摘要: 苦海—赛什塘一带断续分布着众多镁铁-超镁铁质岩岩块, 各种地质特征显示它们在成因上密切相关, 共同构成了曾经存在过的被肢解破碎的洋壳残迹.岩石地球化学特征反映它们源于类似于OIB或E -MORB的富集型地幔源区, 并可能形成于初始扩张的小洋盆或消减带之上区域, 同位素测年资料显示洋盆初始扩张可能在D3, 俯冲消减时间在P1-P2.Abstract: Mafic ultramafic rock blocks, consecutively distributed in Kuhai Saishitang region, are closely associated with each other in origin, as shown by their different geological features. These rock masses constitute the oceanic crust vestiges that once existed but later were broken. The petro geochemical features show that the rock masses originating from the enrichment mantle source similar to that of OIB or E MORB, may have occurred in the region above the initial spreading small oceanic basin or subduction zone. The isotope dating references show that the initial spreading of the oceanic basin may have occurred in D 3, and the subduction may have occurred in P1-P2.
Key words:
- ophiolite /
- genesis /
- eastern Kunlun
图 2 硅碱图解[2]
○.塞日科龙洼玄武岩; □.雅日玄武岩; △.雪穷玄武岩; ■.雅日辉长岩; ●.苦海辉长岩
Fig. 2. Diagram of w (SiO2) -w (Na2O+K2O)
图 6 w (TiO2) -w (Zr) 图解
VAB.岛弧拉斑玄武岩; WPB.板内玄武岩; MORB.大洋中脊玄武岩; 原图分区据Pearce[4]
Fig. 6. Diagram of w (TiO2) -w (Zr)
图 7 w (Th) -w (Hf/3) -w (Ta) 图解
○.塞日科龙洼玄武岩; ■.雅日玄武岩; △.雪穷玄武岩; ●.苦海辉长岩.A.亏损型(正常) 洋中脊拉斑玄武岩; B.富集型(异常) 洋中脊玄武岩; C.板内碱性玄武岩及分异产物; D.岛弧玄武岩及其分异产物, 原图分区据Wood[9]
Fig. 7. Diagram of w (Th) -w (Hf/3) -w (Ta)
图 8 w (Zr) /w (Y) -w (Zr) 图解[6]
Fig. 8. Diagram of w (Zr) /w (Y) -w (Zr)
表 1 蛇绿岩岩石化学成分
Table 1. Chemical compositions of ophiolite
表 2 蛇绿岩稀土元素丰度
Table 2. REE abundance of ophiolite
表 3 蛇绿岩痕量元素丰度
Table 3. Trace element abundance of ophiolite
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