方法, 应当是定性与定量相结合的系统方法.考虑到油气成藏过程存在非线性特点, 以及当前盆地模拟和油气成藏模拟普遍存在的缺陷, 尝试引进系统动力学的思路与方法, 提出油气系统动力学的概念, 并阐述了它的基本原理, 初步建立了油气系统动力学的方法体系.系统动力学模拟的结果可提供对盆地和凹陷进行资源预测、评价的依据.Abstract: The petroleum system, actually a petroleum pool forming dynamic system, is a product of the combination of petroleum natural gas geology and system science, and a new type hierarchical geological entity, a composite between the research objective and abstract model, if it is viewed from the system science by the petroleum geologists. Therefore, the petroleum system should be appropriate to the whole petroleum gas geological unit sequence instead of only to a certain unit in a certain structural layer. The research method for the petroleum system is defined to be a systematic method characterized by the qualitative and quantitative processes. In view of the nonlinear feature of the petroleum pool forming process and also of the defects that are present in many current basin simulations and petroleum pool forming simulations, the authors attempt to introduce the logical reasoning and method for the system dynamics, to propose the concept of petroleum system dynamics and to reiterate their basic principle, and to establish a primary methodological system for the petroleum gas system dynamics. The result of the system dynamic simulation can be used to forecast and evaluate the petroleum resources in the basins and depressions.
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